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Comment Re:shocker! (Score 1) 54

the corporations are full of shitbags, news at 11

FTFY. Oh, and an offtopic educational link for you grocers and foreigners and others who don't understand English:
I see enough of that shit on Farcebook. Note, I've been staying away from /. for the same reason, the normals have taken over the site.

Comment Re:Make that PUBMTATMTBAOITS (Score 1) 53

That's why they changed it from "Unidentified Flying Object" to "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". The one I saw a half century ago was certainly not a space ship, unless Douglas Adams was right about scale, because it was smaller than a basketball. It was bright and fuzzy, rode next to my car for a couple of miles until I crossed a stream, when it zigged at 45 MPH at a right angle and followed the stream.

I wondered what it was for years before I learned about ball lightning, which is what it had to have been. My guess is ball lightning is a lot more common up there where the fighter jets play.

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