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Comment Re:Even better idea (Score 1) 244

botulism in honey is *incredibly* rare in the first place and by the time the child is onto solids ~6 months they can handle it. A baby is far more likely to get botulism from formula milk than honey, but hey lets recommend babies under 12 months don't have it anyway.

If a baby under 6 months gets hold of a coin cell then that is an epic failure as a parent.

Comment Re: If there really is too much solar during the d (Score 2) 338

Where on earth did you get that 25% figure from? That actual figure is 70-80% with some sites claiming as much as 87%. It is on par with batteries and has a lower cost per GWh of electricity stored. However your incremental storage capacity bumps are very large, aka each new site does a lot.

Comment Re:Significant, but not a big difference (Score 1) 72

Depends where marks are turned into grades then it is enough to push you down to a lower grade or even fail which can have life-changing consequences.

I am surprised that this is being suggested as new. It has been known about for years in the UK which is why there is strict randomization of papers and also anonymous marking to try and even out these effects.

Comment Re:Those Rivian vans are so cool (Score 1) 204

During the pandemic, it was a huge issue as many of the places drivers usually used were closed. At least here in the UK. Just because they manage to get through the day does not mean we should not make life nicer for people at minimal expense. Noting that if they don't have to spend time looking for toilet facilities they can do more deliveries.

Comment Re:Meanwhile, at Microsoft... (Score 2) 124

If you read up it was made to look like a Chinese cyberattack but they slipped up just enough to unmask themselves. It was someone from a UTC+2 time zone. Apart from anything else the attacker worked on all the Chinese public holidays but none of the Western ones. That is if you work on Chinese New Year but not Christmas Day you are very unlikely to be a Chinese hacker.

The timezone even precludes Russia unless they where operating out of Kaliningrad but most of the hacking seems to come from either St. Petersburg (from personal experience) or Moscow. My money is on Israel they have the capability and the form (stuxnet)

Comment Re:Those Rivian vans are so cool (Score 2) 204

The Rivian vans for Amazon are at the next level in terms of ergonomics for driver comfort. Go watch a YouTube video on it. What I was disappointed about is that they didn't think to fit a toilet. Especially during the pandemic, there were a lot of complaints about delivery drivers struggling to find toilet facilities. This is basically a solved problem as motor homes have had toilets for decades. Put in some pump-out facilities at the depots and you are sorted. Before anyone says it would need to be accessible for disability legislation, if you need an accessible toilet then your disability precludes you being a delivery driver in the first place.

Comment Re:Starlink (Score 1) 10

However if you are closer to the earth then you don't need as such a big primary mirror.

That said I suspect they are eyeing up launches on SuperHeavy/StarShip where much larger primary mirrors could be used. I mean an 8m primary is entirely feasible though one suspects atmospheric turbulence will be the limiting factor. Then again they could deploy adaptive optics.

Comment Re:BMCs shouldn't be on the Internet (Score 1) 62

I call bullshit on the iDRAC as well. I still have access to all versions of the iDRAC from version 6 on and they work just fine with a SOCKS proxy. We retired the R300 with iDRAC5 in 2022, but that's a 2007 machine. We only hung onto it for so long because it was cheap licensing for TSM to backup our GPFS file system. SAS card didn't work with RHEL8 so had to switch to a R330 with Pentium G4600 and that was pandemic delayed. Should have happened in 2020 but meh it was working and limited data centre access so left alone. You would have to be insane to be using a 2007 machine in 2024 for just about anything.

Comment Re:In before (Score 5, Insightful) 395

Here is the thing. If you didn't know it was a crop of a picture from a Playboy magazine would you have an objection to the image? Frankly, it is pretty hard to object to the 512x512 Lenna image as presented without knowing what it is cropped from.

I would further point out that women fawn over pictures of good-looking men *ALL* the time without thinking twice about it. It is a *massive* double standard that women have.

As such making a fuss about the Lenna image is just virtue signalling. It is like objecting to the terms whitelist and blacklist because you are an ignoramus who doesn't know where the terms come from and assume it's got something to do with race.

Comment Re:virt-to-v2v (Score 1) 39

Not that I have read the article in the finest slashdot tradition, but this I believe is a *live* migration tool. That is you suck in the VM from an ESXi host onto a Proxmox host *live* as though you were doing a vmotion on the VM, except now it ends up on a Proxmox host. XCP-ng has a similar feature. We purchased three years of support for our vSphere infrastructure last June so I have another two years to figure out what to do. Personally I am hoping for this to turn into another VRAM scenario and Broadcom walk back at least some of the licensing changes.

Comment Re:Win win (Score 2) 39

The problem with the Broadcom vision is that where are the top customers going to hire their personnel from? As it stands there is a large pool of lower tier people in small installs that make a large talent pool that I can hire from, and need minimal extra training.

If you turn VMWare into a mainframe type environment where the only way is to hire someone and then train them entirely in the platform, it is time to dump that platform.

There is also as you point out the Oracle/Amazon scenario that will play out. Where Amazon decided the license fees to Oracle were too much and throwing resources at the problem to stop paying Oracle license fees would be cheaper.

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