Inprise Considering Open Sourcing InterBase 132
Keith Russell writes "Caught this news blurb on ZDNet. Apparently, attrition has taken its toll at on Interbase's top levels, and Inprise is seriously considering open source as an alternative to pulling the plug. A likely possibility, given their recent enthusiasm for Linux. This could be a Good Thing. I'd rather see "end of life" software opened than hoarded. "
Re:Here me on this one.... (Score:1)
Also, Accounts like y2k are redirects to important people, and email floats around the office. Now maybe you delete email but you seem to be smarter that the average yoggie or you wouldn't be on slapdash.
Re:Stored Procedures (Score:1)
Source please (Score:1)
It is still Inprise, then Borland. Borland is in the back, Inprise is in the front.
Re:Key to success is open at beginning, not end (Score:1)
Re:Various Contacts... (Score:2)
*Please* don't send email to these addresses.
I guarantee you, the "other contacts" won't care: with one exception they're all drop-boxes designed for a specific purpose; mailing them would be as annoying as mass-mailing "postmaster@slashdot.org" about wanting a job working for slashdot.
The few addresses up there that lead to real people are not people who will have the power to influence upper management in any event: again, you'll merely succeed in irritating innocent bystanders.
Post here, or otherwise communicate through normal channels; don't send mail to random Borland e-mail addresses.
--Robert West
Delphi R&D
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:1)
Have you priced Oracle lately. Here is what they quoted me. 160/ user plus 20/MGHZ to put my database on the internet. I have a 500 Mz server and that is $10,000 to publish my oracle database on the internet. God forbid I put in another processor.
Re:It's probably this or.. (Score:1)
Possibly a good angle for them (Score:2)
Hmmmmm... (Score:2)
Open sourcing InterBase is effectively giving it away. InterBase requires no "after sales support" for Inprise (I agree with the previous poster about the name - Borland _is_ better
So, although it might not make any money _yet_ with a little patience (and with the targeting of Linux as a new OS platform to develop for), Borland may well kill Access with it. Add a pretty front end; there you have a fully featured DB back end to put any GUI on. And I find it a crying shame that neither Delphi or C++ Builder haven't penetrated the markets yet. Delphi is a piece of piss to use, (surely, ALL programmers play with Pascal at some point), and compiles code with an execution speed that makes VB programmers cream themselves. If you've ever used C++ Builder and MS VC++, well, you already know what I'm talking about... DRAG AND DROP, Bill!!! And what the fuck is all that message pump nonsense about? Sheesh. In a test for a pretty basic GUI and simple database (10 tables), here's what I got:
Delphi / Interbase - 8.5 hours.
C++ Builder / Interbase - 10 hours (I got distracted and wrote a whole load of thread classes so all DB activity is done in the background. Then included it into the Delphi version. Try doing that between VC++ and Visual Basic...)
MSVC++ / SQL Server - 16 hours
And I think I have relatively even spread of skills with all the above.
Anyway, don't hold your breath for source code for InterBase.
Now if only JBuilder! (Score:1)
This being on the heels of a Linux version of JBuilder, one can only hope for the best!
Hmmm... (Score:3)
First, let's face it: InterBase has never been a wildly successful product. From what I can tell (as a Inprise outsider) the only people who bought it were people who were already firmly entrenched in the Borland development environments.
It seems to me that Borland's real cash cow has always been their development tools. Open sourcing Interbase could lead to it being more widely used, which could sell a /lot/ more development tools. Especially in the Linux environment.
Second, this would firmly entrench Borland in the Linux world. I think that the past few years and the (ridiculous) success enjoyed by Visual Basic have made it clear that it is going to very difficult for Borland to compete on Microsoft operating systems.
There hope of radical success (as opposed to the kind of mediocre success they've been enjoying for a while) is to become the premier provider of Linux tools. And I think they know it.
All in all, this could be very cool.
Also, let me comment that, from what I've seen, Interbase is a very cool product that has never gotten the recognition it deserves. The big advantage over MySQL is that it has full transaction support. Sorry guys: but there are some applications where you just need transactions.
Software improvements (Score:3)
Look at all the companies recently who have benefitted greatly in terms of good PR by opensourcing their stuff.
However, this does not necessarily mean that opensourcing software is *always* going to be good PR.
Look at the recent Quake1 debacle.
What should have been (and Is still, in my opinion) a fantastic move has been perverted by whiners complaining that the release of the code has resulted in "iffy clients" or that the Graphix were not released with it.
I think opensourcing should be done in conjunction with the open source community:
Ask if anyone will support it.
