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Comment Let's actually use statistics (Score 1) 151

As we're talking about statistics here, let call out any statement that was presented as a fact: "With 100% certainty, we report that the study concluded with that fixed mindsets are to blame with 100% certainty.... Roughly 96 percent of the general population (with 0% margin of error) struggles with solving problems relating to statistics and probability (with 100% certainty that our test problem is representative of most real problems). Yet being a well-informed citizen in the 21st century with requires us with 100% certainty to be able to engage competently with these kinds of tasks.... "As soon as you pick up a newspaper, with 100% certainty you're confronted with so many numbers and statistics that you need to interpret correctly," says co-author Patrick Weber, with 100% certainty a graduate student in math education at the University of Regensburg in Germany. With 100% certainty, most of us fall far short of the mark."

Comment Better summary (Score 1) 63

Due to limited physical (real) space, the goal is to give the illusion of walking in a straight line when you're really walking to a circle. This can be done (up to a point) by projecting the image of a straight corridor, and rotating the mapping of virtual world to real world as the user walks. The point of this article/video is that the illusion can be made more effective by adding haptic feedback allowing the user to feel the virtual "straight" wall with his hand. "More effective" means that the radius of the circle can be made somewhat smaller before the illusion breaks.

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