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Comment Re:Here come the certificate flaw deniers....... (Score 1) 80

What exactly is your point here? That certificates are worthless and shouldn't be used? (They aren't) That they are overused? (possibly). What's the alternative here anyways? two factor auth? I mean, I'm trying hard to find value in your post, but I'm not getting a lot of good points out of it. People misuse certs for sure, but that doesn't mean that as an authentication mechanism that they are useless.

Comment Re:Flooding (Score 1) 41

It doesn't really work like that. I never had social anxiety before I was attacked. Now i'm constantly getting it wherever i'm going. according to this whole "flooding" theory, i should be experiencing less social anxiety then ever because every encounter should seem less intense then that one. Where exactly did you get this theory from anyways?

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