Explain exactly what it is you are intending to do.
Don't expect adulation and worship.
Sign of the times... (Score:2)
This looks good... It's encouraging to see companies that traditionally have had nothing to do with the community/movement considering open source alternatives.
Inprise used to be Borland, which was a favorite of MS-DOS/Windows programmers everywhere. As we all know, companies that devote themselves almost exclusively to MS-based products have traditionally been far from the open source mindset, as open source has traditionally been associated with Linux et al.
I like it when those traditions are abandoned. The software industry is teeming with neophobes.
Scorched Earth Strategy (Score:4)
Russia used this militarily to destroy both French and German armies; they performed strategic retreats when "outgunned," destroying crops and other infrastructure so that when the Russian winter set in, opponents were overextended, and despite "winning the battle," wound up losing the war.
This obviously came at the cost of considerable Russian destruction, and with Inprise, the cost is that of not getting revenues from license sales, whilst the immediate benefit is that this may injure sales of competing DB vendors.
The open question is of how this affects already-free DBs like MySQL [mysql.com] and PostgreSQL.
Effects on them are severalfold, and some are dependent on what license Inprise comes up with:
Not me, it was the other way around... (Score:1)
common route to open source & implications (Score:3)
Another, similar route to open source software is through research projects that, for one reason or another, aren't commercialized; the research code is released and often becomes an important open source/free software system.
We should be happy about that: much (if not most) open source and free software started out that way.
Because so much free software starts out as commercial or research projects that, I think it's important to think about how to encourage development and research organizations to build it in such a way that the transition to free software will be easy. That means that such organizations should find it easy to use existing free software libraries, build on open APIs with free implementations, and should not feel the need to rely on proprietary libraries (which would make freeing the software later much harder).
One thing that I think is very important is to use licenses like LGPL or BSD (as opposed to GPL or QPL) for important libraries. Research and development organizations will not use software if that means making a strong commitment early on to open sourcing their software later or face uncertain expenses later. Both GPL and QPL, unfortunately, impose such uncertainties and limit options. If there is no unencumbered free or open source software, they will pick the best and most affordable proprietary libraries to build on.
The LGPL and BSD licenses, on the other hand, allow development and research organizations to keep their options open for what to do with their code. When infrastructure libraries (standard libraries, networking, gui, etc.) are released under those licenses, research and development organizations can use them, and when they decide to release their software as "free software", it will be so much more useful to the free software community than if it had been based on proprietary libraries or APIs.
For similar considerations, I think it's also important to get as much free software infrastructure on Windows. If companies start programming to free software APIs on Windows (and they have to cover the Windows market), when they go open source, their software will be much more useful to the free software community. So, the more unencumbered networking, database, and GUI libraries we can get onto Windows, the better.
So, keep that in mind when thinking about policies and licenses. While the idea that all free software is created by altruistic volunteers is appealing (and a significant amount of free software is), the reality is that a lot of free software is created by companies and donated if the software turned out not to be a winner in the market or is otherwise not commercializable. Making the life of those companies easier and allowing them to develop code that interoperates well with other free software is a win for everybody.
All discontinued products should be open-sourced (Score:2)
It's hard to imagine how you would make this stick legally: it's easy for a company to claim "no really, it's not discontinued, we still have 1/10th of a developer working on this, it'll be done in 5 or 6 years." Then there's all the issues with intellectual property rights entangled in the source. I wonder, though, if you could craft a law along the lines of the Freedom of Information Act, requiring source code to be released at a certain point in time. (It'd be the Freedom of Source Code Act--FOSCA) It would give interested parties a basis to sue the holder of the code for release. This would work in particular in situations where a company gets acquired and one of its products is squelched by the new owners.
Alternatively, it might be possible to accomplish this with a culture shift: if developers regularly required as part of their employment contracts a clause that the product code be released under certain circumstances. We can all think of tons of cases where developers labored for years on supercool a product, only to have the startup go under and the code disappear into a legal black hole.
Borland's Old Products (Score:2)
Turbo Basic became PowerBasic from PowerBasic
Turbo Prolog became Visual Prolog from PDC (www.pdc.dk)
Turbo Modula became JPI Modula. The x86 port became TopSpeed Modula-2. TopSpeed was later sold to Clarion, and now their compilers are only available with the Clarion 4GL products.
Of course, dBase became visual with Visual dBase 5.5, which was a good idea, but incredibly buggy and unstable. And the native compiler cost extra. Supposedly 7.0 is good, but it's pretty much lost the end user DB wars to Access.
