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Comment WHICH federal judge? (Score 5, Insightful) 90

It's 2024. You can't report on law in the united states without saying WHO the judge is. Alan Albright - the judge here - isn't a judge who decides based on trivialities like "law." He's a Trump judge who decides based on vibes and who has had an almost unique order filed against him by the chief judge stripping him of much of his docket.

Comment Re:Loopholes (Score 1) 167

I mean, sure. You could also "simplify the tax code" by eliminating all taxes. You could "simplify the tax code" by confiscating all private wealth. These are also easy ways. Admittedly, they're not QUITE as stupid as the "fair tax" proposal you linked to, but I think anyone would agree that both of those ideas are pretty freaking stupid.

Just not quite as stupid as "a national sales tax administered by the states."

Comment This is one of the dumbest articles I've ever seen (Score 1) 80

"For centuries, humans have thought lions see gazelles as food, and didn't care about the delicious grass the gazelles grazed on. But now, it seems that lions are trying to find out where the gazelles are going, and what types of grass they find most delicious. It just goes to show that gazelles might have some wisdom to teach even mighty lions!"

Comment Interesting ethical question, huh? (Score 0) 105

what's to stop a tyrant doing the same against rivals or innocent protestors?

Wow, that's a really, interesting ethical question.

Oh wait, it's not, at all. Who cares.

1. Governments are already doing this.
2. However, if this really, really, really worries you, instead of buying your phone from your friend who "knows a guy" buy it from Apple.

Problem solved.

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