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Comment Re:Lack of a use case (Score 1) 128

Doubt it. Most game developers have not even figured out how to use more than 2GB of main memory or more than one core. I can't even think of a game that currently uses four cores. The next gen consoles have four, and thus that will be the norm for PC games as well for the next six to nine years.

Total War series has been using four cores for a number of years and I'm sure it's not the only game developed for the PC that does so.

Comment Re: Are you serious? (Score 1) 706

Fair points, and it's similar in Australia, certain areas are more violent than others. Conservative regional areas, some indigenous communities (where alcohol is allowed) , outer suburbs and anywhere alcohol is served can be dangerous. Though with alcohol, the same can be said of most countries. However US gun violence is not limited to gangs in the inner city,

Comment Re:Before the libertarians start preaching... (Score 1) 330

A quicker path to fascism is to outlaw something that people enjoy. Then you can use tax payers money to fund a vast empire that executes or puts people in prisons for either supplying demand or trying to enjoy themselves. Prohibition is the fascist weapon of choice. On the Ron Paul/tax drugs, you might have a point, tax enforcement will just replace prohibition but hopefully on much lower scale.

Comment Re:Sales tax and lies (Score 1) 936

It could also be away to get around the protectionist pricing policies of Apple. It would be cheaper for some people outside of the US to purchase the phone in the US and ship it over, but this is not allowed by Apple and is possibly the motivation for the store managers reaction. Outright, a 16GB iPhone 5 costs 649.00 USD at, at it's listed for 799 AUD which is a whooping 843.82 USD (using google for conversion), even if you can minus 10% for Australian sales tax, there is a 110 USD difference.

Submission + - Violation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle (

mbone writes: A very interesting paper has just hit the streets (or, at least, Physics Review Letters) about the Heisenberg uncertainty relationship as it was originally formulated about measurements. They find that they can exceed the uncertainty limit in measurements (although the uncertainty limit in quantum states is still followed, so the foundations of quantum mechanics still appear to be sound.) This is really an attack on quantum entanglement (the correlations imposed between two related particles), and so may have immediate applications in cracking quantum cryptography systems. It may also be easier to read quantum communications without being detected than people originally thought.
Open Source

Submission + - 4chan undergoing major revision, getting public API ( 1

AdmiralXyz writes: Even the darkest corners of the internet aren't immune to the Web 2.0 boom: BoingBoing reports that 4chan is working on the largest codebase update in its history. The new 4chan will include as standard the functionality of popular browser plugins for using the site, as well as a JSON API so- hooray?- anyone can have immediate access to the contents of 4chan for any purpose they like. This represents a significant update to the heretofore haphazard development process of 4chan, and opens up the possibility of third-party 4chan apps... though probably not on the App Store.

Submission + - The Mathematics of War

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "Isaac Asimov's idea that the movements of masses of people can be predicted may not be quite so fictional after all as Markus Hammonds writes that researchers at the University of Edinburgh have constructed a statistical dynamic model that makes predictions on levels of violence in conflicts such as the recent war in Afghanistan. Their methodology is to analyze how a conflict unfolds by treating outbreaks of violence the way other researchers model the spread of infectious diseases modeling complex underlying processes in conflicts, such as diffusion, relocation, heterogeneous escalation, and volatility (PDF). The researchers first tested the performance of their methods on a WikiLeaks release which contained over 75,000 military logs by the USA military, describing events which occurred between the beginning of 2004 and the end of 2009 that provided a high temporal and spatial resolution description of the Afghan war in that period. "Remarkably, based entirely on written reports between 2004 and 2009, they were able to predict with impressive accuracy, what events would occur in 2010," writes Hammonds. "Even accounting for sudden changes, like the dramatic increase of US forces in Afghanistan in 2010, the predictions remained accurate. Evidently, events will continue unabated despite any large military offensives which may be taking place." In Baghlan province, for instance, the simulation predicted a 128 percent increase in armed opposition group activity from 2009 to 2010. The Afghanistan NGO Safety Office, a nonprofit group dedicated to protecting aid workers in dangerous parts of the world, reported that activity in Baghlan rose by 120 percent from 100 incidents in 2009 to 222 incidents in 2010. "This kind of work offers some hope in resolving serious conflicts as quickly as possible", concludes Hammonds. "Whatever your feelings on it, the ability to predict violence in conflict situations the same way meteorologists predict the weather has some potentially very useful possibilities.""
Your Rights Online

Submission + - Internet Brands sues people for forking under CC by-sa (

David Gerard writes: "Internet Brands bought in 2006, plastered it with ads and neglected it. After years, the Wikitravel community finally decided to fork under CC by-sa and move to Wikimedia. Internet Brands is now suing two of the unpaid volunteers for wanting to leave. The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking a declaratory judgement that you can actually fork a free-content project without permission. Internet Brands has a track record of scorched-earth litigation tactics."

Comment Re:'Fair Use' is not sufficiently well defined (Score 1) 194

"make copyright a flat 18 years for individuals and 5 years for corporations, with not extensions and a one year loss in term for each transferral of copyright (be it selling the copyright or merging/wholly owning the company)", that is the most sensible copyright suggestion I have ever seen. If I could mod up I would.

Comment Brewers don't sue over recipes (Score 2) 112

Beer recipes are generally not that secret, visit a brewery and you're generally shown the full process and ingredients. It's true that most don't give the recipe away, but if you know your brewing it's not hard to reproduce. If you get talking to a brewer and show some interest they'll point you in the right direction. I might be ignorant, but I've never heard of a brewer suing another brewer over a recipe or beer making process. Most brewers are happy to share. Yeast is another matter, many breweries closely guard their yeast, but others give it away.

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