I for one would like to see and OSS Turbo Pascal for Unix. That thing had the fastest compiler I've ever seen! Add a nifty IDE and good online help, and you've got a winner. (Yeah, I know there's Free Pascal and GPC, but still...)
Turbo Prolog is NOT "Dead" (Score:2)
According to the company history: [visual-prolog.com]
Borland might be an evidence against the common contention that "Microsoft is the company that never produces anything, but merely buys out products from other companies that are creative," as many of Borland's products were not natively produced, but rather resold on behalf of other componies.
By the way, that was Ashton Tate that used to own the dBase trademark...
As for integration with DBM variants, [hex.net] I see little importance to that. InterBase is a relational database [hex.net] (or at least, as relational as they come), as opposed to merely being a data store. The value would be in sharing code between InterBase and PostgreSQL [postgresql.org] or MySQL, [mysql.com] or maybe using InterBase as a "data store" for persistent data in KDE [kde.org] or GNOME. [gnome.org]
Re:They went back to Borland! (Score:1)
They have stopped officially shunning the name "Borland". The Development Tools division is called Borland, the enterprise division is called Inprise, the company's official name is Inprise, the stock ticker is INPR, and that's how it's going to stay for a while because Dale Fuller isn't stupid enough to spend the umpteen million dollars it takes to change a company's name on something so silly.
We'll probably see a lot more Linux activity from the Borland part than the Inprise part -- at least at first.
A few of the people in the enterprise devision used to think that the Dev. Tools. division was obsolete, since the enterprise customers paid so much more money per sale than the puny little developers. Of course, we all know that developers are the wizards of the computer world, and an army of wizards is not to be trifled with.
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
It has nothing to do with price. For large enterprise databases, price isn't an issue. For smaller applications where Interbase would be used, Oracle would be a huge overkill.
A pickup truck can't haul as much as an 18 wheeler, but if you just have a desk to haul, an 18 wheeler isn't needed. Likewise, if you do have enough stuff to haul to need an 18 wheeler, the cost of the truck probably isn't going to be a problem.
-BrentRe:Software improvements (Score:2)
I might add that a code base, even if it is not used in a profitable product, still has a certain book value. This keeps most companies from releasing their code to the public; they don't want to take the book loss (on the other hand, profitable companies might want to do this with their unprofitable product lines; it would cause a book loss which would reduce their profit and hence their corporate taxes). The code existing in the old product can be reworked into a new one - even if that possibility is very slim.
This may seem contrarian, but the GPL has some significant benefits for a corporation releasing its code to the public. The corporation retains control of the original codebase, and can spin it into a new product without adverse repercussions. The corporation infects the released code with a viral license, and prevents it from being used in a competing product. These are not minor advantages; they may make the difference between releasing and not.
We should promote more of this practical and pragmatic thinking among software corporations.
Re:Scorched Earth Strategy (Score:1)
If some new custom license is used the code will probably be ignored. There are getting to be just too many licenses these days, and increasingly folk will develop around them rather than put up with YAPL (Yet Another Proprietary License). Certainly this expresses my feelings.
Re:Key to success is open at beginning, not end (Score:2)
Yes, but when the Interbase code was still young, "Open Source" wasn't something that was heard of. You want them to not open source now, just because the concept wasn't around when the product began?
Open sourcing older programs is a good idea. Companies have no experience in Open Source development. By starting with a product that you can't "lose" with, it gives companies a feel for how to best work with the Open Source community with their flagship products.
-Brentwhy don't they open source... (Score:1)
Re: InterBase's speed (Score:1)
Re:Yeah, it worked for Netscape (Score:1)
Open sourcing the browser had nothing to do with being bought by AOL. AOL would have bought Netscape no matter what they did.
-BrentRe:Scorched Earth Strategy (Score:1)
Why would open sourcing Interbase cause people "willing to pay" to move up to the tier 1 vendors? If they aren't willing to pay now, then why would they be willing to pay later? I think they'd continue using what they use now, if anything.
-BrentImportance of Licensing (Score:2)
Lots of paradoxical effects are possible; the fact that PostgreSQL uses a BSD-like license means that it may be easier to do code integration between it and Interbase, as compared to GPLed MySQL, where the somewhat "infectious" nature of the license may discourage attempts to integrate code.
I certainly agree that YAPOPL (Yet Another Pseudo-Open Proprietary License) would discourage development efforts, but suggest that the relative merits/implications of GPL versus BSDL are quite nonintuitive and nonobvious.
Re:Key to success is open at beginning, not end (Score:1)
They have an extremely expensive Delphi Client/Server edition whose major claim to fame is the database stuff with Interbase being an integral part.
