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Comment Radio Shack TRS-80 (Score 1) 857

My Dad's TRS-80 Model III was the first I can recall using. I was about 3, and I like to press the clicky red reset button on it. I think he didn't enjoy that, as he was probably working on something at the time. A kid can be worse than a cat when it comes to computer interference.
The first I owned, as a gift, was a Color Computer II, with the game cartridges like Doubleback, and Megamunchers. Didn't do much computing on it. Then we got a Commodore 64 and Vic 20 parts. Never got the Vic 20 going, but we had fun with the Commodore 64. The school, where my Dad was a teacher had his Model III, and a Model IV, and a bunch of Apple ][, and ][e computers. Soon there was an 8088 as well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 6 Days After My Previous Journal Entry, I Was Dead 4

...But I was revived. I had a cardiac arrest on July 1st almost exactly 6 days after 'returning' to /.

I'm doing fine now, thanks to the first responders, police, and paramedics who were doing CPR in minutes and got my heart started again with an AED. I avoided brain damage, which wasn't apparent when I first woke up days later with the memory of a goldfish. "Oh look, a castle!" (for those who know that joke.) I now have an ICD, making me a legit cyborg.

Comment Re:Estimates (Score 2) 521

Looked into, but not freaked out about. Cats kill hundreds of millions of birds each year. 200M die in Canada alone.

It's not even close. Delaying a switch to solar is much more deadly for birds, as it's expected 1/8th of species will soon (within decades) become extinct due to climate change.

Comment Re:god dammit. The Numbers (Score 5, Insightful) 521

Crunching the numbers, it's foolish to delay solar power adoption for even 28K birds a year.

Climate change is expected to soon kill off 1/8th of all bird species.

200M birds die from cats each year in Canada ( which has the human population of California).

Either stop climate change pollution, or kiss some birds goodbye (peck on the cheek).

Comment Re:Completely made up concern... (Score 1) 100

"You'd think thousands of people being misdirected from polling stations across the Country might have been picked up by atleast one of the major news organizations"

At least one? Try these examples.

So, that invalidates your claim that it's made up recently. Any other questions you'd like me to demolish/answer for you?

Comment Re:Tip of the Scummy Iceberg (Score 1) 100

Wow. What an ignorant, close minded, book-by-the-cover thing to say.

So, if someone understands hip-hop, they can't comprehend research, journalism, computer databases, cryptanalysis, or politics?

I do have to confess to at first not checking him out very closely a month ago when I saw his web address, but when he predicted the Danforth byelection to fractions of a percent, it's pretty clear he knows what he's talking about (and you're being a snob).

Comment Re:Tip of the Scummy Iceberg (Score 1) 100

If you wait for Elections Canada to give you news, you're going to be waiting a lonnng time. The reason we all know about it now is because the Ottawa Citizen broke the story after obtaining EC documents through the Freedom of Information Act. It's been widely reported and known that these calls affected close to 100 ridings. Just because there's an investigation, doesn't mean we have to play dumb until it's finished.

Independent media has said more than 0 ridings were swung, but the fact remains that the crime existed even if no voters were swayed by the ruse. Facts are on my side, not yours.

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