Iowa to test forms of Internet voting 205
dwh wrote to us about The Boston Globe reporting on Iowa's first steps towards Internet voting. It's tenative, with just putting computers by the boothes, but it's a first step. The article does a good job of addressing the pros and cons while talking about the first states, WA and VA which have tried it already. What do you folks think? Good or bad?
An opportunity to hold a Three Mile Island? (Score:2)
Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf might be our opportunity to get the "people don't care enough about security" situation out in the open.
Independent of whether the system is secure enough or not, I certainly agree that there are merits both to:
Since many elections are showing off lower and lower levels of participation, and
... so that people take their own vote seriously ...
Of course, Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf could be a better candidate than some that have come along...
Re:Internet Voting Good, Bad Security Bad (Score:1)
Pssst. Come here. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Are you ready?
The current system ain't foolproof either. Now I have to kill you.
Re:Reducing apathy (Score:1)
Only if they care enough to fight. (Score:2)
I DO care whether they care enough about the issue to fight if they don't get their way.
If they're willing to fight, I want them to have a say in which way it goes - and to see if there are so many OTHER people who care enough to fight and want it to go the other way that they'd lose.
Then they won't fight - win or lose. The winners get their way without fighting. The losers aren't tempted to fight. And I don't have to fight OR dodge their bullets.
How do you know it hasn't been hacked already? (Score:3)
How do you know it hasn't been hacked already?
Think about how many people YOU know voted for the winner of the last election - or any election since about 1968.
Think about the political machines of distant history. Then think about the political machines of today.
Remember how Kennedy beat Nixon by less than one vote per precinct in (Richard Daily the First's) Chicago?
Remember how Willie Brown in San Francisco got his stadium ballot measure approved in a stunning upset turnaround when the last precincts were counted? (Remember him sticking out his tongue at the camera as he celebrated?)
Doing it on the internet doesn't stop machine politics. It just lets everybody play with the machinery.
Re:Concerns (Score:1)
For those complaining about the danger of fraud, there's definitely reason for concern, but do you realize how little checking there is now? I don't know if it's the same way everywhere, but in all the years I've been voting I've never been asked to in any way verify my identify, with ID or whatever. So although Internet voting would allow for a grander scale of fraud, there's not a lot of fraud protection in the current method.
Re:Good idea (Score:1)
My vote doesn't count. I never like the major candidates. Anyone I wanted to win would have no chance whatsoever of winning. The only effect my vote would have is that they could say they got some tiny fraction of a percentage more of the vote. I consider that to be worthless. I also reject arguments that if everyone thought or didn't think how I feel that things would be somehow different. I can't sway how any substantial portion of people would decide to vote.
Even if I did play the game of selecting the lesser of the two evils, or if someone I did like at least a little bit won, it wouldn't matter. The US government is hopelessly corrupt (yes, many others are far, far worse). I don't see any way to change it, and I'd rather just not think about it (courage to accept the things I cannot change, perhaps). I don't consider it to make any difference which particular politician votes yes on bad laws.
And because of that, it's not worth my effort, or my time. My time is the most valuable thing I have.
If voting became virtually effortless, I'd probably start. And I'm sure you're right, most people would not want someone like me to vote. If there were any chance of it happening, those in power would be terrified of everyone who thinks like I do voting in the same way. (But it's hopeless, we've already given up).
I have no feeling of civic duty. At least I don't think I do. As far as I can recall, I've only heard it used as a reason one should vote. I don't know what the term is supposed to mean (I could guess, but that's worthless) - noone ever told me, I've never had to use it in a sentence, and when I look it on www.dictionary.com, I get this vague definition:
civic duty n : the responsibilities of a citizen [syn: civic responsibility]
So I look up civic responsibility:
civic responsibility n : the responsibilities of a citizen [syn: civic duty]
Sigh. How useful.
Re:Reducing apathy (Score:2)
Good, but only... (Score:1)
I'd rather go to a polling place than online (Score:1)
I'd rather do it that way than sit and home and click my votes in. I'll leave that to Slashdot polls. :)
Re:Maybe not so good (Score:1)
One has to remember the current system isn't fullproof either. There has always been voter and election fraud. Question is, can an online system be made at least as safe from fraud as the current system is...
Re:Open source or nothing (Score:1)
Why Interenet Voting Is Bad (Score:1)
What it actaully does is allow uninformed, unmotivated people to shed their opinion on the future of the nation. The current system is set up so that only people who care enough to scoot their arses to the booth and cast their vote are allowed to vote. Internet voting allows people who don't really care and don't know much about the topics to not move but think to themselves, "Well, lets try some of this voting stuff."
I'm not saying that all people who make it to the voting place are clued, but I am saying that all people who make it to the voting place had enough motivation to make it to the voting place.
Summary: Internet voting allows people who don't care enough to make it to the booth to shape the future of the U.S.
Feel free to disagree, but please don't call me a "ironic cynical fuck" again.
Re:Maybe not so good (Score:1)
Concerns (Score:1)
What's to stop Steve Forbes from buying a lot of computers and setting up his own voting booths and busing people in? One reason there are election judges that sit and check your signature is to watch and make sure candidates and their aides don't just lead people in and punch the card for them. That's why there are rules about how close to voting places any campaign material can be. With internet voting, there's no way to protect the independence of the voting.