Borland/Inprise/WhateverTheyAreCalledThisWeek just don't want to foot the bill for continued InterBase development while still selling Delphi C/S.
Here's my expert analysis (Score:2)
I love the whole open source development model, but it doesn't always work. You can't always save a product is in trouble by going open source.
I just thank God I dumped all of my Inprise stock. What a trip that was...
Big Buck DBMSes (Score:2)
Those that want 24x7 support contracts and the likes for big SMP boxes with big RAID arrays aren't going to be much more attracted to InterBase because it becomes free than they were before when it wasn't.
In contrast, those that were price-sensitive, and went with SOLID/ Altera/ ... may seriously consider trying out Interbase as an even less expensive alternative that doesn't tie them to proprietary licensing.
The company most likely to lose from this is SOLID. They got pretty seriously "flamed" a while back due to a change in licensing strategy; they used to sell individual licenses for around $200-$300, but have moved to selling groups of licenses so that the minimum price granularity is rather higher, more like $10K.
That is a market rather more vulnerable to Interbase's "scorched earth" strategy...
Quote from Inprise people (Score:3)
Just to make it clear this rumor does have some basis in fact:
Anders Ohlsson (Borland) posted this message to a BBS on Wednesday evening:
From The "Save Interbase" Website [href.com]
Anders Ohlsson is a farily well known Borland Developer.
Re:Hoarding of Prolog & "Open Source" licenses (Score:1)
IMHO I think that open-sourcing dead products is a very good thing if you can do it without your lawyers screaming at you about potential loss of trade secrets, even ten-year-old ones now outside your revenue stream. It's good publicity and good community relations, and it actually does make the world a better place.
Re:Big Buck DBMSes (Score:2)
Having Interbase open-source and free would do a lot of damage to MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine - basically a cut down, local version of SQL Server 7), too.
I know a number of companies that have moved from using Local Interbase to MSDE, because you can deploy MSDE for free if you buy a MS Office developer pack. That compares to $160 per seat for less than 100 or $40 for more than 100 (here in Australia, last I heard)
Interbase is great for app like this, because it is small (fits on 3 or 4 floppies) and doesn't need an administrator.
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
Just like somewhere once i saw a checklist comparison of MySQL vs. Oracle. The most pointless waste of time i'd ever stumbled across. Yeah you can say MySQL supports this and that that Oracle may not support, or maybe it's faster when dealing with 25MB files, but you'd better not be buying Oracle to deal with said file.
I liked your analogy there... But let's make that desk into a 13" TV...
Visual Basic Clone (Score:2)
If anybody remembers who they were, and what the story was, I'd appreciate it if they could post it.
I always thought this product was an ideal candidate for open sourcing. If we could find them maybe we could convince them.
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
In most applications, the quality of database design and code manipulating the data have more to do with the robustness of the application that the dbms does.
Re:Borland's Old Products (Score:1)
It might be a legacy market (and one that doesn't interest Open Source developers), but that doesn't mean it is irrelevant or not profitable. Lookit IBM -- they do quite a bit of business on non-sexy legacy systems.
Re:Here me on this one.... (Score:1)
Be a good nerd and follow the RFCs!
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
That was my first thought. Just think, now they can avoid all those Y2K-hungry lawyers looking to get bug fixes
And, as you also point out, this will cause more of us to think of buying Borland/Inprise development tools first, before we consider other ones. After all, even if it's proprietary today, it will be GPL tomorrow
InterBase was stolen off from Rdb of DEC (Score:1)
One Luser's Opinion (Score:2)
Thanks for contributing the requisite uniformed Windows/NT user's perspective!
Re:InterBase of course. Why the FUD? Not FUD.. (Score:1)
- Inprise is losing money on it.
- People are using Oracle instead.
- Open sourcing Interbase is a "Good Thing"
Where is the FUD in this?
Re:Yeah, it worked for Netscape (Score:1)
Re:InterBase of course. Why the FUD? (Score:1)
Oracle IMHO are even worse than Microsoft when it comes to pricing structure, aggressive marketing, and FUD, and they make incredibly awful development products (Designer/Developer 2000) but they do have a good RDBMS. I don't believe what Oracle or MS say, but I don't believe Inprise's hype about Interbase either, though it seems that perhaps you do.
Re:InterBase's speed (Score:1)
Re:Big Buck DBMSes (Score:2)
Ah. That's better. You are right, they won't be affected.
