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Comment Re:Shame (Score 1) 48

NO THEY DID NOT. 2 referendums were very close, 53 and 57%, the latest was a landslide victory to no as it was boycotted. You seem to have some blinkered Agenda, at least learn the facts about a region you obviously know very little about before commenting.

Comment Re:Shame (Score 2) 48

The referendum was really only lost by a small minority, so the population is quite evenly split. The last referendum had meaningless results as the pro independence side boycotted it due to it occuring amid Covid with deaths and sickness quite high for the population.

Comment Re:Australia wil not go the way of Germany (Score 1) 132

except Australia isn't spewing out ever increasing amounts, it has one of the highest adoption rates of solar in the world as well as Hydro. However the reality is you still need something for the baseload as renewables can't currently cope on their own. Australia IS however phasing out coal generation.

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