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Comment Re:Chernobyl was not a light-water reactor (Score 2, Informative) 258

Fukushima did have a pressure vessel. The problem was the pressure vessel was damaged by the earthquake. The other problem was the majority of the issues were from the spent fuel rod storage in which the pool lining was damaged by the earthquake leading to the loss of all the water in the spent fuel rod pools, which then lead to a partial meltdown of the spent fuel rods in the pool with the runoff radioactive materials leaking through the same cracks which allowed the water to escape and out into the environment.

Comment Re:Classic literature and Saturday morning cartoon (Score 4, Insightful) 1168

Lets see, classics: Romeo and Juliet: Massive family feud between two wealthy "merchant" families, resulting in street battles and pub brawls with deaths. Ending with two main characters committing suicide. King Lear: King splits up kingdom to his daughters based on who loves him the most. Two of the three daughters conspire together and lie to get the largest shares. King disowns daughter who didn't lie. Once having the kingdom, the 2 daughters proceed to treat their father like crap, and plot to kill him. The good daughter goes to war with the other two. Good daughter is executed. King finds out his good daughter was executed, dies from grief. King's good servant commit suicide to continue serving the King in the afterlife.... Hamlet: Brother of King, kills the King, and then marries his now dead brother's wife. The son of the original king confronts his mother and can't believe that she would marry her former husband's killer. Girlfriend/lover of the son/prince commits suicide because the prince declairs that marriage should be outlawed in rage of what his mother has done. Oedipus Rex: Son/prince kills father/king. Marries mother who he is in love with.... No, there was no violence in classic literature, as long as you don't consider child molestation, incest, rape, murder, and suicide violent....

Comment Another vote for Octave (Score 2) 254

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the post. You need to learn a little of how to use it, but learning Octave is going to be a skill useful for probably at least the next 10-20 years, and something that will give you a good advantage in college as well as the real world jobs market. It uses a very similar language structure as Matlab, which is pretty much the "standard" mathematics program for companies/corporations for precision mathematics.

Comment Re:No Death Penalty (Score 1) 379

Someone doesn't realize that some things like that can be there by other means. For instance, lots of people are convicted over just 1 or 2 strands of hair found on the victim's clothing. Did you know that if you happened to use a public laundry mat and used the same washer or dryer before the person that was killed used it, you may very well have some of your hair on their cloths?

Comment Why did the prosecution rush the case? (Score 1) 379

That is the real question. Why was it rushed? There was no physical evidence to her. Just lies and uncooperativeness by her. Had they done their jobs and waited until the had more evidence instead of rushing to trial because the big flapping/talking heads were yelling and screaming, she would be going to trial now (after court date set) and would be taking either a plea deal (assuming one was even offered, which in this case it probably would not be), and be in jail in 3-4 weeks for the rest of her life (be it taken early by the state or not).

Comment Phd with no clue... (Score 2) 112

I am sorry to say it, but this Phd student has no clue. Dealing with a node failure is not a problem with proper, modern supercomputing programming practices as well a OS/system software. There is an amazing programming technique called "checkpointing", developed a while ago. This allows you to periodically to "checkpoint" your application, essentially saving off the system call stack, the memory, register values, etc., etc., to a file. The application is also coded to check to see if that file exists, and if it does, to load all those values back into memory, registers, call stack, and then continue running from that point. So in the event of a hardware failure, the application/thread is simply restarted on another node in the cluster. That is application level checkpointing, there is also OS level checkpointing, which essentially does the same thing, but at the OS level irregardless of the processes running on the system, allowing for anything running on the entire machine to be checkpointed and restarted from that spot.

Then there is the idea of a master dispatcher, which essentially breaks down the application into small chunks of tasks, and then sends those tasks to be calculated/performed on a node in the cluster. If it does not get a corresponding return value from the system it sent the task within a certain ammount of time, it re-sends to another node (and marking the other node as bad and not sending future tasks to it until that value is cleared).

Both of these methods fix the issue of having possible nodes which die on you during computation.

Comment Re:one other place (Score 1) 377

The reason Iron Dome works for Israel and may not for other nations is due to the way it operates. Iron Dome is successful in the fact that it requires detailed maps of the areas it is protecting and only fires when the missile/rocket/mortar it is engaging is going to hit a populated area. This is easier to do in an environment like Israel as the settlements are pretty much confined without a lot of sprawl outside of the town-proper. It is also unknown how well it would do against guided missiles or countermeasures on missiles. That said, the Aegis BMD system deployed by the US Navy does have those capabilities (or at least appears to from the press releases after tests). The only non-test use that I am aware of was the shooting down of a satellite which posed a risk of hitting a populated zone if it had been allowed to continue its failed trajectory (it also helped that China had just put on a big propaganda push showing that they could blow up a satellite as well, but they did it from a stationary launch vehicle on a target with extremely well known trajectory, unlike the US demonstration which was against a tumbling satellite without control and already interacting with the atmosphere which was constantly changing its trajectory).

Comment Re:If he is so confident in his innocence (Score 2) 377

Someone is not up on his current police terminology. "Person of interest" is what used to be called "prime suspect". The reason for the change is that the courts in recent years have held that by pre-labling people "prime suspects" you give the lawyers a chance to show that police had already made up their minds as to who the guilty party was and ignored everyone else.

Comment 2 - 3 redundant "big iron" with VM's (Score 1) 320

Use 2 or 3 redundant low power enterprise class servers. Setup vmware or similar with automatic failover, and make all those "little boxes" into virtual machines. The benefit is that you can easily rehost the services even to your production vm solutions in an real emergency. Having them as separate VM's gives the same benefit of having them as separate little boxes (i.e. restarting the ntp server only affects ntp services, not you email as well). You have the added benefit of being able to easily deploy upgrades by simply cloning the existing VM, patching/updating the service in the clone, shutdown the original VM, and if you have a problem, simply turn the original one back on.

Comment Re:Law school, really? (Score 3, Informative) 309

Sorry to tell you this, but it is just as bad if not worse. You are at the mercy of both government policy AND corporate jackoffs as you need to sell those farm goods to corporate owned/run distribution centers or stores. And you are at the mercy of whatever the government decides to subsidize that year (corn and soy being the current big ones). So all you ever can grow and make a profit is corn or soy. If you wanted to grow carrots, well too bad for you.

Comment Re:Why ban it? Tax it: Ask Philly how that worked (Score 1) 642

Ask Philadelphia how well that worked. They tried to tax soda. You know what happened? All the convienence stores just outside the city limits saw a huge boost in business while the ones in the city lost business. The ones in the city then sued the city with a huge backing of the public and won. Taxing only works if everywhere is taxed, otherwise you are just artificially saying which businesses make a profit and which ones go bankrupt.

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