In contrast, those that were price-sensitive, and went with SOLID/ Altera/Yes, which is good for Inprise. It will force the competitors to compete differently though. But it's not the end of the world for them.
-BrentAny chance for a Tax writeoff (Score:1)
If this were possible, I bet it would open the flood gates of companies dumping abandoned software into the free community provided they got a tax writeoff....
--John Cavanaugh
Re:Borland's Old Products (Score:1)
They sold it off to a bunch of dBASE consultants bent on building the "next big database company".
These are the three places where old software goes:
* it is junked
* it becomes open source
* or is relegated to the backbenches of the Internet (see Superbase [superbase.com], dBASE [dbase2000.com] or, gasp, Framework [framework.com]
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
What are "most" applications? Most of your applications? Most of my applications? You are right, Oracle isn't worth the price for most applications. So why would you use it? Oracle doesn't *want* you to use their database for most applications. That's why other databases like MySQL and Interbase exist.
For use as a database to track orders for a a company that does $1 million dollars a year in sales, Oracle would be a poor choice. But for a company that does $100 billion dollars a year in sales, Oracle is probably a very good price.
Don't think that 18 wheelers are a wasted product just because all your move around is a 13" TV. Be content with a pickup if that meets your needs.
-Brentcontact here - sm404404503 (Score:2)
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
Well, lawyers don't want bug fixes, they want big legal fees...
Wake up call to PHBs your software has been dumped (Score:1)
YES - it's a great idea (Score:2)
It and it's predecessor (DEC RDB) in my opinion are better than most of the big names by a mile.
I was really shocked when got to try other relational databases. Interbase developed the blob stuff and has had transactions and row level locking in it from the start. The other notables, Oracle Ingress, Sybase and Informix were all latecomers to this (Im not sure if Ingress actually has it yet (and it was renamed OpenRoad/OpenIngress or something by Computer Associates)
Interbase was also beautifly simple to use, and virtually required no DBA, even for rather large data sets (couple of million rows). The constant tinkering and adjusting required by a full time DBA for the other big names, DBA time is a real hidden killer that is often the real cause for DB down time.
Oracle now owns DEC RDB (now called Oracle RDB) and are porting it to other platforms (either NT or Unix) although it is seperate from their other Oracle SQL product.
A good strong "commercial strength" relational database with an open source philosophy would be a nice accompanyment to a linux system.
Postgres and MySQL (although MySQL is not transactional) are pretty damn good and are filling this role fairly quickly.
I think that Borland could give a real kickstart to interbase by making it opensource and closely associating it with linux.
And I for one would relish the oportunity to work with it again.
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:1)
Re:Interbase will not die...as a developer I (Score:2)
Think! (Score:1)
I think this is a fine thing. Capitalism has a lot of virtues, but a big downside is that a lot of effort is wasted that has nothing to do with the quality of the effort. Setting it free creates an opportunity to extract some value out of that wasted effort.
Postgressql (Score:2)
InterBase has all that plus transaction support (Score:1)
Hoarding of Prolog & "Open Source" licenses (Score:1)
As far as Interbase goes, it should be interesting to see if they will actually provide Interbase under anything that could truely be considered an open source license. Their ever increasing business relations with Sun might rub off and result in Interbase appearing under an Inprise "community" license. It also seem pritty stupid to have spent so much money on Ashintate (sp?) to get the dBase name for building up the Interbase name and then let it rot as a commerical product. But if it becomes available under a license that will allow intergration with gdbm or Berkeley DB [sleepycat.com] then I'm definately all for it.
Re:Hoarding of Prolog & "Open Source" licenses (Score:1)
It's probably this or.. (Score:1)
InterBase's speed (Score:1)
This was because it was developped as a solution for the army, and they needed a product that booted very quickly because when a tank fired, it caused an electro-static burst that rebooted all the tank's computers.
Can anyone confirm this? If this is true, this could lead to a new kind of embedded Linux systems or other types of systems that must boot quicly.
Various Contacts... (Score:1)
Here are some contacts, I encourge a nice letter, and possible a copy of the GPL.
/. Effect with GPL everywhere will cause them to really think hard.
Sales Reps:
mailto:bkelly@borland.com [mailto]
mailto:swhite@borland.com [mailto]
mailto:hredding@borland.com [mailto]
mailto:mbell@borland.com [mailto]
mailto:dbush@borland.com [mailto]
mailto:jlweil@inprise.com [mailto]
Other Contacts:
mailto:webmanager@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:consulting@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:customer-service@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:ftpadm@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:resume@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:listserv@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:newsgroup-admin@borland.com [mailto]
mailto:ecommerce@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:inprise-training@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:y2k@inprise.com [mailto]
mailto:ydavis@inprise.com [mailto]
Be nice, a good letter will give you extra Karma points, and send a copy of the GPL in a second email.
