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Submission + - Is it up to us cure cancer? (

Stolzy writes: I've learned a lot from the Open Source and Creative Commons movements. I also approve of the message of the Libertarian movement teaching self reliance (do no harm to others, take care of yourself and those around you).

For those of us who believe in freedom of information, should we be asking ourselves if we are really the ones responsible for our own welfare?

There's evidence which shows that the drugs Cannabidiol (CBD) and Dichloroacetic Acid (DCA) "can" reduce some cancerous growths. And given that big pharma won't support either of these drugs due to issues with low profit, then isn't it up to us to take the next step?

Yesterday I learned that one of my friends has terminal cancer. It frustrated me no end that I couldn't tell her about CBD or DCA because of the fear of raising false hope. She's on Chemotherapy but only to prolong her life, and has no hope of being cured.

If tumorous growths can be controlled and consequently stopped from spreading by cheap drugs such as CBD or DCA, then should we be moving on to "anecdotally evidenced trials" for anyone who has terminal cancer and is willing to give these drugs a go? Patients could keep a diary, written, audial, or visual, and provide the rest of us with evidence of their results.

I'm not suggesting anyone ignore the advice of their Doctor(s), in any way. Either of these drugs can be taken in conjunction with any other treatment(s) being given. But if we continue to ignore the evidence being given to us by our scientific community, then who's the real loser in all of this?

Us, of course. .:DCA: .:CBD:

Your Rights Online

Submission + - Confidential Police Confetti at Macy's Parade (

cstacy writes: The Nassau County (New York) Police Department is "very concerned" about reports that shreds of police documents (with social security numbers, phone numbers, addresses, license plate numbers, incident reports, and more) rained down as confetti in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The documents also unveiled the identities of undercover officers, including their SSNs and bank information, according to WPIX-TV. Macy's has no idea how this happened, as they use commercial, colored confetti, not shredded paper.

Submission + - Canada's Supreme Court Tosses Viagra Patent For Vagueness

Freshly Exhumed writes: In a 7-to-0 decision, the Supreme Court Of Canada has ruled that Pfizer Canada Inc.'s patent on well-known erectile dysfunction remedy Viagra is now invalid due to insufficient information in Pfizer's patent application. The upshot is that competitors can now manufacture cheaper, generic versions of Viagra for sale in Canada. A problem with spreading this news item is that many email filters will not allow the topic, so cheers to /.

Submission + - Serious Flaws Detected in Oracle Database, May Lead to Data Leaks (

KristenNicole writes: "Some serious flaws have been identified in older Oracle databases that could lead to data and security breach. As discovered in Oracle Database 11g Releases 1 and 2, the flaw leaves databases open by sending the session key to the client before authentication is fully completed, this leaves the session open to enabling an attacker to guess the password. The Register has reported on this issue and it looks like a bit of a doozy.

Read full article here:"


Submission + - Drone duel outwits FAA, but not hackers (

garymortimer writes: "What began as a think tank stunt with a do-it-yourself drone turned into a lesson for researchers on the inadequacy of Federal Aviation Administration unmanned aircraft zoning.

Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, challenged friends to a duel in the sky last weekend with smartphone-controlled toy helicopters purchased from Brookstone. Congress this year mandated that FAA open the U.S. airspace to privately owned drones in 2015. On Sunday, two children younger than 15 helped Wittes win the Drone Smackdown by disabling their opponents’ control panel, or iPhone in this case."


Submission + - Statistical tools for detecting electoral fraud (

RockDoctor writes: A recent paper published in PNAS describes statistical techniques for clearly displaying the presence of two types of electoral fraud — "incremental fraud" (stuffing of ballot boxes containing genuine votes with ballots for the winning party) and "extreme fraud" (reporting completely contrived numbers, typically 100% turnout for a vote-counting region, with 100% voting for the winning party). While the techniques would require skill with statistical software to apply in real time, the graphs produced in the paper provide tools for the interested non-statistician to monitor an election "live".

Examples are discussed with both "normal" elections, fraud by the techniques mentioned, and cases of genuine voter inhomogeneity.

Other types of fraud, such as gerrymandering and inhibiting the registration of minority voters, are not considered.

The paper is open access, so anyone with the technology to access it can read it.

