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Comment Re:Quality (Score 1) 378

you have made no actual coherent argument for why evolution is fake.

I literally did.

The earth hasn't been around long enough (more specifically the beginning of single celled life on earth -- something like 3.4 billion years ago) for evolution to actually work the way they say it does (or has been observed in DNA differences like between humans and chimps -- and that's only a 2% difference).

You may be too retarded and emotional ("who the fuck are 'they'?", "like a fucking sheep", "biggest non-scientific bullshit I've heard in my life", etc.). If you're dying to prove to the internet that I'm wrong, go for it. Get your data, do your math, and show the internet.

Best of luck.

Comment Re:Quality (Score 1) 378

My initial observation stands. In fact, your asking irrelevant questions and demanding proof for math only strengthens the validity of that observation.

That's not how science works.

It really is how it works more often than not. Look at the reproducibility crisis for example.

Comment Re:Quality (Score 1) 378

The earth hasn't been around long enough (more specifically the beginning of single celled life on earth -- something like 3.4 billion years ago) for evolution to actually work the way they say it does (or has been observed in DNA differences like between humans and chimps -- and that's only a 2% difference). Some biologists/evolutionists recognize this problem, but like Science always does, they're being laughed at. Which is fine, cause they're just making it up too.

Comment Re:Quality (Score 1) 378

Evolution is fake and literally impossible. It can't hold up to basic math (fixed mutation rate vs time). Your using its banning as the bar for "something fucking majorly gone wrong in the schooling system" just demonstrates how inverted and screwed up the western school system really is.

Comment Pessimistic View (Score 1) 352

I've become a pessimist as I enter my 50s.

Everyone not Tesla is worried that Trump will get elected, and to stay in his good graces they're going to 'back off' because they aren't sure if the subsidies they were relying on will continue. They let their dealer networks rip everyone off, making their vehicles un-affordable, and then when interest rates skyrocketed now they can't sell their over priced under delivering pieces of crap. it's one thing to buy a car at 2x its value when interest rates is square root of a small number but when you now get 7-8% instead of 1-2%.dealers fucking over people doesn't work and the sales completely stall because the things were expensive before they were marked up.

Meanwhile, Tesla will continue to fuck up the market and sell more. I just wish Elon wasn't such an asshole.

My hope is that Polestar, and the Chinese brands I'm not familiar with and others still invested will pick up some of the slack. In a fair world GM, and others like Toyota will become a history lesson like buggy whip manufacturers.

Comment Optomistic for Some Use (Score 1) 174

Call me a luddite but I'm a bit against the current 'AI' that basically scraped the internet to build up its engine, but this is something that I always hoped for when it came to code generation.

I had these ideas of somehow feeding it all the source material for a given language, compiler docs, the language docs, and rules, etc, and then being able to describe functions and have it generate the base code for it. Why? because coding for me was a path not taken. i did all the schooling, got a degree, and promptly started working for a hardware company selling its products and making piles of money. Now, 30 years later I dont' know anything about coding and can stillr emember 15 generations ago's codename for the Intel CPU at the time which is frustrating. I've always wanted to build a few different things but in what little spare time I had grasping the idea of event based programming and ObjectiveC/Swift/F#/C# whatever was too much for someone who graduated back when you still put void main(); in the start of your C code and C++ was this new thing that was a funny joke on incrementing a variable.

Now I'd just like to debug a broken Foundry VTT module or a Servarr module that isn't working or broken (RADARR NEEDS TO RENAME FILES AND DIRECTORIES DAMMIT) but i basically ahve to relearn and honestly have not enough time to do it.

Comment Seems a little over-conspiracy-y (Score 1) 172

User wasn't disabled because his apple card payment was late/failed, user was disabled because his card was rejected for non-payment. When I've had debit cards stolen, i've had services get disabled until I got it fixed. Seems to be digging for conspiracy when there wasn't one, bill didn't get paid, they disabled services. Weird how they handled it though. Apple support has been slacking in recent years compared to the past.

Comment Re: Summary (Score 1) 725

I am resigning effective immediately from my position in CSAIL at MIT. I am doing this due to pressure on MIT and me over a series of misunderstandings and mischaracterizations.

Mission accomplished. Stallman will forever be a pedo or at best linked to pedos. After all... he RESIGNED.

Make them fire you. Never give in to this evil. But what does Stallman know of evil anyway?

Comment Re:This sux. (Score 1) 344

Hahaha... this is good. And so true. Kernel building and reading slashdot always seemed to happen together. And then you get into some flame war trying to prove who was smarter or could google faster (the penis size showdown for youth geeks -- and still happening I see) only to realize your build has been done for an hour, but you forgot to turn on "new feature x" or it crapped on modules on something. Hour "wasted".

Comment God speed (Score 1) 344

Wow... I just heard. I have so many fond memories from back when Rob was a fixture here. I would obsessively refresh my browser for the next story... some of which were posted by Rob. He was not as prolific a poster as others back in the day, but I do remember his being more apropos to the goings on at the time (unlike say Jon Katz... whom I think he interviewed once). God speed Roblimo. As you make your way through the unknown... may your grits always be hot, your Natalies always be Portman, your overlords always be robotic, and your clusters always be Beowulf.

Comment Too bad Drip/Kickstarter couldn't capitalize (Score 1) 66

The tone deaf handling of Patreon (and I still can't grasp that, considering who created it, created it as a starving artist) would have been a perfect moment for Drip/Kickstarter to say fuck the invite only, let's roll. They'd probably have gotten a huge swath of folks switching because there was a reason too. The completely shit way Patreon handled this by announcing it to the users and creators simultaneously ... trying to solve a problem people didn't have.

It's unfortunate a lot of people lost income, as many people were like fuck this shit I'm out and bailed. I was hovering over the button to delete my pattern account this morning, but was trying to figure out how to keep paying the folks I do as I genuinely like this model of support.

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