What an "interesting" proposal (Score:2)
Should we call the
Don't you think that select, well-reasoned emails to a TARGETED address will have a much more positive effect than spamming. Is spamming for an - allegedly - good cause (OSS) *not* spamming? Hey, I'll spam you tomorrow and ask you to donate a quid to your favourite charity. Feel better now?
Really, a *brilliant* idea.
Re:InterBase of course. Why the FUD? (Score:1)
Oracle, like Apple or Microsoft is no one's friend. They are a big company, bent on making money.
At least the price sheet (70% discounts for large or to price out the other guys) for Oracle has been published by the NY Times, so we all know what they are willing to discount/how much they make.
Open Source, not likely.... (Score:1)
1. Inprise is a public company. They can't respond to rumors without it being considered official. So they are doing the right thing and waiting to make an official public announcement.
2. Interbase is profitable, not on all platforms, but it is profitable. Inprise sucks at marketing it, but they still manage to make money anyway.
I can see Inprise discontinuing development for platforms they aren't making any money on, but not on the others. That would make more sense than anything.
Since there was obviously some political things going on inside Borland (this also happened a couple of years ago, when some excellent talent left the company) the ex-employees probably don't have a real clue as to what is actually going to happen.
Lastly, Interbase hasn't gotten this much publicity in it's entire life,heh heheh... I think someone at Borland must be jumping for joy.
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
Sure there are applications where you need Oracle or Informix (FWIW, Informix generally kicks Oracle's butt IMNSHO). However, as you conceed they are few and far between.
Way too many people have a blind, knee-jerk loyalty to a particular RDBMS that leads them to waste a lot of money. Consider, for example, Medic Computer Systems (www.medcmp.com), a company I am intimately familiar with.
One of their products uses Informix -- and requires 10 times the hardware resources it would need if it used Interbase.
Mozilla and Quake all over again (Score:2)
Re:InterBase of course. Why the FUD? (Score:1)
Oracle is certainly the leader for performance, especially when talking about *huge* databases, that is not in doubt.
But Interbase is still in the same *league* with Oracle and all other real RDBMS products. As example, a fully tuned MSSQL7 system will slightly outperform IB for selects (better optimization, IB *can* use further improvement here), but for heavy transaction uses, IB blows away MSSQL with faster inserts/updates/deletes and, because of optimistic locking, can outperform in selects too in many of these kinds of situations.
Your comment about the 2 gig limit confirms you didn't read even the basic material for managing IB, 2 gig is indeed the limit *per file* and this is to accommodate Windows (since IB is multiplatform) however, a single IB database can consist of up to 65535 physical files. That works out to 1.3421568e+14 (which I believe is 134 terabytes). Of course at this limit, I'm sure performance *would* be horrendous, but I don't think that is a valid concern for the vast majority of applications.
Re:All discontinued products should be open-source (Score:1)
Here's why: every piece of software has tons of third-party code in there that is not discontinued, and the authors of this code wouldn't be too happy to have the fruits of their labour released into the free software world. Think graphics libaries, C++ template libraries, database toolboxes etc. that make up significant parts of modern applications.
In many cases this third-party code is either interweaved with the to-be-opensourced code or is not even identical anymore to the original third-party code because generations of developers made small modifications.
Not to even talk about the impossibility to buy, let alone "get for free", older versions of some third-party toolboxes or libraries that just happen to be still used by the software because no one ever bothered to upgrade to a newer library.
[[ Having some trouble posting. Have the Feds already busted Slashdot? ]]
Since when was MySQL GPL'ed (Score:2)
I thought it was under some semi-free Licence where you had to pay licence-fees for non-Linux platforms.
Has this changed? I seem to remember something about GPLing an old version of MySQL. Is this what happened?
I'm glad someone said this! (Score:1)
Perhaps the best way to handle it would be to come up with a code of programming conduct (The Code of Coding?) which would require that certain minimum standards be met. Then companies could announce their adherence to the code.
I suspect in fairly short order any company which did not adhere to the code would find it difficult to sell to large corporations. How could anybody justify purchase of very expensive software from a company that was not willing to say, "If we discontinue the product, we will not leave you in the lurch"? Especially if rivals were advertising their guarantees?
My suggestions for the Code:
The only reason I can see for not adhering to item 1. above would be -- let's just say for the sake of argument -- you had stolen the source code for an operating system, made a few hundred billion off it, and were sure the release of the code would expose you as a felon.
