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Comment Re:This is anything but profitable (Score 1) 148

It's an authoritarian regime. All that's going to happen is that investors take a massive haircut. Chinese people will realize that they have to work into their 80s just to put food on the table. The boondoggles have already been built. What doesn't exist if future economic growth and productivity improvements. The regime will not collapse. It will eventually have to acknowledge that they never closed the middle-income trap. Poor chinese will be worked to the bone to prop up the geopolitical aspirations of the CCP. There will be social unrest. Maybe some -- or a lot -- if sabre rattling to keep the regime popular.

Comment Re:Geez (Score 1) 148

The fact that Huawei increased its profits should be pretty much indicative.

The amount of profit is arbitrary, and relates to how much money the CCP moves from one industry to another in the form of subsidies. If the chinese system were more open, we could run some numbers and actually figure this out.

Do they think the factory is losing money on each order? The factory is a private company as well.

There's no such thing as a profitable private company in an authoritarian state.

Comment Re:Restricting China's access to tech... (Score 1) 148

The Chinese economy produces about 5x as much CO2 per unit of GDP as the US does. It's been over a decade since the US built a coal plant. They'd do themselves a favour by replacing some super old polluting plants. China is far too corrupt to do anything substantive about pollution. Authoritarian governments always are. You end up with "Potemkin village" efforts. No substance.

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