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User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 7

So why is it that administrators will allow each other free reign to abuse unpriveleged users (especially homeless ones), but they go into a mod-bombing rage when the unpriveleged user dares to shoot back?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 6

So why is it that administrators will allow each other free reign to abuse unpriveleged users (especially homeless ones), but they go into a mod-bombing rage when the unpriveleged user dares to shoot back?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 5

So why is it that administrators will allow each other free reign to abuse unpriveleged users (especially homeless ones), but they go into a mod-bombing rage when the unpriveleged user dares to shoot back?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 4

So why is it that administrators will allow each other free reign to abuse unpriveleged users (especially homeless ones), but they go into a mod-bombing rage when the unpriveleged user dares to shoot back?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 3

So why is it that administrators will allow each other free reign to abuse unpriveleged users (especially homeless ones), but they go into a mod-bombing rage when the unpriveleged user dares to shoot back?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 2

So why is it that administrators will allow each other free reign to abuse unpriveleged users (especially homeless ones), but they go into a mod-bombing rage when the unpriveleged user dares to shoot back?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous coward posting 1

Usually it seems like Slashdot has a system in place to prevent the same person from posting too many AC posts in a row. I know that, in years past, even on accounts with excellent karma, anything after the second AC post was usually met with time limits in excess of sixty minutes and anything after a third AC post was, well, forget it. Just use an account.


Journal SPAM: Shuttle Schedule 3

Very much subject to change I imagine:

* STS-117 - No earlier than June 8 (Atlantis)
* STS-118 - No earlier than August 9 (Endeavour)
* STS-120 - No earlier than October 20 (Discovery)
* STS-122 - No earlier than December 6 (Atlantis)
* STS-123 - No earlier than February 14 (Endeavour)
* STS-124 - No

User Journal

Journal Journal: Even more thin skin

So I have to wonder. What is it in some people's make up which causes them to have a need, a real psychological dependence, on stalking another human being? It's truly a predator/prey type relationship.

The Courts

Submission + - Ontario proposes cyber-bullying law for schools

nursegirl writes: A proposal to change Ontario's education act has been announced today. The proposal adds both physical bullying and cyber-bullying to the list of behaviours that can get a student suspended or expelled. Posting comments, pictures or videos attacking other students or teachers outside of school hours will carry the risk of school punishment, if the incident is believed to have an "impact on school climate".
User Journal

Journal Journal: Thin skin 1

Some people have really thin skin and are so easily incensed that they will never give up, will never stop, must repeatedly keep tracking down their target--but always make sure that they never do so in a way which will bring any of their actions back on them.

Gosh. If the world didn't have cowards to track me down then it might have to face reality that I'm right.


Journal SPAM: Gun Control Law Helped Campus Killer 7

In January 2002, a student at the Virginia Appalachian School of Law, Peter Odighizuwa, shot three people dead before other students were able to retrieve guns from their cars and put an end to the carnage before there was more bloodshed. Over thirty victims at VA Tech yesterday were denied that right as a result of a campus gun control law that helped the shooter pick off his targets at will.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Moderation politics 1

Wow. In this post I begin with a somewhat controversial statement and the readers are so filled with spite and rage that it gets modded through the floor.

I'm sorry, folks, did they not read anything after the first line? One little misstep and suddenly nothing else I say could possibly have any merit? What's the definition of a zero tolerance policy?

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Blog: It's been a day since a gunman killed more than 30 people at Virginia Tech. And we're back to business as usual online.Search...

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