Please note that I am not a lawyer and am sure the above is intended only as an idea, not as the proposed wording for an actual legally-binding document.
Re:Borland's Old Products (Score:1)
Apparently, Borland will port their Delphi IDE to Linux (probably not OSS, though), which is the environment around Object Pascal, which was what Turbo Pascal mutated into.
Turbo Pascal 1.0, 3.0 and 5.5 are available free from community.borland.com, and should run under any DOS emulation on Linux. :-)
Why this would be good (Score:2)
Interbase is a good database. It is small, highly portable and quick.
The Client/Server version is roughly comparable to SQL Server 7 in performace and features - maybe it won't quite outscale Oracle, but for anything smaller than that it is pretty nice. (IMHO)
There is a "Local" version, too. I know quite a lot of people who have sold apps using that (Maybe I hang out with too many Delphi people, but still)
The list of platforms it comes for isn't bad, either:
It's not missing any features, either - unlike MySQL.
Well, David Intersimone thinks it is... (Score:2)
He was asking on the Mers mailing list about what people would think.
(David Intersimone is Borland's developer relations manager, or something like that)
John Kaster sure hasn't ruled it out on the News Groups, either.
Re:Big Buck DBMSes (Score:2)
Re:Open Source, not likely.... (Score:1)
Read: Were agressively head-hunted by Microsoft (cfr. J++, made by a former Borlandie if memory serves). At least that were the reports around the time.
Re:Here's my expert analysis (Score:1)
Re:Mozilla and Quake all over again (Score:1)
Interbase is not like that. Interbase is one of the best-running, bug-free, and robust pieces of software I've ever worked with, at least from a "black box" perspective. I'd love to see the source, and I'd give you long odds indeed against it turning out to be a "pile of crud."
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
I think I was...
One of their products uses Informix -- and requires 10 times the hardware resources it would need if it used Interbase.Didn't I say, "Why use an 18 wheeler to move a 13" TV?" I'm not justifying using a product that wasn't designed for what you are using it for. And Oracle certainly wasn't designed for workgroup type applications.
-BrentHere me on this one.... (Score:1)
So now boss has it, says hmm, sends it across hall to IT management. Do this about 3-5 time per email and there will be some poo on the walls.
InterBase of course. Why the FUD? (Score:1)
Re:Who needs other alternatives when you have mysq (Score:1)
Re:Here me on this one.... (Score:1)
You spam. You know it. And that's the worst part of it.
There will be ZERO forwarding. But you will have found a new enemy who is forced to sift through that spam that you inflict on him.
Congratulations if that is the way you try to convince and make friends.
Well, let's see - where is that spamming software that I had. I'll see how you like that treatment - heheh (of course I won't)
Man, turn on your BRAIN.
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:1)
And on another point... Inprise is presumably looking to make money. Your vote doesn't earn them dollars... a pledge to purchase their commercial development tools would help, maybe.
Re:Hmmm... (Score:1)
This is just a random thought... wouldn't it be better if we had more different open-source DBs, each of which has a different strength? MySQL is very efficient and optimized for speed, but like you said, it doesn't have transactions, which makes things tough in situations where you *need* transactions.
Maybe we should have different DBs, all geared for a particular area, eg., speed (mySQL), reliability (Oracle? with the rollback stuff), etc.. Then we'll be able to pick the one that meets our need the most without having a huge DB that is slowed down or bloated because it wants to be all things to all men.
Interbase will not die...as a developer I (Score:1)
PostgreSQL (Score:3)
Re: WHAT PRODUCT?? Well, the InterBase product. (Score:1)
Yes they do.
They got it (back when they were still called Borland) by buying Ashton-Tate, which was perhaps better known for its dBase product. A couple of years ago they spun it off into its own company, InterBase Corp, ironically coming full circle; it had been a separate company (founded by ex-Digital employees IIRC) before A-T bought it, too.
But InterBase Corp is still a wholly-owned subsidiary of Inprise; so yes, they do own it.
I wouldn't know about that. (But I do suspect you're exaggerating.)
I also suspect this is a distortion or over-simplification. For one thing, last I heard, not all the "top ppl at IB left". (Why would that "crazy" CEO leave, for instance, if he's the one driving the others away?)
Yup; a competitor to Oracle and DB/2 and MS SQL Sewer and so on. Except for some reason they often call themselves an "embedded" database server (what's that, really -- I thought "embedded" means chips in elevators, and so on?), and perhaps because of that they're often not seen as being as "high end" as other client/server database systems like Oracle and DB/2.
