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Comment hmmm...could be useful (Score 1) 116

"I like to scroll back and see clusters of tabs from months ago -- it's like a trip down memory lane on whatever I was doing/learning about/thinking about,"

If only there was some built in tool, some kind of, say, 'things you've looked at' function...a journal or diary type thing.... to keep track of what web pages you visited.

Comment Re:Wasn't Kildall the guy who blew off IBM? (Score 1) 80

As I heard it, The IBM people stopped by the Kidall's house to make an offer, but Gary wasn't home and his wife wouldn't sign without him. In the interim, Gates got IBM to sign with him despite CP/M being the more mature product. It was pretty greasy stuff and a warning of Microsoft's predatory behavior in the 90's.

Comment Lots of comments about AI here.... (Score 1) 48

that dismiss AI as a fad or not really anything "real" people care about. I disagree. I don't have grand predictions, but I have experienced first hand how AI can help data workers and its a big deal. I also can't help but remember an elevator conversation I had at a CMS conference around 2000. There was an adjoining conference about Publishing (traditional) and I was in the elevator with several publishing executives, who on noticing my credentials, remarked to one another dismissively "ooh, open source, not secure...", which was lazy thinking helped along by FUD from Microsoft. They were so invested in their way of business that it didn't occur to them that it would change regardless of their belief. So I'm just watching.

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