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Comment Re:Doubleplusgood! (Score 0) 161

You, my friend, take crazy to a whole new level. Why be brief when you can be loquacious?

What you want is for someone to kiss your ass and say things delicately to suit your tastes, to mince words and be diplomatic to avoid your ire.

What you want is a people-pleaser who cares about your approval.

You claim to know an awful lot about me. It seems your megalomania gives you deep insight into the thoughts of others. Unfortunately, you are as wrong as you are insane.

Comment Re:It's Not ALL Bloggers (Score 0) 353

In general, you are a journalist if you have a degree from an accredited institution. Journalistic professionalism is not as formal as, say, engineering. And, we've been through this particular argument before, in the 60s, when people who had degrees wanted to dissociate themselves from so-called "hacks". Now that anyone can self-publish, it appears we are going to have this argument again. It looks like journalistic professionalism is likely to become more formal.

Comment Re:I'm offended (Score 0) 171

Where that doesn't work, sucking it up and moving on does. That's a tiny, tiny price to pay to live in the Information Age. Sometimes you just don't know how good you have it.

Which is generally what I do. But, I'm not going to stop reading /. because of the trolls, either. And, if I disagree with them, I'll often express my point of view.

No one gets +5 insightful without at least some sort of argument, weak as it may be. ;-)

Comment Re:I'm offended (Score 1) 171

The minority who weren't looking for "offensive" material and saw it anyway were duped by crapflooders, goatse trolls and the like.

Which is precisely the point of the attempted censorship. You admit yourself, from your lofty view of total freedom to say what you like, that people will be exposed to offensive material. You practice self-censorship (i.e. burying your head in the sand) in the face of something you don't like. I don't think that government censorship is an appropriate response, but "la-la-la I can't hear you" doesn't always work.

The Courts

Assange Wins Right To Submit Appeal 144

beaverdownunder writes "Julian Assange has won the right to submit an appeal of his extradition to Sweden on 'public interest' grounds. He now has two weeks to come up with a convincing argument for Britain's Supreme Court. From the article: 'The judges ruled that Mr Assange's case is of general public importance, but the Supreme Court could still refuse to hear his case. Mr Assange now has 14 days to formally lodge an appeal, meaning his stay in Britain, where he has been staying since his arrest in December last year, is certain to stretch into 2012.'"

Comment Re:Its a study that admits its incomplete (Score 1) 307

To what end, I wonder? I've seen stories of parents freaking out in Toronto over WiFi use in the classroom. I'm just not sure what they hope to accomplish. Certainly shutting down the world's WiFi is not even remotely possible. I've heard these people called neo-luddites. Even reading about that world-view makes no sense to me.

Comment Re:Why are metrics so damn important (Score 1) 203

there should be at least one hybrid manager/coder that actually works with the team members sees who is committing what and can tell off the bat if there is or isn't a weak link dragging the rest down

This is why I want to get into the management side of things. I think my coding experience would make me a good judge of others' work, as well as a difficult person to BS. If more organizations moved actual developers and not PHBs into managing software projects, a lot of money would be saved by putting an end to the gravy trains and weeding out those that lied on their resume.

Comment Re:Great Firewall of America (Score 1) 295

We live in a time of tremendous political polarization.

This is the part that scares me the most. While I'd like to be on the right side of the law, it's often made very clear that the law is made to benefit a very few, very rich, very powerful people. Supporting the law in cases like SOPA is voluntarily accepting society's decline into fascism. One's survival instincts recoil at being asked to accept that which is harmful to oneself, and yet that is what must be done to avoid being persecuted. Worse yet, there is no middle ground. The people who push this type of legislation adopt a "if-you're-not-with-us-you're-against-us" mentality. Even pointing out the erosion of democracy inherent in this type of legislation puts you squarely in the rabid Internet pirate camp. There is only one logical recourse to such a mentality, and that is to accept the inherent risks of being the pirate that you are already viewed as being.

Comment Practically ACID (Score 4, Interesting) 117

The serious part of Oracle NoSQL is a practical approximation of ACID compliance, the standard that SQL databases like to offer.

If this claim holds up, then its easy to see where Oracle could come out ahead of other NoSQL databases. TFA mentions that this practical approximation is dealt with by arranging the cluster machines in two axes: the replication axis and the sharding axis. Along the sharding axis, each major key is guaranteed to be tied to a single machine. Since there is only one record to be updated, there is no "eventual consistency" problem. The replication axis is responsible for making multiple copies of that data. If full ACID compliance is desired, even along the replication axis, there are plenty of options for ensuring that the write is complete before calling the transaction complete: the master node is updated, a majority of replicated nodes are updated, or all replicated nodes are updated.

This approach seems to take the best of both worlds in the NoSQL arena: sharding, which is the approach used by MySQL cluster, and replication, as used by pretty much every other NoSQL store available. Of course, if you have a fuck-ton of data, you'll also need a fuck-ton of machines. This is not a server you will be testing without considerable resources at your disposal.

Comment Re:Takedown? (Score 4, Interesting) 157

"Spray and pray" indeed. I received a couple of DMCA takedown notices... and I live in Canada. They don't even know what jurisdiction they're sending these automated notices to. Maybe it is a difficult task to keep tabs on the entire Internet protecting their copyrights. I'd say that the fact that they can't do it reliably means they are going about it in the wrong way.

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