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Comment But... (Score 2) 85

why would you let somebody else peek at your email? It's not strange they found relationships if they examined *all* the email data of some firm. I hope they had permission to do so... Okay, the email you send as an employee is property of the employer, but still...

Comment Re:VS (Score 1) 433

I pay over 100 euros per month for medical insurance in the Netherlands. Yes, that covers 1000's of euros of possible prescription drugs or other medical treatment. But still, I'm paying. Oh, and the first 170 euros I have to pay myself.

Comment Hit song? (Score 1) 243

All music currently in the hit parades are (at least partially) copied from songs popular years ago. So the fact that they have commonalities isn't that strange. You don't need to do a study to reach that conclusion.

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