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Comment Re:Amp hours per kilogram (Score 1) 199

I think the lack of editing is because of a scoring system. For instance, if you post something wrong, then everyone down-votes it, and you fix it the community looks stupid. They chose the path of, make you post again so YOU look stupid. It's a classic needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one :)

Not saying it's right, just observing. Similar to most psychologists :)

Comment Re:More than theft (Score 1) 1010

While I'm not the original AC here, I believe he's thinking of a dual pole. This example from Home Depot is technically a 40 amp breaker. It's really two 20 amps smacked together, but it IS a 40 amp breaker.

Comment Re:Your call (Score 1) 244

As a musician and songwriter that three minutes of frivolous background noise cost me a lot of time and effort. Considering how most written words aren't even spelled right anymore, I seriously doubt that many web pages you will view cost more in time and effort than that three minute song. It's not like musicians sneeze and out pops music. There's more to it than that.

Comment Re:Maybe... (Score 1) 1121

I've always believed in the 80-20 rule. Selling software to people, you can only get it right for 80% of the people.

Barring the 20% of crazy religious people out there, as one of the 80%, understand that I really don't care enough about your shoes to misplace them even if I did work at the post office. There's not a conspiracy to keep Atheists barefoot (at least none I've heard of in our meetings). I really don't believe there any conspiracy to anger the atheists by delaying their packages (if there were it's would I guess be driven by the First National church of the Holy Postal Workers which isn't really my denomination).

I just don't get it. Maybe this is the 20% of atheists who feel like I'm oppressing you by believing in a higher power. I mean the shoe site does believe atheists should "come out" and find each other ( Not a bad idea really. Although you should be careful. As a christian believe me when I tell you that when you get a group of like-minded people together and give them a little bit of time it's organize and BAM you've got a religion. I'm not an expert, but I don't think that's what you're going for. Although the little black dot as a symbol hasn't been used since Treasure Island (I don't think anyway).

And of course, the one joke that no one else thought of: "Who says Atheists have no soles??? They're shipped in from Germany!"

Too soon?

Comment Re:silver is honest (Score 1) 136

I don't think they are equally bad/wrong, but with a margin of error probably a 4% wrongness difference between the two. What baffles me beyond belief is people who will hold on to that 4% of rightness and say "This Party is Awesome!"

If I cooked a meal that had one plate of steaming dogshit, and another plate that was 96% steaming dogshit, and 4% top quality cuisine, would you really go on and on about how good that plate of mostly dogshit was?

FFS kick them all out and start again or something. Seriously, even the original Nintendo had a RESET button!

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