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Comment Misplaced priorities (Score 0, Flamebait) 229

They're so worried about "hackers" when mismanagement and neglect are much bigger problems. But admitting that makes the powers that be look bad, so we get this crap because it makes them appear to be "doing something".

A "derecho" blasted through the Washington, DC area (twice) in two different summer seasons and left millions without power after the winds blew down power lines. Who was arrested for that??

There are numerous older devices that convert serial ports on industrial control systems to TCP/IP in an attempt to modernize them, but with no security or very poor security by today's standards. Some of these are basically sitting on the internet just waiting to get pwned. Who's going to go to jail for this utter stupidity??

But sure, let's crow about how we rounded up 19 Russians, because...RUSSIANS!!

Comment Re:Quitting to Advance the Cause (Score 1) 99

So, to take this to its absurd extreme, those voters who feel disenfranchised because of the election of Trump to the Presidency should all quit America? There are a great many who feel the electoral process is corrupted, making their votes worthless.

Vacating the premises removes them as constituents with the right to demand reform, so the corruption will only continue and likely worsen. I see no logic in this move. Even by remaining a mole in the system you can do something to improve the process, but by quitting you allow even more of the corrupt ones to gain a foothold. Not a good idea.

Comment Quitting to Advance the Cause (Score 3, Insightful) 99

I've never understood this move. So he gets his 15 minutes of "fame" and then is quickly forgotten. Meanwhile, the board/committee now has one less voice to advance the cause he represented. How is this effective?

And for those of you against "big government" (except when it serves your own interests), I will agree that regulations should be relaxed IF AND ONLY IF true, honest-to-goodness competition on the local level exists. It does not now and is unlikely to exist in the future because that last mile is a effective monopoly.

Of course, the solution to the Last Mile problem is to "nationalize" the infrastructure and let service providers compete without having to run a separate wire to your premise. But then this runs afoul of the "less government" crowd. So you can't win. They want to have their cake and eat it, too, but not only that they want extra icing.

Comment Re:Hyperbole much? (Score 3, Funny) 252

Yeah, maybe death of your pet fish if you aren't home to turn it up and the tank gets too cold

When I was a little kid and my older brother went away to Boy Scout camp for the weekend, leaving me in care of his fish tank, I felt sorry for the fish having to swim around in such cold water. So I turned the tank heater all the way up so that they would be warm.

He was not the least bit happy when he came home to a bunch of dead exotic fish floating on the surface with their eyeballs popped out.

I am not qualified to be an ISP, either.

Comment Google Maps reviews (Score 1) 192

It can be amusing (up to a point) when I find an odd marker on Google Maps that is out of place or otherwise unworthy of a review, to find it with at least 1 review anyway.

I found one the other day, not a retail business at all but some kind of private salvage yard for which somebody had left 5 stars. FIVE WHOLE STARS! I know it's a joke vote, but it points out how hollow reviews can be.

Then there are the absurd reviews, like a hotel where somebody reports that EVERYBODY was rude to her during the entire 2 week stay and there were human feces piled on the bed all the way up to the ceiling and cockroaches crawling everywhere and the food was all spoiled causing diners to vomit over every table at every meal and on and on. I guess they think they will scare away business with this claptrap. Same thing happens on the positive side.

Comment Re:back to value (Score 1) 267

and the inability for any one organization or actor to fuck it all up (China tried, and failed) That has very clear utility for financial markets and economic systems.

The Internet was designed by DARPA to be decentralized in order to make it impervious to attack. I just read a headline that the Congo has "shut down all Internet access" whatever that means. Our corporate overlords in the US largely dictate what we can and can't do with it now. Feature creep over a couple decades.

We shall see how long it takes until something similar happens to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Comment Re:Neutrality hah! (Score 2) 211

This is the true downside of Trump as President: it's not HIM, it's all his cronies who have come to power to help themselves to the levers of power to suit themselves and their greedy pals.

It will take some time to undo all the damage that they are doing at many levels and across many disciplines.

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