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Comment Re:Imagine the day you're booted off Google (Score 2) 250

FUD? I don't work for the competition. In fact I am pretty dependent on Google services, and this is a source of anxiety for me. This is real concern for me. You, on the other hand, sound real defensive and like you kinda might work for Google or someone making Chromebooks.

I posted the two links I posted because I couldn't find the really dramatic ones I had seen before, and didn't feel like spending time searching for them. They're out there. But my point stands. If your Google account is blocked, it's YOUR problem. There is nobody to phone, and nobody who cares. You're not a Google customer, just an eyeball. There are account recovery options, which may or may not work. Nobody cares.

You could still use your Chromebook as a web browser, but all the nicely integrated Google services you depend on won't work, or if you use a new account, won't have your data. Your data's missing. Again, nobody is responsible.

And the Chromebook customer support centre will tell you that your Chromebook works fine, and you're welcome to open a new account. Google takes no responsibility for your missing data. Check your TOS.

And you sound like someone who's never had an accidental TOS violation or a false-positive security lockout. I have. It's mildly annoying if it happens with your bank or with Facebook. With Google if you 'live in the cloud', it could be devastating. As that first link shows. Your faith in Google only blocking your account if someone's hacked it is charming but seems overly trusting to me. What if they're wrong? What if they're right but you still need that data?

Comment Imagine the day you're booted off Google (Score 5, Interesting) 250

Google is a wonderful company, and their products are useful and seductive and beautifully interlinked. But they're free to use and you're not the customer. And every day a certain number of people have their Google account blocked, for one reason or another, and find that there's no recourse to Google to fix that. In fact, there's no customer service department at all.

Examples on the internet of this are easy to find:

Now imagine that this happens to you, and your laptop has just become a paperweight. And this time, you've paid for it. Hmmm.

Comment Response confirms the author's paranoia. (Score 1) 197

Author of anonymous letter:
"You have many smart employees, many that have great ideas for the future, but unfortunately the culture at RIM does not allow us to speak openly without having to worry about the career-limiting effects."

Anonymous RIM corporate-speak response:
"It is obviously difficult to address anonymous commentary and it is particularly difficult to believe that a “high level employee” in good standing with the company would choose to anonymously publish a letter on the web rather than engage their fellow executives in a constructive manner"

I'd hate to be a smart productive person at RIM right now with this kind of bullshit attitude going on. Obviously the points the employee makes are dead-on. There's too much deadwood, not enough vision, and a misplaced loyalty culture: people who speak up are in danger of losing their jobs, whereas high-level managers who make crap software just keep on making more of it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tethering my iPad Wifi to an Android HTC G1 was much easier than I'd expected! 1

I thought this was gonna be one of those long scary hacks where I bricked the phone eventually. Not at all so. After reading through plenty of different methods and looking up a few apps, here's what happened. Note that I'm in the UK and using a T-mobile G1 with a free data plan good for 1GB a month. Pretty good really. It's so rare that stuff just works the first time, so I thought I'd post and let the world know.

Technology (Apple)

Submission + - Verizon Rejected iPhone Deal

SnowDog74 writes: "According to an article in USA Today, Verizon Wireless apparently rejected an Apple deal. The article suggests that Verizon wasn't particularly happy with the strict terms Apple wanted. What's perhaps most interesting, however, about this story is the implication from sources that say Cingular's exclusive deal is within the United States only. If this is true, it undermines some of the criticism Apple's been receiving for their business strategy surrounding the iPhone, given the size of the cell phone market outside the United States."
The Internet

Submission + - Convincing Internet Prank Hits YouTube

RulerOf writes: Three days ago a video was posted on YouTube called "How to Sign Up for GoogleTV Beta" along with four others as part of a series called "Infinite Solutions with Mark Erickson." The video was covered over at Gizmodo and after reading the article's comments, the joke becomes much more obvious. Follow the links for some very well done pranks from How to Unlock a Hidden Minesweeper Mode to Boosting your WiFi signal with a salad bowl.

It's all wonderfully wrapped up with a reassuring video that, among highlighting the jokes, gives a much better shot of the GoogleTV beta.

Submission + - Cheney Sidesteps Travel Disclosure Rules

JayTheHun writes: "Unlike the rest of the White House, Cheney doesn't make his outside travel public By Kate Sheppard and Bob Williams WASHINGTON, November 16, 2005 — Vice President Dick Cheney and his staff have been unilaterally exempting themselves from long-standing travel disclosure rules followed by the rest of the executive branch, including the Office of the President, the Center for Public Integrity has discovered. Cheney's office also appears to have stuck taxpayers with untold millions in travel costs rather than accepting trip sponsors' funds that the rules would require to be disclosed. It's not as if those in Cheney's office don't indulge in the type of junkets that are routinely funded by private sources. Instead of accepting reimbursement for such trips like other government travelers, it appears that his office labels them "official travel." As a result, however, the public is kept largely unaware of where he and his staff are traveling, with whom they are meeting with and how much it costs, even though tax dollars are covering the bill. http://www.publicintegrity.org/lobby/report.aspx?a id=760"

The Privacy Candidate 593

Alsee writes "Wired News reports 'electronic civil libertarians' hearts are a-twitter' over US Presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton's bold stance on the right to privacy. Wired quotes Clinton: 'At all levels, the privacy protections for ordinary citizens are broken, inadequate and out of date.' Clinton gave a speech last June to the American Constitution Society (text, WMF) in which she addressed electronic surveillance, consumer opt-in vs. opt-out, cyber-security, commercial and government handling of personal data, data offshoring, data leaks, and even genetic discrimination." Would you consider a candidate's stand on privacy important enough to sway your vote?
The Internet

Submission + - Meganova shut down?

B00yah writes: "It appears Meganova, one of the nova clones that appeared a while back after the closing of Suprnova, has disappeared off the web. This is th second major Torrent site in a short period of time. Are we going to see more in the coming weeks?"
The Internet

Submission + - Finding a Job through eBay?

AikonMGB writes: "A young computer science student from Pittsburgh (PA) has come up with an ingenious way to look for a summer job: auctioning himself off on eBay. Andrew Warshaver is appealing to the internet community to bid for his skills as a computer programmer for a 12-week summer job in any major U.S. metropolitan area. The current bid is listed at US $6,100.00, with the auction winner paying Warshaver the total bid amount prorated on a bi-weekly basis as pay. Warshaver posted a copy of his resume along with his ad, and is offering potential bidders a chance to interview him before placing their bid."

Journal Journal: Scientists Map Human Metabolome Chemicals

Alberta scientists have successfully mapped the chemical equivalent of the human genome. The chemicals, known as metabolites, are the ingredients of life that is laid out by the human genome, the blueprint of life.

From the article:

"The results of the $7.5-million project, which began in 2004 and involved 53 scientists, is expected to give doctors and researchers a new way to identify and diagnose diseases: by examining the chemical composition of the human body."

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