All of this assumes that a technique can be developed that will verify a voter's identity while ensuring the anonymity of votes.
Anything that increases the number of people who vote is good, but not if it makes it impossible to ensure that the voting is fair.
Re:Open source or nothing (Score:1)
software that tabulates the ballots now?
Online voting... (Score:1)
Internet Voting is *good* (Score:1)
For the most part, I only vote on the yearly elections, and even then, I am loathe to wander down to the local polling place.. Why? Because I don't like to stand in line for 1/2 an hour, and have to deal with crazy little punch card forms.
Now.. If I could Internet vote.. and have notificiations of Elections emailed to me.. Then I could happily cast my cote during my lunch hour at work, or perhaps between my evening Quake3 Game.
It's all about conveinience And if we can consider the drooling masses that hey, this is safe/secure and convienient, then we've got a winner on our hands.
Re:Good Idea, cut down on the bluehairs! (Score:1)
Re:dont vote casually (Score:1)
The problem with living in a democratic republic is that you then have to live with the decisions made.
Unfortunately, if the country voted to eliminate violently all blond people, it would have to be accomplished if we are to harbor any feelings of democracy. (Obviously not that simple, first laws and the Constitution would need to change - all doable through voting however).
Freedom and democracy can not be matters of convenience! That attitude will train the government to think "we'll let you be absolutely free - do whatever you like, as long as it is what we want you to do"!!!
Good (Score:1)
I don't know, but I hope they do - voting from my computer is a lot more convenient than getting in the car and driving 20 minutes, then waiting in line to vote.
Increase Voter Turnout? (Score:1)
I think secure network voting would increase voter participation in the U.S. Let's face it, people only vote if there are hyped up issues. But, if voting were secure and from the comfort of your own home, people would be inclined to do it. Just like the 'new messages' beckons you to read your email...
Re:Internet Voting is *good* (Score:1)
Iowa boy wants to i-vote... (Score:1)
I will admit that I have missed some local elections because I either didn't care, or was scared of the old ladies down at the fire station where the booths are.
If I had the internet vote, I probably would have cast my ballot.
Each candidate should also be allowed to put a 100 word message describing their positions and views on the pages. That way I know who I am voting for and why. Sure I am a Democrat, but it is not democratic to just vote all D's because I don't know the candidate.
If there is internet voting, then they definitely have to help make voters make a more informed choice.
There is also the issue of security. I would be concerned about possible breaches in the validity of the votes. Some cracker could get in there and do some good damage if the system was not very secure. It would be very terrible if a candidate got elected because they hired the right nerd.
Are computers reliable enough to handle this? (Score:1)
No vote can be lost no matter what the circumstances. People are apathetic about voting once, so how would they feel about voting TWICE? For example, a power outage would be very problematic. So would a fire in the building which housed the computers. So would a hard drive crash. It seems like if you had a multi-site VMS or Tandem cluster, it would come close to working, but it is still not absolutely 100% (e.g. if there is a power outage in BOTH sites, which would be possible if an entire region was wiped out.), plus it would be VERY expensive.
How reliable is the current system? If there is disaster on voting day (such as an earthquake or a power outage), is voting ever post-poned, due to likely low turnout, or loss of functionality of the voting machines? Has there ever been a disaster which affected the actual ballots cast (such as a building which held ballots catching fire?) Can computers compete with paper ballots insofar as reliability?
Good Idea, cut down on the bluehairs! (Score:1)
to use computers to vote!
The last time I voted, I was the only person there under the 3/4 century mark. I could hardly concentrate on scribbling in all the little boxes for the hissing of all the oxygen tanks. It appears old people have little else to do but sit around and vote all day.
Hopefully the computers will help scare some of them off...
Re:iowa (Score:1)
Re:Online voting... (Score:1)
Voter Apathy (Score:1)
I can hear the objections already:
Well, my views are:
Because we have always had to vote, the number of fringe lunatics in power is greatly reduced, and we have had for at least 25 years, minor parties and independants holding the "balance of power" in the Federal and most state upper houses, to, as one party founder said "Keep the bastards honest."
I accept this wouldnot work in the US - no doubt enought fanatics will argue that doing this violates all articles of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and is just one step from fascism / communism / the end of civilisation as we know it.
My 2 cents worth.
Voter participation (Score:3)
To me, if you (the general you, not you personally) can't take 30 minutes out of one day each year to vote, then you obviously aren't very committed to a particular candidate.
When you consider that 49 percent of Americans are unable to name any one of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment*, I'm all for making voting something into which you actually have to put some effort.
[*] Source: First Amendment Center; The Center for Survey Research and Analysis, University of Connecticut.
How I would make this work (Score:1)
Now as for those people who think that internet voting will ruin the whole process (eg: people won't consider candidates properly), I ask this question: how much do people consider candidates with a traditional voting process. Has Bush Jr. made any real discussion about his policitical agenda yet? Last time I checked (which I confess, was a month of two ago), his campaign party was trying to simply push him based on his personality.
When people pick presidents based on looks and pretty speeches rather than political track records and agendas, you know the system is seriously porked. And with a system like the one we have now, no more damage could be done to this monstrousity. On the other hand, there is a lot to be gained from a proper implementation of a digital/analog hybrid voting system. Indeed it would be easier for everybody to vote, but it is also the first step away from a representative-based government towards a government that truley represents the will of the people rather than the policital action committees.
