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Comment Re:Corporate vs citizen (Score 0) 747

No, most people do NOT agree with that. Maybe most people in your circle of friends, but not most Americans at least.

The problem IS the loans. You loan 100k to an 18 year old who doesn't have the understanding of the long term ramification. The colleges love it because it is easy money for them. Little Johnny gets a degree in Women's Studies and doesn't understand that he has to pay the loan back, even though he has a job as a waiter. Some kids have it together, most have been so utterly coddled for so long, they've never had a job and simply can't comprehend the numbers they are dealing with.

The solution is to stop government funding of loans, which will lower the price of college (they will hate this), and MORE privately owned education choices, not fewer. Half the kids are getting degrees in crap that will not provide them a career in ANYTHING. The colleges don't care, they get paid regardless.

Comment Re:Social justice is starting to look smell funny (Score 5, Insightful) 458

This is the kind of bullshit the OP was talking about. Taking his comments out of context and intentionally drawing the wrong conclusion in order to demonize him, or anyone for that matter. You are part of the problem.

This says nothing about whether he is wrong or right, it is saying that anyone that dares deviate from the social norms and group think of any organization they belong to are fired or excommunicated. That is the problem. Assuming the worse and reading that into every comment is the problem. Most often, this intentional misreading is done in order for the reader to further their own political agenda.

Americans are losing their ability to simply disagree without someone getting butt hurt over it. It's rather disgusting how we've become a nation of politically correct pansies.

Comment COBOL programmers aren't all old (Score 1) 383

There's a COBOL shop in my small town that contracts for corporations and the government. I know several COBOL specialists in their 30s. It's actually an extremely lucrative field to get into these days, with good pay and job security.

Rewriting all that COBOL code in some other language would be bound to cause major problems.

Comment Re:Have you used any apps ever?? (Score 1) 76

I personally despised having to copy character sheets because of the thousands of times things got erased and re-written. Have you no memory of the billions of eraser particles that get everywhere over time???

This is why, for my games that normally have excessive erasing (Cyberpunk is one of them), I have char. sheets that are laminated or just put a char sheet in a sheet protector and use wet-erase pens to mark down info.

Comment Re:Just Use HeroLab (Score 1) 76

WoTC isn't building DNDBeyond, they are just supplying the ideas and data for it. They have partnered with Curse to build the product. As Curse has been supplying and maintaining one of the largest repositories of WoW mods for at least a decade, I think they are more than capable of keeping up with the upgrade cycle of Android and IOS. Especially seeing as how it's apparently not going to be an app.

Comment Re:Just Use HeroLab (Score 1) 76

There is a community data file that adds the vast majority of the non-SRD data to Herolab. I use it for DnD 5e and Shadowrun 5 (for which it is a god-send). The Community data file is regularly updated with new content and can be accessed by adding it's url to the list of sources that Herolab checks when it looks for system updates.

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