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Comment Re:Obligatory 5 dollar wrench. (Score 1) 292

So lets see... They thing you're a bad guy with something nefarious in encrypted cloud storage..

They ask for the password, you give the duress password.
They ask again for the password, since that one didn't return valid data..
They beat you for the password until you either give the real password, which you can't any more, or you're dead.

Official cause of death? You tripped.

In the end, the data is wiped, and you're a bloody pulp on the interrogation room floor. Regardless, the problem has been mitigated, and you saved them the trouble of destroying your nefarious something.

Was whatever you had worth hiding? Probably not. Not that I want agencies going through my personal stuff, but when the choice is being beaten down, and possibly killed, that duress password was the worst one to give up first.

Comment Re:Sounds good to me (Score 4, Insightful) 555

... stop selling a product because it was dangerous

You say that as if he were selling fireworks, caustic cleaning supplies, or surplus hand grenades.

He complied, labeling the product as not for children, and not for ingestion. The same kind of warnings that show up on fireworks *and* caustic cleaning supplies. I don't believe hand grenades have the same warning on them.

Well it seems that there is a warning on smoke greandes"DANGER-DO NOT USE HC IN CONFINED OR ENCLOSED AREAS- PERSONNEL MUST WEAR THE PROTECTIVE MASK IN ANY CONCENTRATION OF HC SMOKE" It doesn't say you can't feed it to children though.

Next time you hear about a child getting hurt with a firework, household cleaning supplies, or falling off a bicycle, be sure to remind them to sue the CEO for selling dangerous items. Don't forget to sue the CEO of every company along the entire distribution chain too.

Comment Re:Dear NSA (Score 1) 743

You know its a management problem, until said manager decides to be a whistleblower. Then who watches the managers?

The systems I run have ABL (activity based logging) but you'd have to have a team of people on staff to parse those logs in real time at it always seems like there's never money for extra security staff in IT right?. No of course not - we have like one IT security guy in charge of securing a thousand servers.

Typically what happens (and this is RARE) but someone accesses or modifies a record that they shouldn't have - months later someone discovers this so they pour through the change log and find out who did this. But by then the person could have copied the record to a usb key, to their phone, printed it out - or even memorized the content in their brain.

Sure you can fire them, but by then whoever wanted that content has it and is halfway around the internet.

Really what it comes down to is you need to not being doing illegal things. Somewhere along the chain of command someone is going to have enough access.

Comment Re:Idiocracy (Score 3, Interesting) 628

    I happen to be allergic to something that someone wears or uses at work. Last week, I had to spend some time outside, because they walked by my office, and I started sneezing constantly.

    I have no idea who it is, or what it is. Since it doesn't last all day, I assume it's someone reapplying their stink.

    I mentioned it in conversation with one of the executive's assistants. Well, because I was sitting outside sounding like I had a nasty cold that cleared up in about 15 minutes. They told me all I had to do was complain and they'd reinforce the policy against perfumes. I told them I won't complain, and would address it with the person directly if I ever find who it is.

    I was already able to definitely track one stink. It was room air freshener that someone used. I had suspicions. It was confirmed when I walked back into my office and started sneezing just a couple minutes after they had sprayed it. They still use it, but sparingly, and that doesn't make me sneeze. Problem solved. No official paperwork, and no hard feelings. :)

Comment Re:Idiocracy (Score 1) 628

I've stopped listening to radio stations specifically for that reason. One had an ad that they played about every 15 minutes, with an ambulance siren. So during the evening commute, I could hear it about 8 times.

I don't know if they still play that ad. It's better that I listen to something else (or nothing at all), than rescan the environment for an emergency vehicle that isn't there.

Comment THERE GOES THE SCORE (Score 2) 362




    Damn. The all caps are hurting my brain.

    And it tripped the filters.
  Lameness filter encountered. Post aborted!
Filter error: Don't use so many caps. It's like YELLING.

Comment Re:The dilema ... (Score 1) 427

    That would be an act of war. At least it could be perceived as such by the US.

    The UN already has four major offices. Geneva, Nairobi, New York, and Vienna. I believe all have facilities sufficient to hold the general assemblies. If not, I'm sure there are a whole bunch of nations willing to hand over complexes of sufficient size to do it.

