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Comment "Child Porn" should be legal. Here me out. (Score -1) 73

"Child porn" is not a real problem. Real "Kiddie Porn" probably exist, probably in darkest corners of internet, but unless you were part of a group that exchanged it you would never find it. "Child porn", which I imagine imagine they are referring to mostly teen nudes of 13-17 which teens make themselves and share on snap chat etc, is about as a dangerous to society as masturbation.

Meanwhile, the average lifespan of the American male has DECREASED for the 3rd year in a row while suicide and deaths from Fentanyl alone are almost 70,000 per year and climbing while the media largely ignores this because if impacts men males more often.

By developing tech to tackle "Child Porn" they are developing sweeping Orwellian tech to censor and monitor all free communications of the people. This is disastrous implications to a free society and democracy in the future. I would much rather take some one uploading underage nudity or sex. Make underage sex illegal, photographic it and uploading it. Photographing it and uploading to the internet just documents the crime. Is seeing the naked human body worth risking democracy the world over? That's what's at stake over "child porn".

I say for 0.00000000000000000001% of the data that might be consider "child porn", is it should be legal, rather than have our rights violated by invasive government/tech monitoring of our information.

Comment Re:Horrible Deal for the U.S. (Score -1) 245

China produces nearly twices as much CO2 as the US and increasing rapidly, while the U.S. is reducing, thanks to the use of Nat Gas and other innovations. India and China over the next 30 years will blow away the U.S. and pay nothing into the Paris accord. That was a joke. Here are the stats. Amounts per capita is not relevant since they are not paying into the system. Just the American Tax Payer was.

Comment Horrible Deal for the U.S. (Score 0, Insightful) 245

For people that actually read it. It was a horrible deal for the U.S. Counties like China and India which produce most of the CO2 "Pollution" they pay little, while the U.S. gets raped.

This... like most of the Climate action, is about global redistribution of wealth and power, under the guise of saving the planet.

Comment Can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen (Score 0, Troll) 137

First, this is business in the big leagues, when you are dealing with people, egos and $$ amounts in the billions you deal with the dark side of humanity. This comes with the nature of the job. Clearly she didn't have the fortitude to deal with it. No what you are signing up for. As for sexual harassment, doubt. That's the catch all victim card women get to throw around in the, victim Olympics.

Females use their sexuality to advance their socioeconomic status in the workplace everyday, but cry foul if they get unwanted attention.

She should have never had this job to begin with.

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