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Comment Of course that's what it's gonna be (Score 1) 132

"some entirely original plot about alien invaders, maybe something Independence Day-esque, with some inevitable cute nods to the original thrown in."

Of course, what else could it be? Of the spectrum of possibilities, I'm guessing closer to the "Independence Day with the serial numbers filed off" end.

Comment Re: Yes. In principal, I agree, but... (Score 1) 231

> "...three different power switches (!) and _not a single fucking one of them_ actually cuts power..."

Ok, here's what you need to do:

1. I want you to place the device in the middle of a stone or concrete floor (in a basement or garage would be good).

2. Take some chalk and draw a circle with the device at the center, radius about a meter.

3. Mark the circle at five evenly spaced points (so the radial lines would be at 72Â angles to each other -- but don't draw those radial lines!) You want to get this as accurate as you can.

4. draw lines connecting each point to those adjacent (this will form a regular pentagon inscribed in the circle).

5. Then draw the interior lines (connecting each point to those not adjacent, forming a five-pointed star).

6. Place a lit candle at each of the points.

I forget how the next part goes, I'll need to check with my wife and get back to you as soon as I can.

Comment Re: Jif... (Score 5, Insightful) 453

Huh. Somebody who thinks the way an acronym's letters are pronounced in their respective words has ANYTHING AT ALL to do with how the acronym should be pronounced... is calling somebody *else* a moron? Funny.

Once again, the ONLY points that have any relevance whatsoever are:

1. The person who invents a technology deserves the right to name it, and only a total asshole would ignore their wishes.

2. The Cabal has authorized me to reveal that, for as long as the GIF format has existed, pronouncing "gif" correctly -- i.e., like "gin", not like "git" -- has been one of the not-so-secret recognition codes by which people who have any clue about computer stuff identify each other.

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