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Comment How can it be more then noise? (Score 2) 23

I can't see how the trend continues.

Any given small slice of the economy can certainly become disjointed from the macro trend for a time, right now LLMs and ML are burning tons of compute resources and industry is having to scale to support it; but once they do its hard to see the trend doing anything other than leveling off again.

Compute isn't a final product its a process tool, you can't eat it, you can't live under it, its not entertaining. Even to the extent something like video game uses compute, its the art work, and the algorithms to animate and play out the game that is the real product the compute used to execute it is just a means to an end. The amount to compute used can't really grow in excess of GDP except by cannibalizing other areas of the economy (reduced labor, replacing mechanical processes with electronic ones etc).

Compute is getting constantly more dense; you can do more in less space.

GDP growth is slowing, and projected to remain lower than in times past.

Just like thru the 80s and 90s we saw explosive growth, as office automation, CNC manufacturing, electronic communications, etc transformed the market, and then hit the wall around 2001 when everyone figured out we'd mostly found the limits of what technology enabled, sure it got faster, more polished, the cat videos became higher res, but until a new wave of miniaturization came long the .com boom was over.

Well its boom time again and it will last for some stretch of time until the obvious applications for server-side LLMs and other ML are mostly exploited. What all that looks like and how precisely long it will last I am not going to guess. However there are limits, and the probably will be found in the coming decade. The IT market will stall again until some growth in efficiencies enables GTP5 competitive tech outside expensive climate controlled spaces on specialized hardware.


Comment Re:In general you won't find me doing both sides b (Score 0) 96

I mean I have close family who are alive today because the Democratic party paid for their health care while the Republican Party fought tirelessly to take it away and pocket the money for themselves...

That is a blatant lie and you know it. We have not in the post war era been in the habit of letting indigence kill anyone. Now they may have ended up caring a lot more medical debt under other systems and maybe you are happy they were allowed to steal from others because of their bad luck or far more likely given who is posting ridiculously poor choices.

Lets be real about that too - at least 25% of the pre-ACA uninsured and uninsurable were already covered by one or more state and federal program. They were just to lazy and stupid to get the needed information and file the paperwork.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 1) 57

I think it is different. In those situations either there is some spiritual connection that actually exists; or its all in their head.

If its the former than we would hope in most cases if the person is actually being morned it was someone who loved them and their motivation would be for the living to go on and live well. As Christian for example, we have 'til death do us part' in the marriage vows because once you are in the kingdom there no longer exists a need for those types of human relationships, your relationship is communion with the Lord. As to if the dead, prior to the second coming, would or would even be allowed to have interest in the goings on back here on earth is a subject of theological debate.

If its all just in your head as far as mourning goes, well then interacting with some mementos and working through thoughts and feelings about your memories of that person is quite different than some interactive simulation of them, which is potentially ingesting new material and generating new interactions with (not) really that person. Think where this can go - you could have a falling out with your deceased grandfather because of his support for a political candidate that wasn't even born before he died. Alternatively you might be able to project your views onto or decide that person would have 'evolved' so you can have your long dead mother tell you how you are being a responsible, good boy, for pressing your girl friend to murder your child still in her womb.

All of this will be quire 'different' and frankly non of it healthy.

Comment Who is fooling who (Score 4, Insightful) 172

Apple wants to literally flatten creativity and violently crush the creative tools of yesterday in favor of a multi-hundred dollar piece of luxury technology

You know what luxury is? Let me tell you its having a bunch of expensive musical instruments, artistic tools AND the space to store and use them. Sure an IPad is a luxury item in that you can live without one, but in real terms of having the ability to create in the spaces apple is alluding to, like music and visual arts, a iPad is a much more available to a lot more people than the traditional methods.

Dude is a snob, only people like me with a collection of fancy kit in large padded cased with names like Yamaha printed on them should be allowed to make stuff. The rest of you plebs are supposed to be just consuming!

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 2) 236

Except the ROC was a legitimate government of all of China before Mao's PRC took over in an illegal coup.

Its actually the PRC that has no right to exist. It is probably the greatest moral failure post war diplomacy that it was ever recognized.

It would be more like if the Texas militia took over the continental US and current government in Washington fled to the Virgin Islands. Then you wanted to claim the United States of Texas was legit.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 236

The problem is the policy toward China is all over the place.

Exporting or wealth by creating a trade imbalance intentionally - refusing to sell them stuff; while buying their stuff as fast as it can be shoved into shipping containers is not a good strategy.

I believe the China is evil; but step 0; is actually not stop selling them stuff its to stop buying their stuff.

Comment Re:hard to believe (Score 2) 127

Unless management is pushing, 'faster, better' policies on the workforce it is hard to believe that someone would claim to have performed a check without having done it.

