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Comment They did this in 2015 (Score 5, Informative) 168

  Belgium was the first country to try it, and Google responded by removing complaining publications from Google News. In response, the publications then complained that Google News was being mean to them, even though they were the ones complaining. In Germany, a similar thing happened, whereby Google left the complaining publications in Google News, but without snippets since that was a key aspect of the law. Again, the publishers screamed "unfair" even though they were the ones who had pushed for the law in the first place.

Submission + - Teachers granted power to 'confiscate and destroy' unhealthy lunch (

schwit1 writes: The British government is urging school leaders to use their "common law powers" to search student lunches and potentially confiscate any items they deem "unhealthy or inappropriate."

Education minister Lord Nash tells Express, "Schools have common law powers to search pupils, with their consent, for items." There is nothing to prevent schools from having a policy of inspecting lunch boxes for food items that are prohibited under their school food policies.

"A member of staff may confiscate, keep or destroy such items found as a result of the search if it is reasonable to do so in the circumstances." The government's foray into lunch inspections began when Cherry Tree Primary School in Colchester banned a Peperami sausage snack and scotch eggs from a six-year-old girl's lunch. Manchester's Manley Park Primary School seized cereal bars from lunches, according to the Huffington Post.

Comment Re:This thread will be a sewer of misogyny (Score 2) 779

There isn't a section that explicitly says 'discourage white boys from signing up for class'.
But, like the zero tolerance policies that are mis-interpreted to include biting a pop-tart into a vague gun shape, pointing your fingers, and having a 1 in plastic molded machine gun for your GI Joes, what will happen is if you can't get enough of the underrepresented demographic students into the class as a percentage of the entire class, then there's going to be a kid that really wants to take the class told 'Sorry, that class is full' when there's only 8 people signed up.

All just to keep the % of underrepresented students at a certain level.

Comment Re:Bullshit, students DO have rights (Score 1) 323

SCOTUS: Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
Holding: Students do not leave their rights at the schoolhouse door.
To protest the Vietnam War, Mary Beth Tinker and her brother wore black armbands to school. Fearing a disruption, the administration prohibited wearing such armbands. The Tinkers were removed from school when they failed to comply, but the Supreme Court ruled that their actions were protected by the First Amendment.

--And, by not hearing a case, said that 24/7 policies are over-broad:
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear '24/7' Policy Case:
The state Supreme Court has declined to hear a case involving the Ramapo Indian Hills School Board’s appeal of a ruling that struck down a policy that would bar students from participating in sports and extracurricular activities for off-campus misconduct.

The Supreme Court’s denial of certification on Jan. 16 means that the earlier ruling, entered last year by the appellate court, is final. In that ruling, the appellate court found the district’s policy to be so “overbroad” that students could conceivably be disciplined for minor off-campus infractions such as littering.

The case arose when the parents of a high school senior brought a legal challenge to the so-called "24-7" policy, claiming it violated state regulations and provisions of the state constitution.

Comment Re:Annnd..... (Score 1) 1051

You seem to forget that it's all the true-blue liberal "smrat" people and areas who are the real anti-vaxxers.
We red-necks get our free guvmunt medicines.

Broken down by vaccine, the states with the best MMR vaccine rates were:
1. Mississippi (99.9%);
2. Maryland (98.2%);
3. South Dakota (97.9%);
4. Texas (97.5%); and
5. Wyoming (97.5%).

Blue California was well behind at 92.7%
Summary from a CDC study linked:
Unvaccinated children tended to be white, to have a mother who was married and had a college degree, to live in a household with an annual income exceeding 75,000 dollars, and to have parents who expressed concerns regarding the safety of vaccines and indicated that medical doctors have little influence over vaccination decisions for their children.

In other words, Whole Foods, organic, homeopathic liberals.

Comment New Permissions (Score 4, Interesting) 249

Just finished updating a few apps on my phone.
Adobe Air has a new permission group it requests. However, on the 'here's the permissions Air is requesting' pop-up after you hit the update button, they no longer mark the new permissions with "NEW". So now you have to cancel out of the update and go check each and every app you're going to update to see what the new permissions it's requesting.
Totally stupid move by Google to not even mark the new permissions with 'NEW'

Comment Re:that'll teach 'em - hey you! drop that website! (Score 2) 230

What are the odds of it passing?

See ObamaCare...Pelosi said "We have to pass it to see what's in it." Passed without being read.
And then, just think about all the congressmen being told about all the children this will protect and all the terrorism it will prevent and you have your answer.

This will be passed without a single person reading the bill.

Comment Re:Catch 22 (Score 5, Interesting) 285

-Sir, you are being accused of violating a patent.
-What patent?
-We cannot tell you that, catch 22.
-But don't you have to tell me what I am violating?
-No, it's the law.

I know this post was just /s, but you realize, there are already secret laws in place from Homeland security that we can be arrested, charged with, and found guilty all in secret without anything being disclosed to you or a jury.
So, I wouldn't say it's far fetched to have this happen sometime soon.


Submission + - Linux 3.3 Will Let You Boot Into Android: Greg-KH (

sfcrazy writes: In an exclusive interview, Greg KH told the site that "The code is almost all there already. The 3.3 kernel release will let you boot an Android userspace with no modifications, but not very good power management. The 3.4 kernel release will hopefully have the power management hooks that Android needs in it, along with a few other minor missing infrastructure pieces that didn't make it into the 3.3 kernel release."

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