Finally, just to make things clear, I'm not saying that the old voting method should be eliminated. It should be kept as an alternative method for those who don't have net/computer access.
Re:Hrm... (Score:1)
When you register to vote this days, at least in California, there is almost no checking to ensure that you are a legal citizen and are not registered elsewhere. There was a big article on this in the San Francisco paper (I think) a year or so ago. Wish I could remember more, but the upshot of the whole thing was that it was pretty easy to register illegally.
Re:Reducing apathy (Score:1)
I don't know about that... The whole definition of apathy is not caring. If you demand a choice from someone who doesn't care, you aren't going to get a lot of thought in the decision. I suspect that the likelihood of a stupid candidate would increase, as you get a bunch of people who are voting based on little more than name recognition. I mean, if someone isn't putting in the effort to go down to the polling station, or filling out an absentee ballot (which takes what, ten mintutes?) are we really going to expect them into doing any sort of research into what their voting on?
Re:Assign IP addresses at birth? (Score:1)
Hrm... Personal freedom or new IP protocols to play with? I'll have to think about this one...
The wrong aproach to voting (Score:1)
Let those people who cant name a candidate vote informal, but make them at least show up to a voting booth and put in a ballot, no matter what it says.
Wouldn't it solve all those problems with minorities not getting time off work to vote? Cirtainly make it easier to vote, provided it can be made secure, but don't make a mockery of universal sufferage.
Q: How can a country be a democracy when less then half the population vote?
Re:Internet Voting is *good* (Score:1)
My school, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), was one of the first schools in the country to implement something like this, when we recently conducted our school government elections via online voting.
UNO was lucky, in that we already had much of the infrastructure in place. For the past 3 semesters, we've been able to register for classes online, check grades online, and for the past 2 semesters, pay for tuition via a credit card, online.
The authentication used for voting is the same as that required for the other online services. You have to login to a secure server using your student ID (Social Security Number) and your special 6 digit PIN number. This ensures that only registered students can vote, and that nobody can vote multiple times.
Another major advantage to online voting is the ability to distribute additional information. For example, we had biographies for all of the candidates online, so they could be viewed when voting. This helped with one of the most common voter complaints, lack of knowledge about the candidates and what they stand for.
We managed a 10% increase in voter turnout for the initial election, and an amazing 20% increase over that two weeks later in the Student President/Regent run-off election.
I was hoping to be able to provide links to more information about how we implemented things, but I'm afraid I can't find them at the moment. However, if anyone is interested in getting in touch with the people who handled the online voting, drop me an e-mail at topher@tconl.com. This really is a *good* thing, and well worth investigating further if you are considering it.
Re:Why Interenet Voting Is Bad (Score:1)
The requirement should be (and currently is in california) getting your arse down to the voting booth.
Re:Security issues aside, is this such a great ide (Score:1)
Re:Heh, you mean for a change? (Score:1)
Not so straightforward (Score:1)
1. Many people who vote have no idea who or what they are voting for. One name sounds more familiar to them, or, knowing nothing about either candidate, they decide purely based on the party affiliation. Some could argue the validity of party line voting, but can anyone defend a vote of ignorance? At least by requiring *some* effort, there is a self-selection of voters which tends to exclude those who know or care less about the issues.
2. Many people who do not vote actively choose not to do so as a protest against what they feel is a fundamentally flawed system which effectively excludes real alternatives. What percentage of eligible citizens are registered to vote, and what percentage of registered voters turn out to do so. Perhaps low (and declining) numbers for these indicate an actual preference for "none of the above" and do not merely reflect an increase of apathy. Voting behavior closely conforms to public approval of the state itself, as opposed to individual candidates for office.
more voters not necessarily good (Score:1)
Re:Assign IP addresses at birth? (Score:2)
Authenticating Votes (Score:1)
A couple weeks after I cast my MSFT stockholders' votes via a secure website proxy, I read this article. I'm seeing a lot of nerds proclaim "but authenticating the votes as being genuine would be nigh impossible!"
And you call yourself nerds? Nerds are supposed to say, "Hey! It's software! We can make it do anything, we can solve any problem!"
What system do we have, today? Have you actually gone down to the local VFW or Baptist dance hall or Gymnasium? Watched a grandmother volunteer's wrinkled melanoma-covered hand as she followed the lines of barcodes and registered voters' names, until it fell on your own unprotected name and address? Wondered how a little checkmark near your name on this list was somehow more secure than what you could do in software?
We stand on the edge of deciding if we can export many-bit security methods to other countries. The politicians' argument: but we can't let them use our robust security methods! Shouldn't we be using our robust security methods?
For a voting method to succeed, it must match our system's ideals and exceed our current approach. It must exceed today's system's performance on security, voter's convenience, and counting accuracy.
Security: You have to validate the fact that each cast vote represents one registered voter; that each voter can, at their will, avoid coercion of choice from third parties; that any found fraudulent votes can be redacted within a reasonable period of time; and that each voter can keep their vote private if they desire.
(Partial solution: e-voter must specifically register for "license" to use e-vote methods; the use of said license implies the voter bears more responsibility over the e-vote security. Those who don't register for e-vote must use physical vote methods where government bears all responsibility over the p-vote security.)
Convenience: You have to make sure that those voters who find the gymnasiums and vfw rooms to be more convenient CAN use them. If an e-voter finds a website more convenient, that the website is open and available. It can show your current and past vote history. You can *change* your vote up to the vote deadline.