    The hardest part would be telling all those ambassadors and support staff that they no longer live and work at the UN in New York. It's not impossible, just difficult logistically. It could take weeks if they set a *very* ambitious schedule.

  One of the questions is, what would the US response be? They could detain, or at least delay, the departure of the ambassadors and staff. Sure it'd be totally illegal and against the spirit of International cooperation. That doesn't mean it wouldn't happen.

Comment Re:Basis for discrimination (Score 1) 684

There are limits to it... Say American applicants were only willing to do the job for $1M/yr, but they can farm it out to a foreign worker for $10K/yr, and the company budget is up to $50K/yr.

I know it's the argument that they claim, yet screw American employees. Hi, I am one.

I worked for 8 years at job where I was making about $125K/yr (including benefits). The job given to a foreign company for $50K/yr. I wasn't offered to take a pay cut, or any other type of negotiation. I just found myself locked out of the servers, and it took them a full day to let me know I wasn't employed any more.

My ex-employer suffered because of it. The outsourced company convinced them that they should be paranoid of me. Every bit of running code, from crons, to public facing interfaces, was rewritten at a cost of over $250K in 6 months. They spent a lot of time hunting for back doors that I simply had never left. I consider back doors a security risk. It's better to focus on keeping the front door secure.

The servers were systematically wiped and replaced (swapping Linux for *BSD). The outsourced company didn't understand the kind of loads my servers were tuned for. On commodity hardware, we could saturate several GigE circuits on any day of the week, and it was redundant enough to take multiple servers or even an entire site outage.

Over the next year, I was told by employees and others associated with the company, about constant failures. The primary revenue sites would go down on a regular basis, because they couldn't tune them properly. When they did operate, they were slow. They did purchase networking hardware I had been fighting for, but they failed to configure them properly either. I suspect the redundancy I had outlined wasn't done, but I don't have any further information on that. They didn't want to reference anything I had done, including 8 years of tuning and analysis of technical requirements.

All in all, from what I've been told by those who are still privileged to information, is that their revenue dropped by millions of dollars.

I don't know if they're still using the other company. I know there was a big fight between the owners, and they parted ways. I'd suspect it wasn't over creative control. Most likely they were seriously impacted by the loss of revenue, and anything could have instigated the split.

They saved about $75K/yr. They lost so much more. There were implications that I might do something to hurt them. I didn't have to, they screwed it up all on their own.

All of my work was well documented. Since the beginning, a copy of the passwords were kept with the owners. In my opinion, it's their company, and they can screw it up any way they want. It just sucks I lost a good job, so a foreign based company could make a little bit more. It sucks for my old company too, as they lost their asses because of it.

Comment Re: They didn't know he also... (Score 5, Insightful) 403

From what I read of it, he was talking about his personal feelings and opinions.

I could see if it were a site that he put video of his own suicide on, or other graphic depictions, there would be a reason to remove it. In this case, there was none. It was left as his legacy, or at least for the 5 years he paid for.

There was no good justification in taking it down, except possibly that it took too much traffic. If it were a small hosting company, and had a negative impact on services to other customers, I could see it. Yahoo has enough resources to continue supporting that site for the full term as paid for.

Comment Re:Fine with me (Score 1) 274

There is that problem though - that I've seen in my organization (and others I've worked for) is that you get a Linux admin in and they prefer distribution X for whatever reason, and then they move on and the new admin likes distribution Y and slowly but surely proceeded to migrate everything to distribution Y. Management has dictated that everything will be on Suse, but sure enough plenty of projects for customers who didn't want to pay the license fees went with CentOS or something else (I work for a University) - so now management has a standard that everything will be on CentOS or Suse. Even that has been hard because our ERP (Oracle Middleware based) demands it all be run on Solaris.

Yes there are a lot of variants for Windows, but it is nice to know you can buy a premier contract from Microsoft - and even if your admin is an idiot - you can hire an engineer to be onsite to help you with your server apps. Its not cheap, but they know what they are doing.

Most enterprises have a license agreement with MS anyhow that allows them to install as many Windows servers as they need/like (you just pay a per year maintenance fee - which can include support). And most managers (for good reason I'm sure) don't like putting anything in place that doesn't have a support contract in place.

What I've found that works - and probably what you need to do in your shop is separate the Unix and Windows admins - and assign projects based on work-load or what works best as a platform.

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