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Comment Re:wow, really? (Score 2) 53

It's entropy, plain and simple. Sooner or later, no matter how secure an organization may be at any given point, skip ahead a few cycles, and attention to detail wanes. Managers stop asking questions, project leaders reprioritize thinking the problem is solved, staff do a "monkey see, monkey do", and then new gaps open up, get taken advantage of, management go into a state of denial, project leaders can't get their teams to give a damn, and then the inevitable breach or audit reveals the extent of the vulnerabilities, and management sends out the big press release that's always "We're reprioritizing security because we take security SERIOUSLY!"

Rinse, repeat, endlessly until the heat death of the universe shows entropy is always king.

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score -1) 237

BS, bull shit, there is no such thing as a 'human right' to any good, service, attention of any kind, including education, medical care, housing, food.

A human right is a protection against government (people in power) destroying you, taking your property away, taking your freedom and life away from you, that's what rights are.

As to privileges, such as health care, old age insurance, education, whatever, all of those things have to be provided and you are the one responsible for it.

Comment Re:requirement (Score -1) 93

The word corruption, the only thing it means is - tax payers money is stolen by people with access to it. In the private sector this is known as theft. Corruption exists because governments exist and governments take our money and then it is used for personal gain of people with access to it.

All the things FTC gets its hands into are not corruption (they often become corruption once FTC gets involved).

Comment Re:First time? (Score 5, Informative) 75

Well, we all have retroviral genes in our genomes; so in one way there certainly has been "mergings", at least at the genetic level. But the nature of the two organelles being referred to; mitochondria and chloroplasts, in indeed different. Mitochondria originated as free-living Alphaproteobacteria that could, apparently, produce ATP through oxidization. Chloroplasts are the descendants of cyanobacteria, who could produce ATP from photosynthesis.

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts weren't merely enveloped by more primitive eukaryotic cells, they're division and reproduction is timed to that of the host cell, so that when the host cell divides, so do to these organelles. Additionally, both mitochondria and chloroplasts have lost a lot of genes over the 1.5 to 2 billion years that they have been incorporated into eukaryotic cell lines. Another critical aspect of both these types of organelles is that their genomes are not merely honed down to what look like the essentials for producing energy, but that those genomes are very conserved even as compared to the host cells.

If this is the case, even it's early in the evolution of this endosymbiotic relationship, it is a significant discovery.

Comment Re:Just bought... (Score 1) 165

I've never had a problem reading Chinese or Japanese books or watching movies. Yes, translation of idioms is always problematic, particularly from languages that are not related to our own, but a good translator can usually deal with that. For me, the problem with The Three Body Problem was the loopy plot, shallow characters and the author's abrupt genre jumping. I'm reasonably familiar with the Cultural Revolution and its profound effect on Chinese society, so ironically, reading the first chapter was the best part of the book. There was an interesting story there that wasn't a science fiction story.

Comment Re:Lack of options (Score 1) 165

I agree. Some of it, I suspect, is that I've just read so many books now that I'm in 50s that when I read a trope-driven genre novel (SF, Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller, whatever), I rapidly feel like I've read this story before. I've gotten to the same place with TV and movies. Both mediums really suffer from a lack of any kind of originality, or even attempts at quirkiness. It all just feels like Thomas Kinked-esque cookie cutter.

I've started reading a lot more non-fiction, mainly history. Ironically, there's a lot more originality there than in most of the modern fiction I read.

Comment Re:Just bought... (Score 2, Insightful) 165

I read the first Three Body Problem novel, and I thought it was crap. Some of that might have been the translation, although I've read other translations from Chinese without that much of an issue. The plotting was terrible, the characters flat. I finished it more because I kept expecting it to eventually turn around, breaking my rule that if I don't like a book in the first three chapters, I won't finish it. In the end, I couldn't imagine why I would want to read any more of it.

Comment Re: Just bought... (Score 2, Insightful) 165

Does it have the intro "Imagine Bash, but object oriented and with function call names so long they would drive a Java developer to madness. Brought to you by the author of Microsoft Bob and Clippy, psychopaths that infect your computer with their dead-eyed smiles comes Powershell."

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