Accuracy: come on. Remember the old lady at the VFW using a checkbox? I'd trust a billion-transaction-per-minute server more than I'd trust Granny Mae.
Hopefully less "advertising" and more information (Score:1)
Re:Forget CA, it sucks... (Score:1)
You bring up a point... how do you filter out the tards? But hell, the vote represents the people, and if the people are mentally deficient... well.. . Yukon Ho!
Privacy vs. Convienience (Score:1)
I think that the best way to handle this would be to give people the option to sign up to vote online at an actual polling station, that way they could set up a voting account with all the requred security, plus then they can check to make sure that you're you. All in all I think that if you can trust people to bank online or have online trading accounts, you can have good enough security for online voting. After all, a virtual vote is basically the same as a virtual dollar, i.e. not physically there.
The physical possibility of voting is not really the issue, the technical kinks can and will be worked out, the real issue is wheter or not you trust the people running the polls and the people running for election not to rig it somehow. I mean, if Al Gore invented the internet, he probably could hack the voting servers so that he would win.
It won't work. (Score:1)
Re:The wrong aproach to voting (Score:1)
Internet voting misses the point (Score:3)
Occasionally someone breaks through and excites interest (like Jesse Ventura), showing what might happen if there were a connection between government and the people.
The system is broken. The Internet won't fix it.
Ignorance and Apathy (Score:2)
In some respects, I'm just as glad that I don't have a vote, as the choice between the options of "I claim I didn't inhale!", "I will not answer whether or not I used coke," and "I'll bodyslam my honorable opponents!" doesn't admit a clearly reasonable choice.
Based on that and on local "fun and games," I'm not particularly surprised that the voter turnout for Dallas' last election was, for a city of nearly a million people, what I used to consider poor turnouts for elections of school board trustees back in Ottawa...
The problem isn't merely of ignorance; apathy can arise when it's not clear that the vote cast will be of any useful value...
Re:Bad (Score:1)
Also as far as I can see no one seems to have mentioned that Internet voting would effectivly limit voting to the middle and upper classes. People who don't have or don't want computers or Internet access would still have to fight traffic, wake up early, and stand in line while the old lady in front of them makes a fuss about something or anouther. So we'd effectivly be doubleing or tripleing the number of upper and middle class voters while keeping the lower class votes at the same level. That's going to scew results.
If we took this one step further it could be an even greater tool for democracy but it would have even more risks. What if we were alowed to vote on the issues themselves and not just the politions? This would definetly reduce voter frustration. But it could be extremly easily skewed simply by rewording the first paragraph and even the first line of whatever we were voting on.
I sugest that when Internet voting becomes available that a mechinism should be employed have short boiler-plate summaries of each polition's views and histories. Not just autobiographies either. Watchdog orgs should be in on this to. And this should be on the screen that comes up BEFORE the voting page.
I also think that when Internet voting shows up Telephone voting should also become available. Otherwise you're cutting out people without Computers. (pay-phones are everywhere.)
Re:iowa (Score:1)
Apathy and duress (Score:1)
First of all, I think that there should be some effort required to vote. As much as I sometimes worry about "the other side" winning a given vote, it scares me even more that some apathetic dork might just randomly pick a choice on a ballot he doesn't really care about and hasn't even made a pretense of informing himself about. If "the other side" actually has more supporters, fine, I'll grump off into the corner and hope to do better in the next election. But if someone wins based on convincing enough lazy people to vote for something they don't know a thing about, well, that's just downright frightening.
But even more frightening is the notion of duress at the polls. At a physical poll, they do not permit multiple people to be in the same polling booth. Period. What this means is, that no matter how much someone pays you and no matter what sort of extortion they hold over your head, they can't buy your vote because they can't know for sure how you voted. There is this danger with absentee balloting, but as long as that is only granted in "special cases", it isn't as much of a worry. With internet voting? The mind reels at the sort of thing that could happen. Hey you, wanna make $500? Come into this shop and click these buttons. Easy! Hey you, peon, you're not getting a raise this year unless you come in here and vote for my candidate. Hey honey, come into the family room, you do agree with me on who to vote for, right?
Dr. Zaius (Score:1)
Here's the URL
Special Intrest Groups (Score:2)
Example: 1) Industry special intrest groups may loose a LOT of power since they hold power by making direct campain contrabutions, but this is by no means clear since advertising (internet or otherwize) will remain extreamly importent. 2) The Pro- and Anti- Gun Lobys which are primarily people based (as far as I know) will pobable both be effected in the same way.. which will not shift the balance of power.
Special Intrest Groups are here to say.. and many of them, like the ACLU and EFF, are extreamly importent to the future of this country. These groups are especially importent when you consider the homogonous polytical landscape that the two party system creates.
I think the answer is really to take advantage of the specail intrest groups by doing thing like making it easier for them to express their ideas to the voters. The internet voting system could provide links to special intrest group score card pages which assessed the candidates. This would be a wonderful research tool for voters who were tring to make a decission about candidates. These groups have a much longer memory then individuals and can tell you all sorts of things that you need to know. Ok, so some of them can be pretty moronic, but one would hope that people would notice eventually.
