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Comment Re:Fake news (Score 1) 519

They were applying to be, and I quote "social welfare organizations", which cannot engage primarily in political activity. Then all these "Tea Party" this and "Patriot" that organizations popped up trying to funnel money into political causes masquerading as "social welfare organizations". So many conservative organizations were doing the same thing, and using the same words to describe themselves, it made them very easy to find. Just an example of bureaucracy being efficient for once.

Comment Re:Fake news (Score 1) 519

They were filing as non-political non-profits. They were not allowed to engage in political activity, but they were organizations whose expressed purpose was to support political candidates. Not anyone's fault but theirs that they got caught.

Comment Re:You lied (Score 1) 364

These articles don't say what you're suggesting. I didn't see anything in them predicting that more hurricanes would be hitting the US specifically. They predicted stronger hurricanes (which has been happening) and more hurricanes (which has been happening), but I didn't see anywhere saying "more of this will happen in the US". Generally they just say, correctly, that warmer weather produces more storms.

Comment Re:Just what kind of fake news have you been watch (Score 1) 1069

They were not registering as political organizations. They were registering as 501(c)(4)'s, which are social welfare organizations. They are allowed to engage in political activity, but it cannot be their primary focus. Many of these organizations were created exclusively to engage in political activity. They were breaking the rules, it's not anyone's fault but theirs that they got caught.

Comment Re:It is ALL fake news (Score 1) 403

"Oversampling" is a polling method for getting a lower margin of error among one of the subgroups in a poll. For example if you're extremely interested in whether 18-30 year-olds support a policy at a 49% rate or a 51% rate, and a 3% margin of error is too much, you might oversample that age group. It does nothing to the overall results of the poll, just makes the margin of error smaller in one of the subgroups. Try to learn a few basic things about how the world works before claiming that everything is "rigged".

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