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Comment Re:OK, enough! (Score 4, Interesting) 257

The manual trim works if you aren't going far beyond the Vne of the aircraft. In the Ethiopia airlines case at the end of the flight the IAS of the AC was 458-500 kts. The pilots never changed from takeoff power (94% N1, more or less balls to the wall as the MAX has a massive surfeit of thrust).

Also note that the MCAS does not operate with the flaps deployed. While MCAS is inferior in terms of implementation (single sensor input an willingness to push the AC further outside of its documented flight envelope which means its not taking in data available to the AC, eg, altitude, the various airspeeds, GPS, GPWS) it can be shut off with the flick of a switch. Its more or less there to keep high pitch angles suppressed after the flaps are pulled up.

While I am not defending Boeing in this case (I was ANTI-MAX before Lion air and wanted a clean sheet for both mid market and small jet market) the manual trim system will work if the plane isn't going 100-150 kts past Vne - forces that the control surfaces experience will become exponential - this is why AC manufacturers have a Vne and barber poles. I'm sure the stick shaker was causing panic (even with 8000+ hours the captain might have never experienced one) and simply looking at the barber poles would give a hint on the overspeed situation.

The MAX should not exist and the MCAS system is flawed - but the system does not work if the flaps are deployed. Which means that when MCAS starts acting up the trim cutout switches and hand flying the aircraft in the flight envelope is a perfectly valid option.

Aviate, navigate, communicate. I think that in this situation communication (between PIC/FO) could have been an issue.

Boeing has a "simulated" low tech AC (which if I got my way would have been clean-sheeted like a modernized A320) which relied on software in the latest rendition to keep up the facade. But neither of the aircraft (Lion, Ethiopia) was doomed to being a total loss. The horrible training of the crew for the new AC type plays a major role - the type-certification for the 737-200 is valid on a MAX8/MAX9/MAX10, but the training would be drastically different. The fact the training is tied to the type-certification is sad. The 737MAX simulators are STILL as of May 2019 not truly complete for simulating Lion or Ethiopia conditions.

Boeing screwed up. (#1 not making a clean sheet small jet, #2, not implementing MCAS sanely), Training could have bridged the gap but this was forgone for expediency. Pilots were not trained in the differences in the various types within a single type-certified AC. I do think if pilots in general were more accustomed to having to hand fly aircraft this rubbish MCAS system would not have been as lethal as implemented.

If the MAX ends up banned I would not be sad - I'm not happy that a type-certification has been recycled since the 1960s. However this is a much larger discussion and not necessarily saying what the MAX and MCAS is is unworkable - if the AC had been clean sheeted this type of garbage wouldnt be necessary. We have AC manfacturers buying Bombardier and Embraer to avoid type-certifications - its better to no innovate and buy other designs than to just re-design the AC! And this is in the day of CAD and much better simulations! How is it "too expensive" now to clean sheet when the simulation tools are a million times better than slide rule created AC like the 747 and the SR-71 were designed? Crazy.

Comment Re:The thing about Anonymous (Score 4, Interesting) 166

This could be government psyops. Recent leaks have shows state sponsored attacks are capable of leaving false fingerprints behind. If state sponsored attackers were able to compromise anonymous, even briefly, they could release garbage like this to attack the organizations overall credibility. On top of that anonymous would then have to choose to ignore, claim they themselves were compromised or refute. Difficult position to be in. The other option for state level attackers is to compromise all key members in such that they are forced to veer off course to damage credibility behind held by threats against life and limb. I've always wondered if folks like Alex Jones were psyops. Put enough nuggets in to pique interest and remain somewhat plausible but then act crazed most of the time to further discredit. Its a situation where you could be revealing the actual truth through a channel like that and discredit it because of the delivery mechanism.

Information these days is totally warped. How do you even know google/facebook/etc are even letting you see what everyone else is seeing? You are being served up your own version of reality based on preferences.

Its going to get incredibly hard to follow the truth in the coming years. I already suspect most information is being cleansed and customized by the big boys and "underground" areas are riddled with enough moonbats to keep them from becoming trusted sources.

The "resistance" needs a ton of discipline not present today to expose the engineering of information going on right now. Underground groups need to protect themselves from key-man issues and master password issues and implement dead-mans-switches (DMS) - sometimes the most damning information needs to be withheld and put into a DMS to allow the group to keep operating.

Good luck out there.

Comment Thoughts I collected from googlers on Marissa is.. (Score 5, Insightful) 187

I know a few folks from early google. They are not fond of this Marissa Mayer character. She was in the first 20 or so hires and the general consensus was that if she wasn't there google would still be google - her being there or not would have had no impact on outcome. They also indicated she was a land grabber. This would mean that her saying she designed gmail means she attended a few meetings about it. They also indicated that they would basically fence her - they would create the illusion she mattered to keep her at bay (Yes, Marissa. Sure, good idea Marissa. Oh, we'll get right on that Marissa).

