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Comment No (Score 2) 118

What I find interesting is that most people who earn certificates and then place all those acronyms after their name are the ones that have difficulty adjusting to the real world. Critical thinking is more important than certificates. Most certifications teach you a specific way to do things and not to go off the rails.

Comment Test Cases == Waste (Score 1) 70

Test cases have little to no place in Agile development. They are the finest example of waste. I know that a lot of places still feel that more test cases equals better quality, that is clearly not the case. Quality is derived from process, which can involve test cases, but again test cases are very inefficient at catching and preventing bugs. I have evaluated multiple solutions and they are all lacking.

While I do advocate some Scenario based testing, which usually are a single line like "Can you place an order", traditional test cases are convoluted and difficult to maintain. Google advocated test tours and ACC (Attribute - Component - Capability) testing that is very efficient, but still can be difficult to maintain. I believe the product owners should maintain the ACC Matrix, but they are too busy dreaming up new ideas. My teams have been using Google Docs for 3-4 years to track scenario based testing, while not perfect it gets the job down, is lightweight, multiple people can be in there, and just gets the job done.

The time would be better spent creating repeatable automation, through unit tests or functional testing solutions like Selenium. I am hoping in the next year or so to move all testing away from manual and just use automation. Get automation plugged into a Continuous Integrated system, so it runs all the time.

Source: Quality Engineering Manager -- Test Early, Test Often and Test What Matters

Comment Re:Erm, the 3DS (Score -1) 559

Nintendo games are too much of a chore to play these days. I just don't have the time to put up with slow dialog scrolls that can't be skipped or hours of tutorializing on systems and controls that have been standard for decades. Even if they put their games on other hardware I'd probably avoid their games, and I'm definitely not going to buy their hardware to put up with that crap on maybe three or four games I'd have any interest in for the lifetime of the device.

Nintendo may not need to change to survive, but they definitely need to change to win back customers like me.

Comment Re:42.8GB ZIP (Score -1) 193

At the current download speeds it's going to take 2+ years to finish. Pretty inconvenient when you have to download everything to get at even one of the contained files.

Of course I don't actually give a fuck, since I don't have anywhere near enough time to waste on 20 year old arcade games. But if I were the sort to want any of this, it'd be a rather long wait to get anything.

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