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Comment Re: Orders of magnitude (Score 1) 159

So my regular gasoline car is an electric because gas is a form of energy storage?

With California running into issues of too much solar power, and power plants that don't have a load during the day, H2 could be a great way to convert excess capacity to a usable form. Sure it's lossy, but it's portable versus something like a gravity pump storage system.

Comment Re:Off topic point (Score 1) 107

Body builders and strength athletes do "cuts" all the time as a normal part of their diet and training. The needs of an extremely active person are also very different from the needs the average population.

But yes, not eating garbage helps. But to say you need to constantly be eating is just wrong. When I was growing up I regularly never ate breakfast, but now-a-days people act like you'll die of starvation if you don't eat something every three hours.

As for working out, it's a terrible way to lose weight. It can help prevent strength loss. But it doesn't make you lose weight. Simply doing very low activity like walking an hour or extremely low speed cycling. Just enough to elevate your heart rate above resting, but below aerobic, and even below the "fat burning" zone can really speed up weight loss. Harder exercise will make you want to eat more, slow and steady won't after the first few days as your body adjusts from just sitting around.

Comment Re:Off topic point (Score 2) 107

The constant blood sugar spikes aren't good for all people. I did a 18/6, and then a 23/1 for a while and I lost weight and wasn't hungry.

Your body uses fat to store excess calories, so it's not a bad thing for your body to be burning it. Yes, it is true that people do lose some muscle while following a calorie restricted diet, but exercising eliminates most of those issues.

Carbs aren't bad but they convert directly to sugars so your body tries to burn that first. And once your body's bloodsugars level drops, you feel tired and hungry.

Having fewer carbs and more protein and fat causes your body to want to more easily burn fat for energy. Most people's bodies are able to regulate blood sugar levels better. They don't feel hungry and weight slowly comes off.

Comment Re: So much wrong... (Score 1) 64

The KeePass app of your choice on the phone directly opens a cloud stored copy of the database so the new password is immediately changed there.

On the PC you configure triggers on database unlock, as well as save which sync the local copy and cloud copies. The cloud copies are automatically synced with DropBox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc from their desktop apps. So the next time KeePass is unlocked, the password change would be pulled down to the local PC's copy.

You could run into issues if you attempt to change passwords at the exact same moment on different devices. But this should worked in most single user scenarios. If you need multiple user access, setup your own BitWarden server.

Comment Re: great but (Score 1) 56

The PS5 is user upgradeable with an additional standard NVME drive. Sony is supposedly to release a list of drives they tested as compatible with the needed speeds. The PS3 and 4 also had upgradeable storage using a standard 2.5" SATA HDD. The only limitation was the physical height of the drive but most worked.

That's always been weird compared to how Sony was with forcing their own memory sticks on the PSP and Vita.

Comment Re:Not a bad deal indeed.. (Score 1) 141

Found Tim Sweeney's Slashdot account.

Mr Sweeney people actually like and use those features. I know adding things like a shopping cart is super difficult.

When you are missing basic features every other competitor has had for a decade, don't blow it off when people ask for them.

But thanks for all those free games you keep giving me every week. Not that I play any of them.

Comment Re:I like it (Score 1) 123

best Star Trek in decades

if you only look at the last two decades you have Discovery, Enterprise, and Kelvin universe movies. Against Enterprise it's debatable, but the others that's not saying much.

If they haven't already your friends should check out The Orville which is moving from Fox to Hulu. It captures the STNG vibe and has many ST alumni cameos, as well with Johnathon Franks even directing two of the episodes so far.

It mostly weekly episodic with some over arching season long story lines. It also explores society as it is today, and better shows how real people would actual do their jobs in that environment including goofing off. It doesn't need to be seen as edgy and have people throwing f-bombs at an old man.

Comment Re:Doesn't work (Score 1) 71

62ms is roughly 4 frames at 60fps. Add in modern displays that aren't geared toward low latency and you can easily add another 2-3 frames. Oh you are also using a wireless controller, that's another few frames. That could easily be 1/10th of a second.

Non twitchy games you won't probably notice it, but one thing I do notice even streaming over a wired connection in my home is that the codecs they use are crap. High amounts of motion will create a blurry image off a PS4 or PC with Nvidia graphics card.

Even if the encoding isn't creating a blurry mess the image still isn't crisp. A static image still looks softer than running on local hardware. But I guess if you only consume media where they smear vaseline on the len, you might not notice.

Comment Re:I know I am old. (Score 1) 42

This has nothing to do with knowing you are wearing a VR headset or not. I guess you don't react to jump scares in movies since you obviously know you are just sitting in a theater or more likely your Mom's basement and watching a video.

Consciously you know you are safe, but your subconscious is screaming that there's danger. Try watching reaction videos of people using VR to rescue the cat from the sky scrapper, or the VR roller-coaster. Or better yet try them yourself. Which would mean purchasing a VR system, since doing to a VR arcade is out due to the whole needing to leave your Mom's basement thing.

Comment Re:why go out at all (Score 1) 91

I could see a market for something like this at popular clubs where a lot of the drink ordered are handled by wait staff. Orders could be entered by the staff on a tablet and they swing by the bar to pick them up from the machines rather than waiting for a human bartender, and then serve them to the customers.

You could still have human bartenders at the bar providing service to people handing out at the bar, and they would have more time to entertain those guests and up sell to them.

Comment Re:Trust is the issue (Score 1) 89

They have an advanced integration that needs to be rolled out by the banks.which is why adoption has been really slow.

But it has you login and authorize what accounts it has access to at the bank and it then gets and API key or something similar so it can still work with 2FA.

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