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Comment Re:That makes me take him MORE seriously (Score 5, Interesting) 573

Perpetuating famine in Zambia by spreading rumors about the dangers of GMOs was a pretty big strike. I'd like to believe that Greenpeace's role in it was exaggerated, that their position isn't really so offensive to famine-stricken countries planting corn that's modified to grow quicker and more dense, so I searched their website for "Zambia." This came up:

Some gems from the article:

Disgracefully, hunger and desperation have become the Genetic Engineering industry's best tools to penetrate the developing world's food supply.

Starving people still deserve the dignity of choice.

Comment Re:In that case (Score 1) 337

Forgive my ignorance but... To what extend do (or could, with modification?) non-TCP protocols like UDP already address these differences? Also, I wouldn't really have a problem with privileging streaming services; but I have a big problem with privileging certain services of the same type over others. The law would have to be crafted very carefully.

Comment Re:Comma, Comma, Comma (Score 1) 274

The first is a comma separating cumulative modifiers. E.g. a big, strong, intelligent mammal Five is not a modifier but a determiner, so I would not use a comma there myself. This author just seems to have extended the rule.

The second is just setting off a non-restrictive clause. E.g. the baker, whose cakes I've always enjoyed, came to see me

Comment Oh thank goodness... (Score 1) 1633

Because if there's one right that needs to be guaranteed and protected from tyranny... it's the "right" of the armed forces to be armed.

Honestly, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I thought it was a bit sketchy before what exactly the 2nd amendment meant, but specifying it with this addition really underscores the absurdity of the position.

Comment Augustus would be proud (Score 2) 383

It seems to me that Congress needs to act on this if our children are to have a republic. We've already heard that the Supreme Court, the highest institution of an entire branch of government, "lacks jurisdiction" to review the NSA's secret court decisions, which technically makes their secret court the highest in the land. If the NSA cannot be held accountable to Congress, there goes another branch. This looks like a coup.

Comment Just theft? (Score 1) 894

I think it's more likely that a bag handler or TSA agent flat out stole the flutes, and the "agricultural product" excuse is just some run-around style bureaucratic ass-covering. One of our agents stole your things? Oh actually it's because of [MADE-UP REASON], and you need to contact [RANDOM OTHER AGENCY] to deal with it.

Gov't Puts Witness On No Fly List, Then Denies Having Done So 462

cathyreisenwitz sends word of a San Francisco trial in which the U.S. government appears to be manipulating the no-fly list to its advantage. The court case involves a Stanford Ph.D. student who was barred from returning to the U.S. after visiting her native Malaysia. She's one of roughly 700,000 people on the no-fly list. Here's the sketchy part: the woman's eldest daughter, who was born in the U.S. and is a U.S. citizen, was called as a witness for the trial. Unfortunately, she mysteriously found herself on the no-fly list as well, and wasn't able to board a plane to come to the trial. Lawyers for the Department of Justice told the court that she simply missed her plane, but she was able to provide documents from the airline explaining that the Department of Homeland Security was not allowing her to fly.

Comment Re:Fixed (Score 1) 1106

Hey, AC. I think you are right that nobody has really answered your question as you posed it, but they do THINK that they have. So let me try to couch one of their answers in your question... The fundamental difference between buying labor and buying cigarettes is that the money for the cigarettes just goes into the coffers of the company (and that of the sin tax goes to the government), but the money for the LABOR goes to a living person, who in turn PUTS THAT MONEY BACK INTO THE ECONOMY by spending it. So when minimum wage goes up, spending among consumers goes up, so demand for goods and services rises, and businesses can prosper thus hiring more people at higher wages. And just because we don't know exactly where the cutoff is between a GOOD rise in minimum wage versus a BAD one, that doesn't mean that a cutoff doesn't exist; our economic models are just too rudimentary to map it out exactly.

That's what they are arguing against you, but I say to them that this assumes too much. For instance, if you are making minimum wage--whatever it is--and you find yourself with some money to spare, if you have any sense at all you will SAVE it, so that you have a rainy day fund or use it as capital toward getting/finding a better job!!! The arguments also ignore the fact that not everybody who WANTS a job NEEDS one that pays a living wage, like high school students in the summer. Instead of learning how to participate in the economy, young, unskilled, casual workers like these are generally priced out of the market. But the dark side to the issue is that some will enter the marker NONETHELESS, thus competing with those who ACTUALLY need to make enough money to live on. Then there is black market labor. I had a friend in high school who worked construction, hauling bricks, among illegal immigrants and people on welfare. Illegal labor has no minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage increases the black market for labor, thus giving companies with high demands for unskilled labor further incentive either to hire people illegally, move to a country where it costs less to hire people, or go out of business.

tl;dr: having a minimum wage means having a black labor market, and raising the minimum wage hurts those it is meant to help.

Comment Who likes Gnome3 as-is? (Score 0) 197

I've been using Linux since I was in 6th grade: Mandrake 6.something, Suse 7.something, Slackware 10, Redhat 9, a bunch of smaller live-cd and media-centric distros, Ubuntu, and now Fedora 16. I've used KDE, Gnome 2, Blackbox, Fluxbox, Windowmaker, and flirted with FVWM and a couple others. I appreciate minimal aesthetic and functionality as much as any Linux nut, but this is why I like Gnome3.

No, it's not very customizable. But I find its setup intuitive and functional. No, it's not graphically minimal, but computers are far more powerful now than they were even five minutes ago... Graphic simplicity used to be very important, then it was preferable, but now--I feel--it's okay to have a little eye candy. (Take my words with a grain of salt, though. I have become a casual user over the years.)

Still, they should have kept up Gnome2 the way people knew and loved it.

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