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Comment Re:It's the global warming (Score 1) 506

Sun makes me depressed, hard contrast light gives me a headache, and bleached out colors are ugly.

Drizzle and soft light are delightful. And when the sun does slip some light sideways under thick cloud cover, the air turns golden, and all the greens of the trees and reds of the flowers become supersaturated. Love it.

I also like mold, moss, and mushrooms.

Comment Re:It's the global warming (Score 5, Funny) 506

That's how I like it. The sun just causes cancer and makes you wrinkle. That said,

Three guys are camping, one from Washington, one from Kentucky, and one from California. They're sitting around chatting when the guy from Kentucky pulls out a bottle of whiskey, takes a big swig, corks it, throws it in the air, whips out a pistol, and shoots the bottle before it hits the ground.

He then turns to his slightly shocked companions and says "no worries -- we got lots of good whiskey where I'm from."

The Californian then does the same thing with a bottle of wine -- takes a swig of wine, corks the bottle, tosses it, and shoots it before it hits the ground, remarking "no worries -- where I'm from, we've got lots of good wine."

The guy from Washington pulls out a bottle of Hales, pops the top, drinks it all, carefully sets the bottle down so it doesn't break, and shoots the Californian dead. The guy from Kentucky is shocked, but the Washingtonian says "no worries, where I'm from we have lots of Californians, but I really do need to recycle this bottle."

Comment Re:Importance (Score 4, Interesting) 562

A salient example of s/sheep/lamb/ is the drug war which has become ever more violent over time as penalties for getting caught become ever more draconian. If you're going to do a life (or close to it) sentence for getting caught, might as well just kill the person trying to catch you or witnessing what you are doing, and improve your chance of remaining free.

Comment Re:And they wonder why... (Score 5, Informative) 562

  • First of all, the settlement, as the folks at Better Markets have pointed out, may wipe out between $100 billion and $200 billion in potential liability -- meaning that the bank might just have settled "for ten cents or so on the dollar." ...
  • Moreover, the settlement is only $9 billion in cash, with $4 billion earmarked for "mortgage relief." Again, as Better Markets noted, we've seen settlements with orders of mortgage relief before, and banks seem to have many canny ways of getting out of the spirit of these requirements. ...
  • There's also the matter of the remaining $9 billion in fines being tax deductible (meaning we're subsidizing the settlement), and the fact that Chase is reportedly trying to get the FDIC to assume some of Washington Mutual's liability.
  • But overall, the key to this whole thing is that the punishment is just money, and not a crippling amount, and not from any individual's pocket, either. In fact, the deal that has just been completed between Chase and the state represents the end, or near the end, of a long process by which people who committed essentially the same crimes as Bernie Madoff will walk away without paying any individual penalty. ...
  • A few more notes on the deal. This latest settlement reportedly came about when CEO Jamie Dimon picked up the phone and called a high-ranking lieutenant of Attorney General Holder, who was about to hold a press conference announcing civil charges against the bank. The Justice Department meekly took the call, canceled the presser, and worked out this hideous deal, instead of doing the right thing and blowing off the self-important Wall Street hotshot long used to resolving meddlesome issues with the gift of his personal attention.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 562

Censoring someone else is never valid. (which is what a DDoS is trying to do)

A DDoS is a virtual sit in.

I suppose you would have been in favor of imprisoning and fining people who sat on the Whites Only stools at lunch counters in the 60s. That makes you a fucking asshole.

Comment Re:I have a thought about where this all came from (Score 1) 287

In Canada and Europe there are some services like UKash:

You go up to the counter in a minimart, hand over cash, get a ticket with a number on it, sort of like an account number I guess. You can then spend that online till you are out of money providing of course that the site accepts UKash.

I don't know if there is anything like that in the US, but it comes close to anonymous ... of course there's the security video footage at the store (maybe), and if there is shipment involved, the receipt address, and your IP address when ordering -- but all of those things could be handled.

Comment Re:very understandable (Score 1) 784

I don't want "reasonable" restrictions on guns, either. If you don't like the second amendment, you have to amend the constitution.

I don't hunt. I'm not a member of the NRA. I wear socks and sandals, don't eat mammals, vote for Greens. And I totally agree. The second amendment is what it is and if there is to be restriction, it must go through the constitutional process.

Those who are willing to try to parse it down into meaninglessness, give the government the exact tool it needs to destroy all the other amendments, and as Snowden has shown, that's insanely dangerous. Like how the Third Party Doctrine basically makes the 4th Amendment meaningless.

Anyway, my liberal biased view is that the NRA should NEVER budge, and that all the other Amendments need an organization as equally rabid. Otherwise, the police state wins.

Comment Re:While... (Score 5, Insightful) 784

While I don't agree with her being denied entry, one of the key similarities of the spree shooters in the last several years has been depression and having that depression treated with drugs.

Way to miss the point. Just exactly how does a DHS rent-a-cop get access to her medical records? That's pretty freakin nuts.

Comment Re:Fucking rednecks (Score 5, Insightful) 1030

Those getting fat off the status quo certainly realize they are shifting the costs associated with fossil fuels to everyone else in the world in a Tragedy of the Commons type of manner. This is exactly why the fossil fuel industry is so keen on denying global warming -- if people start to think that industry should bear the true costs of its products, rather than let that industry shift those costs to humanity for free (another form of privatizing profits and socializing losses) -- then there is going to be a hit on their bottom line when it becomes clear that fossil fuels are not in fact cheaper than other sources of power when all costs are factored in. To keep their position, the fossil fuel industry must pretend there are no consequences to pollution, and convince as many people of that as possible.

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