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Comment Re:no problems here, bad ports? (Score 1) 3

Interesting, a little more info: Using Linux both Mint and Manjaro, both Mate and both current. Dell 6410 and Dell 6420 fully tested for functionality. Also checked the USB ports with a hardware monitor to check voltage at various loads. I'm also thinking that it could be something that linux is doing. I'm getting really tired of replacing these drives. The drives range from 2GB to 64GB and are used moderately. Thanks for the feedback,,,

Submission + - Ask /.: USB Flash Drives Failing 3

messymerry writes: Over the past year or so, I have had an alarmingly high number of USB flash drives fail into "read only" mode. Something like six or more. These varied from cheap Chinese eBay stuff to name brands pretty much equally. So, I got to thinking: How many have failed on me over the last decade or so. Practically none that I can recall. What has changed in manufacture or design that might account for this or is it just coincidental.

I did a search using google, Startpage, and Duck Duck Go, and didn't find anything that might validate my observations. Please tell me dear slashdotters, am I imagining this or is it a real phenomenon? Have any of you noticed increased failure rates of USB flash drives.

There is a motivation to try to get users to migrate from external storage to the cloud. I'm not comfortable with that. I'm strictly VFR. No clouds, low, and slow.

Thanks for any insights you might choose to offer.

Comment 25% HAH! (Score 1) 205

Come on you guys, how can you present a static number (25%) for a dynamic process? Perhaps a better representation: 25% within 5 years, 50% within 10 years, 75% within 15 years, and everybody within 20 years... Stupid college profs think they are indispensable. Teaching is a boring repetitive job and AI will quickly come to the conclusion that human teachers are inferior and EXPENSIVE. Just sayin'

Comment Collaboration (Score 1) 48

This sort of collaboration between the giants of technology is really really scary. 'Security' is the 'most favoured' excuse to strip people of their freedoms. If these technology giants are collaborating on 'strong AI', and using security as an excuse, then we are all in a world of hurt. Does anybody have any sense of this possibility that these companies are collaborating on strong AI?

Comment Evolution (Score 1) 406

Bin using Evolution for years,,, now I'm too lazy to change. For the most part I does what I want it to and backups and restorations are a breeze. I will change when I have to... *** OFF TOPIC*** Thank you very much Baby Lock for not making manuals available at your website except for the models you are currently selling. Your forebears are spinning in their graves you twaddling nitwits. Sheesh! How disrespectful can a corporation get???

Comment Re:So is everyone (Score 1) 80

Let me put it this way: The purse is not bottomless. Each one of us has a finite amount of time to do the act of living our lives. If we are spending 4 hours a day with the helpful little flat butler in our pocket, what are we not doing with that time that we should be doing. Facebook churns through about 1500 lives a day. Is that not enough???

Comment Re:Best we can hope for (Score 1) 84

What is corrupt about the President voicing his opinions on matters to his employees in the Justice department? If you were the president of a company, would you accept censorship of your communications with your employees? Doing it deceptively or shrouded in secrecy is a different matter, butt if he made on attempt to hide his actions, then he is well within his rights to speak his mind.

Comment Re:Gamin maps... (Score 1) 56

Thanks for this, but I'm not sure I'm interested in helping Garmin. Like I said, their business practices are hyper-financialized and thus predatory. (thanks banksters) When Garmin starts treating us like "customers" and not "consumers", then I will consider helping them. I really do hope OpenStreet maps gets it's act together. If nothing else, just to annoy Alphabet...

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