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Comment Re:Sorry, you don't understand the oil market (Score 3, Interesting) 207

OPEC+'s power has waned, and Angola just left it. There is much disagreement within the cartel, with members not following in-step. Mexico doesn't follow quotas. Iran and Venezuela don't follow limits because of sanctions.

The US produces 50% more than Saudi Arabia or Russia, OPEC+'s leaders. And the US is become much more efficient at oil extracting, decreasing the extraction price by 1/3 over the last 10 years.

Comment Re:I want a news source that is Neutral (Score 1) 109

I second this. People can get very cynical about new sites, but there are multiple places that do analyses of the stories on many news sites. It's how I found news sources I have leaned on successfully.

Two sites I can recommend:

Static chart:


Comment Re:Create the disease and cure! (Score 1) 167

Why should taxes necessarily be a linear function of income? I could just as easily argue everyone pays the same 'flat amount', $20k. Obviously we recognize this is unworkable.

Super-linear functions are likely the most sustainable long-term. Progressive tax brackets are just ways of making it easier to grasp.

Comment Re:IRS should be sending out draft returns/free fi (Score 4, Informative) 167

Such a system was already proposed, called ReadyReturn. However, supporting such a system would violate the famous Norquist Pledge

VANEK SMITH: Grover Norquist is a famous anti-tax crusader. He heard about ReadyReturn and sprang into action.

NORQUIST: So it is a way to raise taxes, a way to send people a bill for more taxes than they owe. And they're unlikely to contest it. People don't fight the IRS.

VANEK SMITH: Norquist thought ReadyReturn is tantamount to a tax hike because once the government has taxpayers on autopilot, just sort of signing and sending, they'll start sneaking things in, like how cell phone companies sneak in little charges. And you look at them and sort of wonder about them. But in the end, you just pay because it's easier.

MAYYASI: And Norquist has this famous pledge. Republicans all across the country take it. And the pledge basically says I will not support any plan that raises taxes. And that was a problem.

VANEK SMITH: What happens if people break the pledge?

NORQUIST: When somebody breaks the pledge, their opponents in the next election tend to remind voters that they lied their way into office. And the press tends to focus on it.

MAYYASI: Norquist put out the word to California Republicans - if you back ReadyReturn, you have broken the pledge.

Comment Re:Also Receiving Checks from TurboTax - Politicia (Score 1) 48

The Grover Norquist pledge also prevents Republicans from supporting easier taxes.

VANEK SMITH: Grover Norquist is a famous anti-tax crusader. He heard about ReadyReturn and sprang into action.

NORQUIST: So it is a way to raise taxes, a way to send people a bill for more taxes than they owe. And they're unlikely to contest it. People don't fight the IRS.

VANEK SMITH: Norquist thought ReadyReturn is tantamount to a tax hike because once the government has taxpayers on autopilot, just sort of signing and sending, they'll start sneaking things in, like how cell phone companies sneak in little charges. And you look at them and sort of wonder about them. But in the end, you just pay because it's easier.

MAYYASI: And Norquist has this famous pledge. Republicans all across the country take it. And the pledge basically says I will not support any plan that raises taxes. And that was a problem.

VANEK SMITH: What happens if people break the pledge?

NORQUIST: When somebody breaks the pledge, their opponents in the next election tend to remind voters that they lied their way into office. And the press tends to focus on it.

MAYYASI: Norquist put out the word to California Republicans - if you back ReadyReturn, you have broken the pledge.

Comment Re:It was okay but (Score 1) 21

Experienced players should always be helping newer players with their setup.

Great point about Seafarers. Fog Island is excellent for neutralizing map advantage.

Traders and Barbarians has an excellent mod, Barbarians Attack, which encourages players working together. Great for adding a human element that can also help mitigate experienced player advantages.

Comment Re:Deleted my contact list (Score 2) 92

What does "take ownership of the contact list" even mean? I don't think iOS or the Android API allows this.

Whatsapp is actually probably one of the best-behaved apps of all that I have on my system in terms of power consumption. Right now it has taken 0.2% of the battery running in the background without interaction, and I haven't even tightly restricted it.

Comment Re:Maybe if “real” journalists still e (Score 0) 160

Plenty of real journalism exists. Much if it is not "free", though -- you have to pay the journalists. Consider AP, The Economist, Reuters, and BBC. There are places that rigorously measure the originality of reporting. Note the AP, Reuters, and BBC at the top-middle (original, unbiased reporting).

Media Bias Chart 9.0:

Comment Re:Don't Block Russia (Score 1) 75

I find it hard to believe the proportion of information Russians receive or send outbound that is truthful will be be more now given the Russian news laws recently enacted, regardless of what other countries block. Facts simply lose out to lies, with studies showing this.

And let's not forget this is a war, with Russians leveraging the internet to attack opponents' systems.

If you want them to receive information, BBC shortwave radio is a one-way transmission that accomplishes your goal.

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