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Comment Thanks Bungie (Score 2) 20

After iconic actor Lance Reddick died, leaving the central role of Zavala vacant in Destiny 2, there were fears that Bungie would try this, or kill the character off.

Fortunately they hired another excellent actor with a similarly interesting voice, dodging yet another ethical bullet (so they can carry on with addictive reinforcement channelling into microtransactions and subscription-rentier value extraction, but eh whatever).

Comment Re: With racist agitprop, all roads lead to Mosco (Score 1) 132

Remember that the Blackshirts were famous for their slogan hinting at the ever present disdain and trolling underlaid with violence: "me ne frego", or 'it's nothing to me, your opinion doesn't count' --or 'get fucked' as it was used.


If people don't want to be called fascist, they should stop quacking like one.

Comment Re: Based (Score 1) 132

Ethnicity, culture, nationality, language are all useful and somewhat neutral distinctions. Race is a bullshit term that only makes sense in the context of historical abuses that it was used to justify, like slavery or disenfranchisement.

So no, that isn't the question, unless you believe that race isn't a bullshit term... and then you should ask, which side am I on, humanists or racists?

Maybe rephrase the question with non-bullshit terms and go from there.

Comment Methodology: same lyrics, different tune (Score 1) 132

It's a well-developed fascist strategy of destabilization.

Here's a choice excerpt from "Elon Musk's Machine for Fascism: A Tale of Three Elections" recently published on

From trial testimony, regarding hashtag hijacking....

"Itâ(TM)s like if you have a hashtag â" back then like a Hillary Clinton hashtag called âoeIâ(TM)m with her,â then what that would be is I would say, okay, letâ(TM)s take âoeIâ(TM)m with herâ hashtag, because thatâ(TM)s what Hillary Clinton voters are going to be looking at, because thatâ(TM)s their hashtag, and then I would tweet out thousands of â" of tweets of â" well, for example, old videos of Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton talking about, you know, immigration policy for back in the â(TM)90s where they said: You know, we should shut down borders, kick out people from the USA. Anything that was disparaging of Hillary Clinton would be injected into that â" into those tweets with that hashtag, so that would overflow to her voters and theyâ(TM)d see it and be shocked by it."

"In the 2016 election, this methodology served to take memes directly from the Daily Stormer, launder them through 4Chan, then use Twitter to inject them into mainstream discourse. Thatâ(TM)s the methodology the far right still uses, including Trump when he baits people to make his Truth Social tweets go viral on Twitter."

Submission + - Kidnapped by a runaway electric car (

RockDoctor writes: Regardless of their other potential benefits, modern cars, and modern electric cars in particular, involve complex networks of computer code, hardware, and servo systems cooperating (?) to deliver services to the user, like acceleration, steering, and braking.

Slashdot nerderati know better than most that such complex networks can never show unexpected, non-designed behaviour, due to the infallibility of hardware, program coders, and system designers.

Yeah. Right. "I'll have some of what he's been smoking!" That's Musk-grade optimism.

On Sunday evening, a middle-aged driver in a "brand new" vehicle found it would not decelerate below 30mph (50kmph). He retained steering control, and avoided crashing until police vehicles "boxed in" his vehicle and helped him exit into a police van (most have sliding side doors) from the moving vehicle. The police then "carried out a controlled halt" on the unmanned vehicle, stopping it from driving away with the van's brakes until a roadside assistance technician arrived 3 hours later and managed to shut it down.

"when the [technician] got to me [...] later, he plugged in the car to do a diagnostic check and there was pages of faults".

By inference, the vehicle did not have a mechanical brake ("hand brake" : English; "parking brake" : American), which should gave been able to keep the vehicle halted regardless of the motor's actions (even if a "clutch" did get burned out). From the only time I've been inside an electric car, I can't say if that is normal ; it's certainly something I'll look for if I ever rent another.

Had the failure happened at 10 in the morning, not 10 in the evening, the body count could have been ... substantial.

My WAG : a sticky accelerator sensor. See also : "bathtub failure rate curve".

A dumb question, stemming from my only use of an electric car : do they have a weight sensor under the driver's seat that locks-out the main motor unless there is (say) 30kg in the driver's seat? Most have some such sensors — they trigger the "seat belt not fastened" alarm, or silence it for empty seats — but whether they can override the drive system ...?

Comment Re:A BIT expensive?! (Score 1) 627

Yes, that's my point: there is strong but elusive and allusive evidence that manufacturing processes are nasty across the board, except for companies like Apple who publish audits (and that is suspect, given some of last years' events).

Yet Apple is guilty of IP violations of customers' and developers' rights.

What's an ethical person to do? Buy used, avoid paying the manufacturers directly.

Comment Re:A BIT expensive?! (Score 1) 627

Well, hating Apple for their business practices is really a political decision, not a hardware/software evaluation. Uniquely in the computer world, a Mac is not limiting in any way, because you can literally run any software or OS on a MBP, either natively or through emulation. One also needs to inquire whether HP or Dell or Sony are such great companies from an ethical standpoint (certainly Sony is every bit as perverse and unsavoury as Apple). Basically, when you factor in environmental and labour practices alongside IP, the entire industry is pretty sleazy.

But by all means, if someone here can accurately vote through your wallet using your conscience, do so and share your findings with us.

The other side of the Apple Tax is resale value. Macs hold their value more than any other PC, much like a honda or toyota, and you need to factor that into the equation. Take longevity, quality, and resale prices into consideration, and the mid-to-low end Apple laptops are actually a pretty good value.

Comment Re:hmm (Score 1) 368

More than this: I was annoyed by the lack of a mid-range headless mac, so I set out to build a hackintosh. At the time, the IPS monitor on the iMac 24 was what I was aiming for (1.8 yrs ago, time to upgrade soon), and I needed video editing capabilities with Final Cut.

By the time I'd priced out all the parts (newegg/NCIX, don't say I didn't shop right) to find equivalent function and similar quality, I was $120 under the price of a refurb iMac, except for the crappy video card. I'm not a gamer, so I bought the iMac and saved time and money.

OTOH, I needed a cheap laptop. HP netbook for me, and I never bothered to hackintosh it, because Win7 is just fine (and linux netbook offerings aren't good enough yet).

Comment Re:hmm (Score 1) 368

To be clear, there are only two Mac OS choices: OS X (currently 10.6) and OS X Server, so for a desktop user there's really only one choice. (iOS is mandatory on relevant devices, no choice there.)

OS X is a pretty complete unix install, apple flavoured, with proprietary stuff lathered on top... i.e. the base model is the pro version, not crippled in any way (other than general apple buggy/quirkiness).

Comment Re:Very little? (Score 1) 288

Yes, let's just agree that the universe is out to kill us, and that Earth temporarily has very favourable conditions... until the climate flips out, or a big rock comes spinning in.

I say start working on colonizing both. The next few hundred years will be well-spent terraforming, in opposite directions.

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