Really? Hard to imagine?

Hmm lets see I could spend 20min crawling around inspecting this thing, the last 5 I have looked at having been just fine or I can just check this box, and play with my phone some more...

Really when it comes to stuff like this the only way is either legalistic consequences for getting caught. You signed this without inspection, no discussion, no exit interview, security will escort you from the building now.

Otherwise you have to be doing multiple inspections where the inspector is not told if they are in fact doing the first or second inspection, and discrepancy triggers a third inspection with again some sort of punitive action taken against individuals with to many errors and omissions on their inspections. Its not cheap but failure is really unacceptable this is what you do.

Comment Re:This is a common trick mega corps use (Score 0, Flamebait) 127

Support of unions is just brain damage on display. You got rlsiverdope here screaming about anti-trust and collusion in every odd post, while every even post is how we don't have enough collusion in the labor market...

Funny how the quality problems with 787s started cropping up in the years just after the SC plant unionized too.

Comment Re:Is that description correct? (Score 1) 114

watch the video; they are not attacking the address assignment on the VPN side, they are attacking the hotel/coffeeshop side.

The entire attack comes down to
1) VPNs that explicitly allow split tunnel (I assume a lot of those consumer vpns probably do so they don't break IPP, home DLNA etc)
2) VPN clients that are to dumb to know how to clean up anything but the default gateway etc
3) abusing routing precedence, traffic headed to the most specific route.

Yes what the VPN daemon should do obviously is:
get the default gw at connect time
add a static route for the vpn end point via that gateway
change the default gateway to inside of the tunnel
remote ALL other routes
(put things back upon disconnect)

Of course end users don't like this because - they can't print, they can't answer their phone on the computer, my chrome cast does not work... blah blah; but if your VPN daemon isn't either in control of the routing table or using some other facility (say iptables, a network filter driver on windows, whatever) to bypass routing and force the next gateway to be the remote peer via the tunnel - well you just have virtual networking, not virtual PRIVATE networking.

Comment Talk in the late Balmer era (Score 2) 82

There was talk the Microsoft with its vast riches should consider exiting tech and selling off its tech products (that were good enough at the time according the financial press) like windows and office to care taker software houses like CA while turning themselves into a tech focused hedge fund.

I sure wish they had. It would have done a lot to take the Microsoft Management culture influence out of tech, and that would have been a good thing

Comment Re:More or less BS? (Score 1) 81

depends on what you mean by *real*

When I say real I mean legally saleable ones. My observation is there is a lot of magical thinking when it comes to the backing issuing the credits, to offset a bunch of very tangible smoke stack industry on the part of people who buy them. Some nature preserves have been selling carbon credits too. Why not its good revenue that they do need for their mission?

However these places were not original set aside for carbon offsets, nobody was going pave the rino/bird/large_cat sanctuary if they were unable to sell the offsets. So what this comes down to is polluter essentially makes a donation to some preservationist cause and in exchange gets to go on dumping carbon a bit longer.

Which I am NOT AGAINST actually because there is a lot more to been green than just controlling carbon in fact I think a lot of the carbon reduction activities are counter productive to preserving our environment. A great example is slicing up the last bits of unbroken forest in the US-East region to run electric lines, because some moron thinks we should install 5MW of wind plant on a hill top and call it "green".

The notion that carbon offsets are doing much to reduce carbon emissions though is a joke. Names and language for things are important they control how we think. We should maybe rename these things environmental impact offsets, we could recognize they might be valuable and useful without trying to convince ourselves they are the carbon solution they are not.

Comment Re:Is that description correct? (Score 0) 114

You have not got it right.

A rouge dhcp server or even just spoofed messages are a problem, in their own right, and a proper network where the hosts are not 'trusted' would implement client isolation.

Odds are your hotel does not do that. So someone can pretend to be the DHCP server. One of the things that allows them to do is send some additional dhcp options, they can set themselves up as your name server, and injection of routes. So they tell your computer what is and offer a more specific route to get their than the default gateway (your vpn). You computer will chose their chosen gateway for over your vpn tunnel.

Now if your browser is configured properly and your box isn't already pwnt what they can't do is spoof's certificate. As long as you don't click 'go there anyway' you'll be just fine.. other than you can't use Amazon.

This though is another great example of why you really should prune that trusted certificate authorities list on your device. I would remove those of unfriendly nations and those places in the world that feature a lot of organized crime. I would also STRONGLY recommend removing or untrusting LetsEncrypt. While I don't belive LE would do something like allow someone to get a cert for a domain they don't own even under pressure, they absolutely don't do anything to fight typo-squatters and those types of frauds; they endanger everyone that way.

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