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Comment Re:My current PC (Score 1) 288

I, too, built a PC with a P6TD and an i7 920 in 2009. It was the basis for a "Ship of Theseus", which was my main PC until last September when I finally decided to start over. It started with 6 GB of ram and a Radeon 4850 X2 (hated that card). By the time I rebuilt it from scratch every component within the case had been changed at least once. Only common thread from 2009 was the case which I could have reused yet again, but I was already starting over and cases are so much better now.

Comment Re:Nice (Score 1) 212

This is a giant leap for mankind, not just for the Chinese.

What? Landing on the back of the moon? Are you serious? We could have done this years ago if we wanted to. Also, what is the scientific value of this? I'm not being rhetorical, I honestly would like to know. Sure it's nice to learn more about the moon, but what's the big deal about the back?

Comment Re: Sorry, but no (Score 1) 479

Could be in a similar situation, but pretty sure not here. This was a long time ago (probably 20 years), and we later found out she had relationship issues and had moved back home. Also, at that particular time there were a ton of career options for her within the company. She definitely ghosted us though.

I'm a manager now, but I was just an employee for a long time (didn't want management stress). I understand the ghosting issues from both sides, and part of me would cheer an employee for just saying fuck it and disappearing.

Comment Re:Sorry, but no (Score 2) 479

Even a phone call or text message is still basic decency of saying "I won't be coming in any more".

We had a relatively new employee who was pretty good, and had been with us for a couple months. All signs pointed to her being a welcome addition. One morning her supervisor got a voice mail from her saying she was sick and wouldn't be coming in. Ok, fine. The next day he got another voice mail from her stating, "I won't be in again." Ok, fine. Must be the flu or something. Several days passed without notice and without the employee. We were left trying to figure out where she was and what was going on until one of us realized her voice mail meant, "I won't be in again. Ever." We never heard from her again. Shame really - she had potential, or so we thought.

Comment Neutral Search Engines (Score 0) 56

DDG has positioned itself as a privacy-oriented search engine. I have used them almost exclusively for years. But search engines should be neutral. If it exists on the net, they should find it (except for criminally illegal content like child pr0n). But this action seems counter to that, and feels counter to their core beliefs. Sure, they market themselves as a SE that doesn't track you, but the demographic that uses them isn't going to be pleased by this.

Comment Re:Gee, who they gonna compare him to? (Score 1) 225

Yeah, I'm a Gen-Xer and my parents were always VERY against drugs of any sort. Then later in life (late 70s, early 80s), my mom got cancer. My dad actually bought her some weed from a waitress they knew at a restaurant they frequented.

Unfortunately, he baked it into something and she definitely did NOT enjoy the edible experience. I wish they had talked to me about it before this happened instead of after. For the record, they lived in Arizona, and I'm in Wisconsin.

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