Re:Hrm... (Score:1)
Re:Open source or nothing (Score:1)
Re:Assign IP addresses at birth? (Score:1)
Given about 20 years of moves we would have 270 millin IPs scattered at random around the country.
Re:The wrong aproach to voting (Score:1)
Q: How can a country be a democracy when less then half the population vote?
Because the population has chosen, via ratification of the Constitution, to have the option of not voting.
Bad Idea, if you ask me (Score:1)
I see few arguments in favour of Internet elections, and considerable ones against. There are other ways to tackle the issue of participation rates.
Win Free Sex! (Score:1)
As some tabloid editor once remarked, the three most beautiful words in the English language are "Win Free Sex!" The state can't give you sex (except Nevada), but they can give you the other top attactors: money and violence.
Or we could all just grow up a bit and realize that 20 minutes to vote in a relatively fraud-free environment is a damn cheap price to pay for something that is literally priceless. Election fraud *is* a real problem; Costilla county, Colorado, is a classic example from this decade, and many people think the "motor voter" law has resulted in fairly serious election fraud in California. The fact that no fraud has been seen with this system proves exactly one thing: nobody gave a damn. Use the system for something more controversial than county dog catcher and you *will* see election fraud.
(E.g., in the last state election the difference in votes for the two major candidates for governor were less than 1% of the total cast. Anyone who thinks that one of the candidates in the next election will know that a little bit of initiative, ahem, may be enough to ensure that God's candidate wins.)
coyote-san on soon
Easier voting is bad. (Score:2)
If the election models the civil war closely enough, power blocks who lose an election by a large margin will not try to reverse it through force of arms, because they know they won't win. And they won't try to reverse a close one because they know that will bring out a lot of fence-sitters and add them to the other side - so they'll probably still lose, and even if they win the war will be close, and thus long, bloody, and probably more costly than losing on the original issue.
This works only as long as the elections are perceived to be reasonably honest and the electorate to be a reasonably close approximation to the recruitable civil warriors. And that's how it was in this country for a long time.
The registration process was about as hard as getting to a recruiter or an organizing cabal. The franchise started out being held only by landowners - i.e. the people who had fought the Revolution - and was progressively extended to various groups after they had shown themselves capable of organizing mass violence.
Non-landowning white males got it early - after the Whiskey and Shay's rebellions. Women got it after they took axes to bars in the Temperance movement. The blacks had it handed to them as part of the Civil War and had it pulled back by corruption - then got it for real significantly after the freedom rides (which didn't work but provided a nice face-saving) but immediately after they burned the cities in '68. The 18-20 year olds got it right after the Vietnam Un-War protest marches graduated to riots, bombed buildings, and the National Guard firing into student crowds (with the implication that the shooting wouldn't be one-sided if this continued).
Getting down to the polls was about as hard as getting to a militia's muster. So even though voters were members of groups capable of fighting a war, they often wouldn't vote if they didn't have strong feelings on at least one candidate or issue in the election.
But lately we've got a few problems with the model:
Thanks to motor-votor, anybody can fill out a postcard and become registered - without producing I.D. - as many times as he thinks he can get away with. In some states, anyone can get mail-in absentee ballots, with no excuse beyond "I want to", and never attend a physical poll. So it's a lot easier to vote than to fight.
Checking I.D. at polls has been inhibited by various court rulings. So fraud abounds at the polls. And the motor-voter and absentee ballots make it easy for any power group to create as many bogus voters as they dare, and for whom they can come up with mailing addresses. (A single address in Berkeley CA was recently found to have several thousand absentee voters "living" there.)
Since 1968 progressively larger sections of the population are being disarmed by "gun control" legislation. The amount of this disarmament is wildly different among different ideological, cultural, and ethnic groups - and thus among different power blocks. (Fortunately for stability, the cultural groups remaining armed - so far - are also some of the strongest supporters of paying attention to elections.)
And the count itself is in doubt. For decades much of the tally have been counted by private contractors using proprietary software, with procedures and source code not open to public scrutiny, reading electronic ballots whose raw data is not available to those who would like to check the results.
So we're already in trouble on the stability front, due to the failure of the elections-as-model in fact. The failure in-perception is not as far advanced, which may have been why conflicts have been averted up to this point.
Internet voting could change that in two ways, both destabilizing. It could further weaken the correlation between voting and willingness to fight, by making voting so much easer. And it could break the perception of the elections as an accurate model, by raising the public perception of opportunity for electronic fraud. This is a hazard regardless of whether it actually increases or decreases the actual amount of fraud.
The only way I see internet voting as a positive force is if it results in an improvement in the actual accuracy of the electronic count, by bringing scrutiny to and improvements in
the process and reducing fraud that might be occurring in the current system. This could result in fewer groups of potentially powerful citizens having their oxen gored by government, and thus decrease both the motivation for instability and actual responsiveness of government to its citizens' wishes.
Re:Reducing apathy (Score:1)
> voter apathy.
Why do you say that? How does making something easier make it more
> Personally, I think [apathy] is one of the biggest problems we have
> nowadays.
No, apathy is the symptom of the problem: an electoral system that
makes an individual vote almost worthless, especially if that vote is
for a position outside of the Democratic-Republican Party.
> If everyone came out to vote, we could ensure that the likelihood of
> a stupid candidate being elected would drop.
First, it would ensure nothing but that everyone came out to vote.
