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Comment Re:Cost? (Score 1) 149

Well... most smart BEV owners start with each day at a 70-80% full charge unless they are using the relatively new Model Y battery chemistry because charging to 100% wears the batteries harder and faster. However, the rest of your point is valid in that most BEV owners start with what they probably consider "a full tank" every single day, and yes, it is pretty awesome.

Comment Re: Seems more suitable for buses at stops (Score 1) 149

I'll add that I only ever felt the range was sacrificed on the Leaf. My original S and my wife's 3 each get an estimated range of about 300 miles per charge (and a realistic one of about 250-275 depending on conditions). My current S is estimated at 400, and I haven't driven it far enough away from home to have to charge it outside a daily trip. I suspect it's probably realistically about 350 if I were to drive it at freeway speeds for hours on end.

Comment Re:Neither did... (Score 1) 289

Love your tongue-in-cheek response. My wife is an elementary school teacher in FL. Her and I are fully vaccinated, I still work from home, and she wore her mask regularly in the classroom. When Omicron hit in early January, she had multiple students out because they tested positive. We were talking about it one day and she realized, no student who regularly wore a mask in the classroom ended up being absent. It was only the ones who didn't wear them, or didn't regularly wear them who got sick.

Comment Re: Tucker and Rogan (Score 0) 289

Questioning everything isn't the path to enlightenment, it's the path to idiocy. How do you know 2+2 is 4? You were taught it. But how do you KNOW it? Well, you can take 2 sticks, add 2 sticks, and say "now I have 4 sticks". But if you question everything, how do you know that you ever had 2 sticks on one side, and that adding both sides together is 4 sticks because maybe you were lied to about the definition of both 2 and 4. At some point you need to be able to trust those who came before. It's a simple fact of life.

Comment Re:Well no shit. (Score 1) 289

The difference is that the overall goal of Viagra was to treat blood flow issues. Originally blood flow issues in the heart. Then it turns out, it helped with a lower area's blood flow issues. Now it seems it may even be beneficial to the brain in certain cases.

Ivermectin is meant to treat parasites like lice and livestock worms. It's not shocking to find a drug meant to treat blood flow issues actually helps with blood flow issues in places we didn't expect. It would be shocking to find that a medication meant to treat blood flow issues suddenly also is an anti-biotic.

Comment Re: Well no shit. (Score 1) 289

Maybe because immunosuppressants are, by their very definition, medication that suppresses one's immune system. So both logic, and science, would expect that people who are actively suppressing their immune system are more likely to have a worse response when confronted with a new disease. Where as Ivermectin is used to treat parasites like lice and worms in livestock. Neither logic nor science would assume it is of any value in treating a virus. A bunch of wingnuts believed it did (mostly as a way to pretend there was a "cure" to avoid wearing masks), and now a large study has show it to be as completely useless as we should have always believed it to be.

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