Comment Naturally - they don't bite while the nets are up (Score 1) 1

In WWI, the British Army had a problem with their soldiers dying from snipers' head shots. So they switched to metal helmets, and the proportion of head wounds went up. Counter-intuitive, until you realize that most of those head wounds would have been head-deaths before. Same thing here, I suspect: with the mosquito nets up, naturally you get a higher proportion of bites after 5am, when the villagers leave the nets and get up to work in their fields. Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye, but at first glance it's just the result I'd expect.

Comment Re:power corrupts (Score 3, Informative) 502

With power as finely balanced as it is in the US, a party doesn't need anything like a third of the vote. A percent or less of the vote - if concentrated so that it elects one or two congressmen - can give a party power way out of proportion to its actual electoral vote. Countries like Israel have long suffered from a tail-wagging-the-dog syndrome where tiny parties have vastly disproportionate power for that very reason: if they leave the coalition, taking their two or three votes with them, the government loses its majority.

Comment Hard to force people to pay attention (Score 1) 1

Peter Bright argues that the ban should persist. Not because of interference with aircraft control systems, a self-evidently silly fear (if there were any quantifiable danger, we'd be strip-searched and relieved of our gadgets at the gate) but because it would keep our attention safely on the plane during the more dangerous take-off and and landing phases. In addition, he argues, the ban gives us a spiritually refreshing period during which we must part ways with our gadgets and smell the metaphorical flowers. I dunno. If a sudden gut-wrenching roll or nose-down doesn't make you look up from your iphone, I'm not sure banning them during those times will make you more attentive. As far as spiritual refreshment is concerned, listening to the fuss and noise of my fellow passengers, most of whom I'm forced to sit closer to (and certainly for longer) than most sex partners, does not encourage spiritual cleansing. Playing Air Attack on my Galaxy and doing my best to pretend no one else is there is way more relaxing.

Comment Re:There's Your Problem Right There (Score 1) 1108

The flip side of this is what I got in Ontario (Canada), whose curriculum 25 years ago required the teaching of creationism as well as evolution. After spending a week or so looking at all the evidence for the theory of evolution, our grade 13 biology teacher announced "I am also required to teach an alternate theory known as creationism. You've seen all the evidence for evolutionary theory (he went on to list it). But there are some who believe that this is all false and that god did it. It is up to you to decide which theory you find more plausible." And on to the next topic. When I read about teachers having to "teach the controversy", etc., I'm not too worried. I suspect that, even in Tennessee, a majority of science teachers have the same severe doubts about creationism as the rest of us.
The Military

Marine Corps Wants a Throwable Robot 270

coondoggie writes "The US Marine Corps has a request — build and rapidly deploy more 10lb-or-under robots its personnel can throw into dangerous situations that can quickly gather information without endangering Marines. The throwable robot is part of a family of robots that would range from the 10lb version to one that would act as a central controlling device and weigh close to 300lbs. Marine commanders are demanding ever lighter robots so that troops don't have to offload critical equipment from their rucksacks to accommodate them."

Comment Best solution I've seen (Score 1) 688

Given the amount of discussion, this is obviously not a silly question. I worked at a company in Palo Alto for a while, and one of the things that appealed to me was that they let users name their own workstations. You got a completely random mishmash. They didn't reflect the machine's purpose (more secure, if that worries you); they're easier to remember (betty, veronica, larch, elm, etc are way easier than random alpha strings); you don't have to change them if someone moves; and when someone quits you reimage anyway, so let the new owner choose a new name, or stick with the old name if you prefer. It's also more empowering than some faceless (and finite) naming convention imposed by the trolls.

Comment It could help, but there's a deeper problem (Score 1) 2

As far as I can tell, there are three reasons people don't vote: they don't care; it's too hard; and it's not cool. Voting looks to some teens like picking up trash on the street: something only the Martin Princes of the world do. It's too hard because it requires going to a physical place with physical pieces of paper, and making a conscious decision who to vote for. And, of course, many voters feel that politicians are all clowns and liars, so it doesn't matter who you vote for. Online voting - presuming that it's implemented securely, if that's possible - would make it easy and, if not cool, at least not overtly dorky either. The third issue, the feeling that one bunch of clowns in parliament is pretty much like another - doesn't have a technical solution. But two out of three's not bad.

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