Just because everyone votes doesn't mean that they will be primarily
influenced by substantive arguments of an intelligent candidate. If
anything, it would be more likely that a "stupid candidate" who
panders to the lowest common denominator would get the votes. Just
look at network television.
Second, making it easier to vote in the past hasn't decreased apathy
or voter turnout, at least not in the medium-to-long term. Making
cosmetic changes to voting systems will do little to decrease apathy.
What I think would help to reduce voter apathy would be to radically
redefine Congressional districts (to start at the top). Combine each
states Congressional districts as follows:
1-5 Representatives - 1 district
6 Representatives - 2 3 Representative districts
7 Representatives - 1 3 Representative district, 1 4 Representative district.
8 Representatives - 2 4 Representative districts
9 Representatives - 1 4 Representative district, 1 5 Representative district.
10 Representatives - 2 5 Representative districts
11 Representatives - 1 3 Representative district, 2 4 Representative districts.
12+ Representatives - 1-4 4 Representative districts, remainder 5 Representative districts.
In each district, proportional voting would be used - each voter would
get as many votes as the district had Representatives. The voter
could use all of the votes on one candidate, or spread them among as
many candidates as the district had Representatives. This gives a
segment of voters as small as 20% of the voting population a voice, a
voice they do not currently have.
I think that a system like this is used in most European countries. I
think that it's worth a shot here.
> As well, we could vote on many more small issues. The government
> could always "put an issue to the people" and not inconvenience us.
Is this a good thing? Would votes like this mean that the best
positions would win, or the best marketed positions? One goal of a
representative form of government is to have representatives who can
devote the time necessary to an issue to make an informed decision in
the long-term best interests of their constituents. While our current
electoral system causes most representatives to look no more long-term
than the next election, and be heavily swayed by the best interests of
their campaign contributors rather than that of their constituents,
putting issues "to the people", especially in a manner designed to
"not inconvenience us", is a formula for disaster.
Re:A good thing. (Score:1)
Before any type of computerized system is rolled out, the system would have to develop some type of anti-fraud/identification system that goes beyond "enter your voter ID number". Webcams, fingerprint analysis, or even reverse dialups could be used to authenticate users and voting locations, and one of these must be in place before the politicos authorize anything like this.
Why?? None of these wild ID schemes are present now, so why suggest them only when the subject of Internet voting comes up?
Also, all of your ID suggestions would violate my right to have my vote remain secret.
Re:Apathy is good - bring it on! (Score:1)
Re:Maybe not so good (Score:1)
Suppose we had any sort of identification number which is availible to the government. As some government employees (who probably aren't paid enough so that a bribe won't tempt them) have access to these numbers. As once you are inpossesion of the unique identification numbers/passwds the automated nature of internet voting would make it relativly eassy to commit the fraud.
There is a solution. Issue every citizen a smart card containing a non-recoverable private key (the smartcard only signs documents). Then each citizen must physically register their public key at a government station. As the private key is never revealed only theft of the msartcard itself with suffice to allow fraud making the system seemingly more secure then todays voting.
Re:A good thing. (Score:1)
Before any type of computerized system is rolled out, the system would have to develop some type of anti-fraud/identification system that goes beyond "enter your voter ID number". Webcams, fingerprint analysis, or even reverse dialups could be used to authenticate users and voting locations, and one of these must be in place before the politicos authorize anything like this.
Why?? None of these wild ID schemes are present now, so why suggest them only when the subject of Internet voting comes up?
Also, all of your ID suggestions would violate my right to have my vote remain secret.
internet information (Score:1)
However, before that happens, I'd like to see some web sites get comprehensive about getting out information on candidates and issues. Where can I go to read an in depth written interview of a local candidate? Where can I go to read, in detail, all of George Bush's views on various topics, and his answers to my questions? Where can I go to see voting records?
I'm sure there are places on the net for this, but I don't know them (well, I have been to congress's site, but reading about all the stupid things they voted on was absolutely mind-numbing!). How about slashdot interviewing some candidates? Hell, that's not even slashdot's job, but someone should do it, and I think the slashdot style interview woud be great for that.
Re:Internet Voting is *good* (Score:1)
Seeing "voting" and Quake3 in the same sentence made me think... Remember the DOOM system administration idea?
Imagine a DOOM frontend to voting...
Re:Bad Idea, if you ask me (Score:1)
This is a non-argument; Many grandmas aren't likely to go down to the booth either, because they're too old to go there. Many people can't read so can't vote. The "disadvantaged groups" can go down to the booth anyways (if they already could).
glitch caused votes to be lost or wrongly attributed?
Nonsense, can check, doublecheck and triplecheck. Votes can't get lost if you store 'em on multiple servers. Can't be wrongly attributed if you write the right routine. That's not a very hard thing to do, would take a good programmer less than an hour
You did, however, miss one argument against online voting, you can't touch it, can't prove it, it's not on paper anywhere. Like emails can hardly be evidence in a lawsuit (can easily produce them), it'd be quite hard to see an electronic vote and say, "Yeah, this one is really mine, look, it's my signature".
We (In the Netherlands) have by computer for years now (not online, but at the booth) so you can't touch it either. The biggest advantage is that the votes are processed way faster, we know the result an hour after the last booth closes.
propensity to vote is inverse function of cost (Score:2)
I used to be an economist. We have a pretty cynical and simplisitc view that humans take action when Marginal Benefit > Marginal Cost.
