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Comment Re: Economic harship (Score 1) 281

So economic harship wa lower in 1800? The year that had the highest fertility in the time period from 1800 to 2023?

(I posted the link in my previous comments )

You gotta love it when prople pick and choose one cut in the death by thousand cuts that our population reproduction suffered during so called progress.

Comment and aren't going to be specialists in recognizing (Score 1) 53

Obviously, BOTH audio recording and transcription will be available to both parties in case of disputation.

The role of transcription is auxiliary, it's not going to be a decisive piece of evidence, only to funnel cases that are more likely to stick.

That's it. Author if this piece is making a big deal out of nothing.

Comment Re:False flag (Score 2) 237

This is exactly correct and probably what's behind the EU requirement for alternative App Stores. If you can install your app without an Apple cert your off the races and Apple can't pull your app when it's found to be spyware. It's a simular reason behind the TikTok ban, they can't get the data like they can from Facebook and others.

Comment is it really an achievement? (Score 2) 95

the exercise underscores the astounding capabilities of modern hardware and an achievement in computational and storage technology

That would have flied 25 years ago, but in the last several years we have the progress of things like AlphaFold, generative AI, LLMs and other advances in machine learning that demonstrated how this progress resulted in practical revolution.

The effort in computing Pi digits seems anachronistic and simply misplaced, impressing only a handful of aged fanboys still nostalgically reminiscing about the age of punch cards.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