Given themselves, rather.
Well of course; that's only sound business reasoning. Sure, they could "give themselves" -- that is, give Delphi customers -- an unlimited redistribution license, but why would they? A five-user license is amply good enough for development work; and if you want to deploy your work on IB, they want you to buy the licenses for your end users (or your end users to buy them for themselves).
I don't think IBM gives away unlimited DB/2 licenses with their VisualAge programming systems either...
Christian R. Conrad
MY opinions, not my employer's - Hedengren, Finland.
Das stimmt nicht ganz. (Or, for our linguistically (Score:1)
Martin K writes:
Delphi C/S is expensive, yes, but I'm not sure if you could justifiedly call it "extremely" expensive.
Be that as it may; where you're more wrong is in the "Interbase being an integral part" claim. Technically, Interbase is (or was up to and including Delphi 4) no more "integral" to Delphi than were/are Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Sewer, Informix, or DB/2. Basically, all you got was SQL Links; BDE-native plug-in drivers for these databases. (Disregarding the MIDAS and Web stuff for the moment, as not everybody uses that.)
And they provided a development-use-only licensed copy of InterBase for you to work with, yes. But the intent of that could just as well be for developing applications that are then deployed on some other RDBMS, as to deploy on InterBase.
As of Delphi 5, they've integrated a set of "InterBase Express" components into Delphi -- from the Professional edition and upwards. But these are just a set of plug-in VCL components; there are other such free- and share-ware VCL collections (this is what IBX started as!) to connect to other RDBMSes, and if you use them, those RDBMSes are just as "integral" to your Delphi set-up as InterBase is. Heck, given that there is also a set of "ADO Express" components, you could just as well say that MS SQL Sewer is "integral" to Delphi...
Christian R. Conrad
MY opinions, not my employer's - Hedengren, Finland.
Here's what I think... (Score:1)
I think it could be. I'm not sure how much of this is wishful hinking, though; I'm sure hoping it would.
Yes, this is what I'm hoping for. As I said in another post, Interbase isn't "integral" to Borland development tools (in the sense that they wouldn't work without it) -- but it is "integrated", in the sense that it works much better with them than without them... (Now let's just hope not too many notice that this goes equally for many other databases!
Though I'd like to think so, I'm not so sure: As others have pointed out, InterBase just plain works too well to need much in the way of direct DBA support... But sure, combined InterBase / Delphi support might become more of an issue than it is now.
Well, not me -- I'm a Borland fan, so I'm already hoping for that. But I'm hoping it will have this effect on others...
Christian R. Conrad
MY opinions, not my employer's - Hedengren, Finland.
Almost, but not exactly, correct (Score:1)
[Quoting shadrack]
Read: Were agressively, and possibly illegaly, head-hunted by Microsoft...
You're thinking of Anders Hejlsberg, the man behind Turbo Pascal and Delphi. But no, I think "J++" was already released when he was poached by, eh, Brad Silverberg IIRC. Now, this "COOL" thingy, on the other hand...
I think my account is closer to the reports (and speculations) at the time.
Christian R. Conrad
MY opinions, not my employer's - Hedengren, Finland.
Effects will be felt ... (Score:1)
That means that you can only deploy to Linux, and that you cannot even realistically demo your application on an ordinary win32 laptop, and then scale from there, with linux workhorses serving the real-life request load coming from win32 desktops.
If there's anything that should be able to scale, it is databases, because cutting the load among different database servers can be very hard. (Don't tell me that a middle tier will mediate. Ha ha)
If Interbase is truly open-sourced (freedom to copy it by any means), it will make inroads into the MySql/PostgreSQL realms very fast.
Re:Not Really ,THIS is the issue: (Was: Hmmm...) (Score:1)
Re:Hmmm... (Score:2)
And Oracle is far far far from Opensource.
Stored Procedures (Score:1)
I'll take 'em (Score:1)
Re:Interbase open source mindshare could help Inpr (Score:2)
They may also be looking to save money. If Inprise can save money by getting open source developers to take over some or all of the load for new development and support for InterBase, it may be a win for them. A penny saved is a penny earned.
Your vote doesn't earn them dollars...
Perhaps not directly, but it does get them publicity, developer and user mindshare, and perhaps sales of other commercial products. Perhaps even sales of commercial or shrinkwrap boxed versions into some sites.
a pledge to purchase their commercial development tools would help, maybe.
If people are using their database, presumably they will be more likely to buy their development tools, especially if they offer features in their development tools that make it easier to develop for InterBase.