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Comment Re:Sample Size (Score 2) 124

Because looking around a bit we notice, that EVERY SINGLE thing that was presented to us as an immediate problem has either been blown out of proportion, been completely fabricated to begin with or the proposed solutions either did not work or made things worse.

Ah. The Big Lie again, eh?

There's no pollution problem; there's no issue with plastic; the seas are as full of fish as they ever were; the bees are happy as Larry; Europe and North America are not cooking. Everything's just fucking dandy. And science is all a fraud, of course.

Why do you bother lying about stuff that we all know? Do you think we're just going to be magically persuaded by your bald assertions in the face of simple observable reality?

Comment Re:Copyright law is bs (Score 1) 96

How many of your books are on there and how do you propose to eat without an income?

Whatever the answer to this question, it doesn't invalidate the original point of your parent poster.

Also, there are a lot of false assumptions baked into your quenstion.

There are a lot of generalisations, but that doesn't make them false. I do assume that the poster I replied to is a lazy cunt, but I'm pretty confident in that one. His post has many superficial and false assumptions baked into it too, wrapped up in a knee-jerk phrasing to pull in sympathy from the hard of thinking.

Writers spend time writing - much more than you do reading the output. They need to eat and that time is an opportunity cost unless they are compensated for it. Sure, there are problems with the system and many abuses, but that doesn't make copyright law "bullshit".

Comment What an Idiot (Score 1) 310

"The problem is we made too many great products"?

Fuck off.

Shit scripts, bad direction, re-writes by people that hate the source material, and movies that are anything up to an entire hour longer than they need to be. Not to mention the depiction of women as perfect god-like beings that never fail unless it's because of some man, which manages to be incredibly sexist to men and women at the same time!

But, no, the audience just had too many fantastic offerings from Disney to decide what to spend their money on.


Comment Re:No (Score 1) 210

It's a long term plan. I think Wayland is one of the parts needed for a modern, secure desktop. The unix model that targets a multi-user machine is obsolete.

So X-session security isn't an issue, then.

The new model is application sandboxing, where you can download a random game from Steam and know it won't secretly spy on you. For that sort of thing to work you can't have every application capable of showing a window being able to capture your keystrokes and record your screen.

I have no faith in sandboxing protecting me from that anyway. I mean, why would I? I don't have a different keyboard and screen for each app.

Wayland is just a waste of time. It's the dev's own time and as long as they don't want to force me to waste my time too they're welcome to do whatever the fuck they like instead of something useful.

Comment Re:Well, is about time isn't it? (Score 4, Insightful) 210

"Glad they apparently finally "finished" it and I'm not surprised if it isn't something that kicks serious ass, software wise"

Except for some minor things such as remote access which X11

Remote access is not a minor thing. It's a must-have.

I wish these funded FOSS teams would spend less time replicating the flaws in Windows and get on with producing better stuff.

Comment No (Score 1) 210

It doesn't fix any problem I care about - yeah, yeah, security of X-sessions like that matters to anyone - and doesn't reproduce the one really big important feature of X11, which is remote access. Which I do care about.

Wayland is a toy project for its dev team. They're having fun working on it, sure, and it's useful in a limited number of scenarios. But it's their toy, not mine. It's certainly not good enough to replace X11.

Comment Re:It's called El Nino & sunspots (Score 4, Insightful) 98

HUGE increase in sunspots with solar cycle 25, along with CME's that have hit Earth (causing the aurora to be seen in much lower parts
of the Earth than typical). When they hit the Earth, they alter weather patterns because they change the magnetic bubble around our
But, it's cow farts, jet planes and us burning oil is the problem...so, turn off your AC, eat bugs and be happy while the globalist
run all over the planet in their private jets, wine and dine like the fat cats they are.

Have you always been this dumb or is this a recent thing?

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