I did not like her for one specific thing, the idea that she could create a live-in office with day care at work for her progeny but the rank and file had to work in person in the most expensive real-estate area in the world with bad traffic. Ultimately yahoo japan and yahoo's investments were worth something. Everything she did at yahoo-central was more or less zero in the end. Amazing Verizon paid for it.

Comment Re:Debunked? (Score 1, Insightful) 254

I've been on, 4chan, 8ch and You really should research this yourself and ask yourself why there is a boatload of evidence and those bringing it to light are being ddosed. Why is twitter blocking those who report vile content while keeping the vile content up and running. Why is reddit admitting to very dishonest practices and shutting down subreddits for TOS violations that didn't occur or if they did were getting policed by mods.

If you are doing research and you see illegal exploitative content please report it. Be also aware that a large number of illegal and abusive content is on honeypot servers to flypaper the criminally insane that deal in child exploitation.

Links to submit reports and information on reporting crime:

I would also like to see Proof Of Life on Julian Assange and people should be asking WikiLeaks to prove its not a compromised honeypot to catch whistleblowers.

There is a conspiracy here - there is a lot of legitimate investigative content being summarily deleted and there is a vast effort in the main stream media all the way down to slashdot to just shut down conversation on the topic. Shutting down the conversation is potentially obstructing justice. If we have not crossed the precipice justice will be done so no amount of deleting will stop karma from hunting down those who exploit children.

Whats most disturbing is places that hold content and evidence of whats doing on like 4chan and wikileaks are being DDOSed by STATE ACTORS. When certain content and conversations arise brutal state sponsored DDOS attacks have been employed.

Whats even more curious is why with all the contention during the election with the FBI wikileaks and the like this pizzagate/twittergate/whereisassange stuff seemed to be what triggered a desperate, widespread, worldwide and massive response to stop information about this coming to light.

This isnt just goofy numerology there is a lot of bizarre stuff going on. I've been enjoying the internet since inception and I've never seen this - such universal efforts to shut down a conversation about a real concern about a network of child-abusers in operation.

Do your own research. Decide for yourself. Ask yourself why voat and are getting massive amounts of refugees from reddit and twitter OVER THIS ISSUE.

Many places where one would go to get information on whether there is truth to any of this dont attempt to document and display factual information they simply shut down all discussion. Something is wrong. Where there is smoke there is fire. And we need to know if Julian Assange is alive and if WikiLeaks is a safe place to blow the whistle.

Comment Re:8286 chip (Score 1) 89

Thanks for catching this so quickly. I wanted to say exactly this. I believe torvalds originally called the kernel a 386 assembly task switcher. So I am surprised someone some redhat claimed Linux on the 286. Tech history is easy to forget but as someone who has been excited about our tech world because of the short collective memory and lack of history and perspective a lot of mistakes get repeated even by very smart folks.

Comment Re:Removable battery? Nah... (Score 1) 86

Yeah. This. I was just going to chime in on this. This idiotic war against serviceable components, expandable flash and replaceable / expandable memory is really tiresome. And with every generations of phone ifixit and the like give out instructions and OEM and 3rd party batteries and repair items become available.

And when something like this happens - it could have been : go to this special link to amazon, put your samsung serial number in and get an overnight package with the a new battery. But no. Now we have this fiasco.

Lets weld in and glue in an ultra flammable part that is a common replacement item - for what?

Comment Re:Chalk one up for iOS (Score 2) 129

I think ALL of us jailbreakers and rooters should celebrate this. Now I might be able to push an adaway hostfile with 875K worth of junk hosts of malware, ads, adware, gambling and other cruft blocked. I cant believe I need to wait for a flaw like this to update the hosts file on the phone I own.

This weaponizing of opensource software to do things like make it impossible to edit /etc/hosts with malware blocks is unreal.

Comment Apple as an MVNO - or more. (Score 0) 33

Apple should buy one. They are in the business for overcharging for everything. Two benefits - they get to overcharge if they are carrier (like every other one) and they can make all the bandwidth use for all apple made applications free. Look at MVNO Google-Fi. They could potentially go quad-sim in the USA. (SIMs now are apparently capable of carrying more than one network).

Comment Re:theory is not science before testing (Score 1) 98

Check for yourself - the coordinates for this Cornfield:

Kâ(TM)aak Chi (Fire Mouth) William Gadoury "Lost City" / Cornfield 17Â56'41.36"N 90Â10'1.25"W (17.944822,-90.167014)

Not likely a lost city per David Stuart

- Director at The Mesoamerica Center-University of Texas at Austin
- Professor at University of Texas at Austin Department of Art and Art History
- Director at Casa Herrera

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