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Comment Because They Do (Score 1) 143

Anyone who thinks employees who "work from home" don't goof off is delusional. That said, any manager who can't monitor the employees work with goals/milestones shouldn't be in management. Give your employees a task, and deadline, if they're on or ahead of target, who gives a shit if they're goofing off. If not, then you can bitch about it, and hold them accountable.

FWIW, before retiring several years ago, I'd been on both sides of that equation since the early 90s.

Comment Multiple Choice (Score 1) 523

The first computer I used was in HS around '73. We had three teletypes with acoustic modems to allow us to connect to the local community college...did a year of BASIC on those.

In our electronics club (I was the club VP for a couple yrs), we built a Altair 8800 kit.

When I graduated HS, my parents got me a TI-SR56, 99 step programmable calculator. I still have it.

I worked on many computers for the next several years as a USAF technician, but didn't get my own until buying on e of the first 128k Macs. Had that for a while and upgraded to a 512ke, which I still have.

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