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Submission + - Adobe Calls Out Apple with Ads in NY Times, WSJ 3

Hugh Pickens writes: "Businessweek reports that Adobe has taken out newspaper advertisements in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times today and posted an open letter to call out the tablet-computer maker for stifling competition. "We believe that consumers should be able to freely access their favorite content and applications, regardless of what computer they have, what browser they like, or what device suits their needs," the letter states. "No company — no matter how big or how creative — should dictate what you can create, how you create it, or what you can experience on the web." The letter is part of a widening rift between Apple and Adobe. Two weeks ago, Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs wrote a 29-paragraph public missive panning Adobe’s Flash as having “major technical drawbacks.” U.S. antitrust enforcers also may investigate Apple following a complaint from Adobe, people familiar with the matter said this month. Adobe has also launched a banner ad campaign to let you know that they love Apple. The two-piece banner ads are composed of a 720 x 90 pixel “We [heart] Apple” design, followed by a 300 x 250 pixel medium rectangle that reads: “What we don’t love is anybody taking away your freedom to choose what you create, how you create it, and what you experience on the web.”"

Submission + - Dreamweaver CS5: back from the dead? (

Barence writes: A year or so ago PC Pro's Tom Arah created a mini-storm of controversy with his "I'm sorry but Dreamweaver is dying" blog in which he suggested that Dreamweaver's dominance is fading and that web designers starting out today would do better getting to grips with a content management systems (CMS). Amazingly, at the recent CS5 press launch, the Adobe evangelist demonstrating Dreamweaver CS5 began his talk by referring to that blog and, when he discovered that Tom was in the audience, suggested that he might want to "eat crow". In this follow-up blog, "Dreamweaver CS5: back from the dead?", Tom explains why he's now delighted to say that Adobe man was right... largely.

Submission + - Adobe demoes Flash running on Android Nexus One (

recoiledsnake writes: Adobe Evangelist Ryan Stewart has posted a video on Youtube that showcases a preview version of Flash running nicely on an Android Nexus on a variety of sampled sites on the Web. Streaming video of TV shows is demoed on the CBS and NHL web sites and a couple of games are shown running with the touch features working nicely. All the web pages and Flash content demoed are normal desktop oriented web pages and weren't optimized for mobiles. Coming on the heels of Android sales overtaking the iPhone and a possible anti-trust enquiry, will iPad and iPhone users that want Flash be able to opt-in for a Flash player App or will all of them be denied access to ubiquitous Flash content and video on the Web due to Jobs' mandate thus making the Appel devices even less desirable leading to more sales for Android phones and upcoming tablets?

Submission + - Blocking annoying ads, leaving the okay ones 2

kestasjk writes: Is there an AdBlock system which makes it easy to block annoying flash/gif/image based ads, but leave the text ones? I feel guilty about running AdBlock, but when I turn it off the non-textual ads just bug me too much (even though I find the text-based ads often interesting).

I could go through the massive AdBlock filter list and prune out the flash/gif/image ones, or start my own list and have to block out new ads, but hasn't anyone else dealt with this problem?

Submission + - Microsoft to end support for Windows 2000, XP SP2 (

GMGruman writes: As of July 13, Microsoft will end its "extended" support for Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2, meaning no more security updates or other direct support beyond keeping it knowledge base available. However, as J. Peter Bruzzese reports, there is a way to extend the support period for XP: upgrade (for free) to the SP3 version, whose "extended support" (security updates but no "regular" fixes) period runs through April 2014.

Submission + - iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing (

virgilp writes: An interesting read — Jakob Nielsen's iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing.
(Spoiler: it's not as good as Steve would want you to believe. Reading the summary felt like grossly exaggerated critics — so I won't post it here. But if you get past the summary and read on, you'll see that it's a rather serious study).

Comment Re:One good idea (Score 1) 495

Com'on, Flash is already "standard" / fully documented & all. And ActionScript was supposed to become "JavaScript 2", Adobe worked with the standard bodies to standardize it as ECMAScript.... but nobody else seemed interested, so they eventually gave up. But a draft standard ECMAScript4 exists (much like a draft HTML5 exists :P ).

This decision is nothing about technical reasons, Apple didn't ban CS5's Flash2iPhone exporter because it doesn't work..... but because it DOES.

GNU is Not Unix

Submission + - Can Employer Usurp Copyright On GPL-derived Work? 4

An anonymous reader writes: I am a recent graduate, and I've been working on my own on a project that uses GPL-licensed libraries. Later a university department hired me to develop this project into a solution that they needed, on a part-time basis. The project's size increased over time and soliciting help from the open source community seemed like the natural way to go, however when I suggested this, my boss was not interested, and it was made clear to me that the department's position was that copyright of the whole thing belonged to them. Indeed by default work created for an employer belongs to the employer, so I may have found myself in the same trap as described in this story: "". Even though I want to release my code to the public I don't know whether I have the legal right to do so, and many people are likely in the same position, working for a university without realizing that their work may not belong to them.

I am wondering whether there is room for hope, since
(1) I started the project on my own, and since no written or verbal agreement was ever made to transfer copyright over to my employer I question whether they can claim that they now own the extended version of the project.
(2) The whole project relies on GPL libraries, since from the start I intended to release it under GPL, and without those libraries it would be useless. Can they still claim copyright and prevent me from publishing the source code even though it is derived from GPL software?

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