Now the Marginal Benefit of voting is feeling like a good citizen, helping your favorite candidate get elected, etc. I.e. non-apathy.
The cost of voting is mostly the opportunity cost of time, and here the internet could make an obvious difference: vote from home, without a wait!
Personally, I'm so jaded that, if I was asked to (A) commute and wait an hour to pull the lever for, say, Bush or Gore, or could (B) watch two episodes of Seinfeld, I'd vote to veg. It's a protest vote, honest. But if voting just took some mouse clicks, I would at least take the trouble to write-in Pigasus.
I'm not sure that internet voting by itself would make us care more (on the left-hand side) but it could increase turnout by making voting very non-costly to individuals (on the right-hand side). So I agree with Rayban that turnout should increase, especially for small issue where
marginal benefit is low.
But the broader, long-term effects of the internet on the left-hand side are less clear. Will the net foster digital democrary make us better informed and active citizens? Or will it deter democracy by making government less relevant or citizens less involved with the physical world? What do you folks think?
Re:dont vote casually (Score:1)
Yes, I do. If you accept our political system as the one under which you wish to live, you should too. If you had written a few more sentences, you'd have arrived at the thought that we should create an aristocracy which would have the exclusive right to vote. A bit over to the wacky side lies Nazism.
I love computers, but... (Score:1)
BTW, I've voted by machine, punch card and pencil marked ballot and by far the most satifying to me is the last one.
OTOH, Internet voting is worthy of exploration and thought. If it can me made at least as secure as a Chicago voting machine, (and I'm a former Chicagoan) I'd consider it.
Out here in sunny CA, we can vote absentee without any reason other than we want to so you don't have to go out if you don't want to or can't, right now even without the Internet.
I'd still miss the neighbors in line. It's the only time I get away from the computer.
i hope it isnt a web form (Score:1)
If there ever is a voting client for ip, I hope it's made by uber-trustworthy NSA geniuses.
Can We Say "Vote Fraud?" (Score:1)
Internet voting is just as dumb an idea as Oregon's experiment with vote-by-mail.
Lovely concept. Stupid idea. Permit me to explain.
I'm a geek. But I'm also involved in politics. The first election I volunteered for was an election for mayor of Boston in 1967. My (widowed) mother used to date Mike Dukakis. I worked for the McGovern National Campaign Committee in 1972, and have worked on political campaigns every year since 1977. I have spent 6 years as an elected official.
Elections, by their very nature, must be a public process. Each and every voter must personally appear in the polling place--or place his or her signed ballot on a public bulletin board in that polling place (absentee ballots) or the system is open to fraud. When you go to vote tomorrow (today!) you will step up to a poll worker. That worker will announce your name out loud--ideally so everyone in the room can hear it. One or more other people will check your name off lists of registered voters. And somebody might--possibly ask if you're the Joe Schlibozel who lives downstairs from that nice Hispanic couple, the Rodriguezes?
The first pollworker is a member of one party. The second pollworker at the table is a member of the opposite party. The person who asks a question may have noticed that you haven't voted before, and it is unusual for new voters to turn up in a general election when no federal offices are at stake. What all of them are doing is keeping the system honest.
Internet voting (and vote-by-mail) make cheating so easy it will take all the fun out of stealing elections. One of the interesting facts of politics is that you can go down the voter rolls (sometimes called "street lists") and you'll discover that there are 200 registered Republicans at one address; and there are 325 registered Democrats at another address. What gives? Both addresses are nursing homes--and there's either a resident or an employee who has signed every single resident up. They come around with the form all filled out, possibly after medications are dispensed, and ask for a signature. "We need this to help you vote, Mr. Schlibozel...." So the addled Mr. Schlibozel signs the form.
It's a registration form, plus a request for an absentee ballot. When the ballots come in the mail the helpful person visits Mr. Schlibozel and asks him who he wants for president. And most probably *will* punch the block for Mr. Schlibozel's choice. But Mr. Schlibozel almost certainly will not have an opinion on the ballot questions, or the judicial candidates, or the local municipality candidates--"so we'll just leave those blank, okay, Mr. Schlibozel?"
Later, after all 325 absentee ballots have been filled out and signed, the helpful volunteer goes back through the stack. And punches the blocks for all the "right" judicial candidates and municipal candidates, and ballot questions, etc.
Take it from me--if you see an election with thousands of absentee ballots in a single congressional district, there is vote fraud.
You can catch that kind of fraud. But vote-by-mail and Internet voting make it too easy to cheat. Suppose you run a flophouse (nowadays we call them SRO--single room occupancy hotels). You have the flotsam and jetsam of life--and chances are several are behind on their rent. You offer a choice--sign this blank ballot, or pay up on your rent. Or sign this blank ballot, and I'll turn your water back on.
And suddenly we're back in the Victorian era, when wealthy landlords in England "owned" seats of Parliament because they effectively controlled enough of the voters to guarantee the results of any election.
The problem of "voter apathy" is bogus--there is no such problem. We do have a similar problem: "motor voter" registration laws. It is now practically impossible to renew your driver's license without also registering to vote. That doesn't mean that you actually show up to be involved--you just got your license renewed, and the DMV handed you the form. The same people as always still show up to vote--but the motor voters stay home. The "turnout rate" is lower--but in fact the same number of voters as always has come to the polls. Bag motor voter, stop wasting money at the county registrar's, and keep the public voting system intact.
