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Comment Re:That is how it works worldwide (Score 1) 190

Well - then you will make it work, just like the rest of the world did.

You ever hear of FATCA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FATCA).

Since you americans force your laws onto the rest of the world, then you better apply those same laws to yourself.

If you do not, then you're fuckin' hypocrites.

Same goes for site blocking and many other things that you americans are forcing onto the rest of the world.

Comment Re:I wish... (Score 1, Troll) 408

I still say: fire them all, if they refuse to vaccinate.

Have you actually talked to the people who work in health care in Switzerland and try to understand why they are critical of vaccination? Probably critical of Big Pharma.

So what you are saying is that people who think differently and are critical should be expelled from society. What you want is a homogeneous society/culture.

And now moving on to FAANG - so people who distrust google should be expelled too? So people who use Linux should be expelled too because the majority uses ms windows and Linux users are critical of ms windows?

No Thank You - I am perfectly able to make up my own damn mind and be responsible for the mistakes I make.

I made a choice some time ago that I do not want to be part of a society that is homogeneous. I prefer to live in a community where people have different opinions/views. Listen to each other. Learn from each other.

Comment Human Rights Violation - Bodily integrity (Score 2) 408


Human rights:

Two key international documents protect these rights: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

No Company, No Government can force People to get a vaccine.

And what bothers me most about the past few months - how each big pharma company is advertising their shit. In a distant past it used to be that one gets vaccinated against polio. Period. No company name was ever mentioned. One simply got vaccinated against polio.
Now it's all about different big pharma companies.

Some/Many of us distrust big tech (FAANG). Big pharma is no different.

And just to be clear - I am not anti-vaccination. But I am against how nowadays it's all about Big <company name>. Big Tech (FAANG), Big Pharma, etc.

It's all about money.

Comment Re:What bothers me most is ... (Score 1) 81

I un-installed flash from my computers more than five years ago.

You do not need to convince me.

BUT - this is about Freedom!

Users should be able to do on their computers as they please. Unfettered by Big Tech. THAT is my point.

Freedom includes taking responsibility for what happens on your computer.

Comment What bothers me most is ... (Score 2) 81

that NOBODY here complains about the fact that adobe has a kill switch build into the flash plugin and actively blocks users from viewing content.

Y'all are bending over and getting fucked in the ass by Big Tech - yet again.

And y'all are cheering on adobe for what they're doing ...

What a fucked up mess ...

Comment Re:Stupid Politicians (Score 1) 106

2020-10-27 311,889(+28%) 7,142(+4.8%)
2020-11-03 375,890(+21%) 7,576(+6.1%)

And 400+ deaths in one week from some virus.

Fuckin' govt - get your priorities straight!

And of course nobody is protesting against this loss of freedom.

But then - it don't matter no more. People in the netherlands and sweden and other places have given up their freedoms already.

Comment Re:My daily experiences with the modern Internet: (Score 0) 83

Guess who is the faggot.

You are! Since you do as you're told by big companies and billionaires.

You! Bend over and get fucked in your ass by google et al.

If you have not experienced at least a few things that the parent anonymous coward talks about, then you are clueless.

Comment Re:Could we see a mandated maximum seating? (Score 0) 106

That is not the solution ...

The problem is this:
World Population Growth
World Population Growth Graph

World Population Growth Projection
World Population Growth Projection Graph

The more people on this planet - the less sustainable this all becomes.

Stop fuckin' like rabbits. Stop fuckin' tourism. Money will not get y'all out of this mess. Fewer seats in airplanes and shit like that does not help.

Like I've said many times in different contexts - it's the numbers ...


Muslim population growth is the population growth of Muslims worldwide. In 2010-2015, the expected Muslim growth rate was 1.8%.[1] This compares with average world population growth rate of 1.2% per year for the referenced period.[2] As of 2015, it was predicted that the world's Muslim population would grow twice as fast as the overall global population in the following decades.[1] Young median age and high fertility rate of Muslims relative to other religious groups are significant factors behind Islam's population growth;[3][4] As of 2015, the Muslim fertility rate for all 49 Muslim-majority countries is 2.9â"well above the global rateâ"but down from 4.3 in 1990-1995.

This is the root cause of soo many problems - wars in the middle east & africa, mass migration.

Comment Re:Daily, even weekly air travel is dumb. (Score 1) 106

So why did you emigrate in the first place if you can not deal with the consequences. Take responsibility for your own choices (sending your daughter to school in a foreign country, etc etc). You made choices and decisions ... now deal with them. You have only yourself to blame - nobody else. In a not too distant past people who emigrated never saw their families ever again. Like these two women from the uk who travelled all the way to nz for a fuckin' funeral. What a fuckin' mess. If you can not make yourself feel at home in the place you emigrated to, then you should not have emigrated in the first place. To emigrate means to let go ...

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