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Comment Re:Don't you know... (Score 4, Interesting) 287

TFA has just been updated saying it's MotoBlur with an automatically created Blur ID - it doesn't even ask you to create an account any more

I guess that was Motorola's way of "removing" MotoBlur from phones - remove the account creation UI, generate the account secretly without any prompting.

Whatever, Motorola deserves to be bankrupted over this. If I was a class-action lawyer I'd be getting in touch with this guy right now.

Comment Re:Geometric mean? (Score 1) 326

Don't know about deceit, but I do know that my Firefox's noscript blocked no less than sixteen (16) separate sites running scripts on TFA.

So if anyone has an interest in fast browsers, they have.

I mean, 16, what possible excuse is there for that on what is effectively just a news article?

News sites are by far the worst for that. The number of sites some of them them pull Javascript from is staggering.

Comment Re:Yep (Score 3, Funny) 407

AES ... is the sole most attacked cypher in history, and remains secure.

The 128-bit version remains secure. The 256 and 192-bit versions are believed secure but have shown cracks (they should really have had a couple more encryption rounds).

The 256/192-bit versions are just re-fiddlings of the 128-bit version, made to fulfill the NIST requirements for key sizes. This was largely a waste of time since 128-bits can't be brute-forced with any imaginable technology.

(My advice to any potential cryptograpy coders out there is to stick with the 128 bit version).

Comment Re:This is stupid (Score 3, Interesting) 407

It's not so easy to make sure that a program is a correct implementation of a mathematical algorithm or of an open standard.

There's a huge list of test vectors for AES published by NIST (among others):

The chances of being able to write some code which reproduces those values but ISN'T AES are less than the reciprocal of the number of atoms in the universe.

Comment Re:Too Bright (Score 1) 924

I'm guessing the management doesn't really want the bad press

Who says it would be bad press? I'd be much more likely to choose theaters with zero tolerance polices. I think most people would actually switch off their phones if there was a big on-screen announcement that they absolutely WILL be booted out if it rings or they try to use it in any way during the movie.

If not ... watching somebody who's that self-entitled being told where to get off is probably better entertainment than what's on the screen. They can always pause the movie while they do it.

Another idea is for each seat to have a row of red LEDs in front of it which gradually light up when people talk. If it reaches LED number three, out with them.

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