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Comment Re:not an accident (Score 1) 25

if that were the case, they would have said "oops, forgot to replace the tts audio file with the real one" and submitting a patch would be quick and trivial.

rather what happened is "oops, we forgot to hire someone to actually record the audio to replace the tts audio". whether that was an honest mistake or intentional is left as an exercise to the reader

Comment no way (Score 4, Informative) 144

apple might capture some of the mobile ios gaming market, since macos is incorporating ios features (and some are worried that macos and ios will eventually merge)

developers coding AAA games for apple silicon is not going to happen in scale. apple silicon has ram soldered, doesn't allow for external gpus and apple still thinks 8 GB RAM base is realistic for 2023

Comment the cloud is NOT about saving money (Score 0) 92

the cloud is for convenience, speed and high availability, not for cost.

if you are happy with running things onprem, have the staff and you don't care about a single point of failure, then sure stay onprem.

if you want to scale, quickly deploy hardware and don't want to maintain it, while planning for high availability, then the cloud is the only option unless you want to maintain multiple datacenters

Comment try getting a 20G wired connection (Score 2) 53

just getting 2.5G is feasible, 10G is quite hard in a home LAN, try 20G. this is not realistic.

wifi 6e turned out to be snake oil, you move more than 3 feet and you get kicked out of the 6ghz band.

get back to me in 10 years and maybe home lan technology has caught up and you don't have to spend so much to get your LAN ready. although by that time Google will probably be selling you 1 Tbit

Comment lack of entry level jobs (Score 1) 137

I got a degree in cybersecurity, then reality kicked in:

1) There are almost no entry level jobs. The one that i saw were SOC jobs that paid terrible and most of them were on the graveyard shift.

2) The good jobs were not entry level and most of them required non entry level certs like CISSP

3) A lot of the good jobs were as contractors to US agencies which required special clearance which can only be attainable by US citizens, therefore eliminating all foreign talent.

Needless to say, I had to switch careers.

Comment smart traffic lights (Score 1) 93

how about actually optimizing all traffic lights so once you hit a green light, you will never hit a red light again as long as you stay in the same road, there are no accidents and you keep the speed limit?

that would not only optimize emissions/fuel savings but decrease driving times as well. only potential downside i could see is this

Comment not enough info (Score 1) 613

batteries have lifespans and charging cycles. with a smaller battery, it will need to be charged more, so it will need to be replaced sooner.

i'm okay with a smaller battery as long as it lasts the same time as a bigger one. i still think battery tech is not there yet and for 10-15 years hybrids will still be the best solution.

we need different materials for batteries. making batteries pollutes too, and i don't know if they pollute less than gasoline overall

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