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Comment Re:Doesn't Amazon provide what the OP wants? (Score 1) 212

Recently they added the ability to also buy the audiobook version and the app *syncs your place* so you can switch between the two formats. That's a pretty amazing idea.

But the app doesn't help the author. He said he had a Nook. Thanks to the recent firmware update people with a Nook Color or Nook HD can get then app, but if you have the eInk based "normal" Nook, you're just out of luck.

As DRM goes, Amazon has done an excellent job of reducing annoyance. They don't try that "you can only read this book on 2 devices, ever." stuff that we've seen elsewhere. But I get the feeling the only reason Amazon's DRM is so unobtrusive is they were so overwhelmingly powerful they could force publishers into a relatively consumer friendly system. We're lucky Amazon cares more about selling books than trying to wring money out of Kindle hardware sales, or the DRM would have been a lot worse.

Comment Re:This makes no sense (Score 1) 802

Actually since they already have the evidence on him the judge could be ordering him to decrypt the drive for evidence on other people. They may be looking for the victims and the source of the data. So if they order him to decrypt the drives and not use the data in his trial then their is not violation of the 5th.

Comment Re:Greenpeace (Score 2, Interesting) 93

That is not true. Geenpeace does care about the environment. I fear they are at the ends justify the means point. They have to make money to do the work they feel is so important so they must raise it.The people that will give the most are the ones that are most extreme and most scared so you feed the base to get the funds to do your "good works". The problem is at some point the extremists take over and believe the FUD, and enjoy the money and the glory of fighting the uncompromising good fight...

Comment Re:Energy a bit more important than Beer (Score 1) 325

Actually Popular Science has done some very good science articles including one debunking the 9/11 conspiracy theories. I am shocked at how many good articles and balanced articles they are doing on things like Fracking and Nuclear energy.
Remember fear sells. People writing books and giving speeches about how the we are destroying the Earth also are making good money by feeding people's fear.
And yes since the gas layers must be impermeable to gas they must also be impermeable to water. Their are no Aquifers that are being used below the shale layers.

Comment Re:Energy a bit more important than Beer (Score 2, Insightful) 325

Do you drive a car, use or own anything made of plastic, ever fly anywhere, take a bus?

Popular Science did a report on fracking. Sits that have been contaminated so far? 1 and that was an unusual site where the gas was near the water table.
Usually the gas layer is several thousands feet below the water table. fracking fluid is heavy and flows down so contamination should be next to impossible.
Mindless fear and opposition is frankly destructive and will just increase the use of coal and imported oil and gas.
Thinking people should look at the science and work towards good regulation and not a simple chicken little style ban.

Comment Re:Story is Both Cool and Sad (Score 1) 79

If it's any consolation, a copy of Action Comics #1 (cover date June 1938, some guy in a cape on the cover) was recently discovered serving as insulation in the wall of a house bought for salvage for $10K. It's currently on auction, with bidding at $137K. (It'd be fetching more money, but the back cover got ripped in a grabbing contest between the guy who found it and his wife's aunt.)

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