John Murdoch
(In point of fact, I am aware of a number of methods to steal elections--but I have never actually used any of them.)
Re:A good thing. (Score:1)
Really? When I go vote, the guy running our local polling place always asks for my ID, and checks it against a list to make sure I'm who I say I am, and that I'm where I need to be. How is that any different? I am forced to authenticate myself at the polling place, but my ballot remains anonymous, what's the difference?
Swings and roundabouts (Score:1)
Some caveats though: I hope that they don't get too carried away with this. Not everyone has net access, and I'd hate to see a person's right to vote depend on their having a computer. Also, I think it'll be a while before it catches on globally: here in the UK Internet access, although growing, still costs a fair bit (local phone rates and monthly ISP charge), so one could argue that such a mechanism would favour the better off...
Re:Good Idea, cut down on the bluehairs! (Score:1)
Re:Assign IP addresses at birth? (Score:1)
I think you are right. IP assigned at birth is privacy invading stuff at best.
Re: Watching people vote (Score:1)
I think I mentioned both of these in a previous Slashdot voting article, but they're important points people need to think about every time this subject comes up.
First: It's important to guarantee that each person is alone when (s)he votes. I know several people who come from families where an overbearing family leader would decide (s)he knows how the family members ought to vote, and either vote in the name of each family member, or demand to see what votes were submitted. I'm sure most of you know someone in that situation too. Do you want that person to have to spend even a moment thinking about whether casting a free vote is more important than "not causing problems" at home? How many people like that do you think there are just in the USA, let alone in all the countries that have free elections? Do you want all those votes to lean in favor of pushy scumbags who assume their opinions are vastly more important than free elections? And that's just what would happen immediately from everyday jerks. People with actual reasons to shove you around would come up with much worse things soon afterwards.
Second: I see some people here claiming they'd vote more often if it wasn't inconvenient. Because of the controlled environment a polling place offers, I think it's still the best place for 99% of citizens to vote. You don't misplace your ballot under your bed. You don't use last year's ballot from under your bed by mistake. You don't have to remember some password to be able to exercise your rights. You don't have to somehow prove that you didn't already vote by some other method. You just appear, prove you're you the same way you would to anyone else, and you get to control your government. It's not that much work, really. Today's the first Tuesday in November. I don't know if there's an election in my town today, but you can be sure I'll drive by my polling place and see if there's a sign. Not to be too rude to the pro-convenience folks, but: Unless you've been seriously injured fighting for freedom, you've probably received more of democracy than it's received of you. If you think that standing around for a few minutes once a year is too much work to collect on your rights, that's fine with me; I usually don't mind getting my way instead of yours.
Re:Reducing apathy (Score:1)
For any given issue, there is a small minority of people who care passionately about the issue, and a great majority who are apathetic. This is a 'design feature' of our government. In order for an issue to become a bill, then a law, then a regulation, that factious minority must persuade (through free speech) a majority.
Apathy is part of the process. Apathy is the check that the populace exerts on the government. Fanatics can defeat apathy through short term appeal to emotions - whether that is demagogery or advertising. However the government is intentionally slow to act, which counteracts the demoagogery.
OK - with that as background, (sorry - too longs - got into my old college professor mode), my point is this. The Internet, and modern communications media provide us the time to shorten the cycle time of the government process. To submit more "small issues" to the people through the internet. But the cycle time was never intended to be short. Short cycle time is a good thing in consumer products, but not in laws.
Imagine if you will that someone had submitted new laws to the voters after Columbine? Remember the bill in Pennsylvania which gave the principal of a school the right to commit any student to an insane asylum without review or accountability? - and no obligation to inform parents (indeed, immunity from lawsuit if the power was exercised frivolously!) [N.B. I don't have a citation for this - this may be an internet myth, but I believe I read it on Slashdot, so I reguard it as potentially credible)]. Point being that submitting small issues directly to the voters can be a bad thing - people want to "do something" quickly - to respond to horror and tragedy. But Laws should be made by deliberation, not through emotionqal reaction.
Final note - I'm not saying tha tdemocracy or cyberdemocracy is bad. I have reservations about the implementation, based on the fact that it will affect one of the design features of our government.
The Federalist Papers are a very good and important read for anyone who wants to change the way we do government - as is the Articles of Confederation.
Coerced Voting (Score:1)
The Iowa experiment simply looks like a way of tallying the votes over the Internet. Not particularly interesting.
In any case, the reason that folks don't vote is that they feel, rightly or wrongly, that their vote won't make a difference to anything they care about. The "inconvienence" of going to the polls is simply a convienent excuse.
Re:How I would make this work (Score:2)
* Second: Many folks have computers nowadays which, perversely enough, don't have floppy disks.
Also, what filesystems? MINIX? FAT? ext2?
* Third: Candidates have been using personality *forever*. It's gotten far worse since the invention of television (think JFK), but it's always been there. However, most people who are polled, wouldn't vote; that could change significantly.
* Fourth: The people have, in general, neglible will; it's not like it's difficult to write a letter to a politician or editor, or cast a vote. Voting is correlated with motivation. The system largely does represent the wishy-washy will of the people, in its own way...
Watching people vote (Score:2)
I would not be surprised if Internet voting were ruled unconstitutional based on the above problem.
I also agree with others that have commented that it is important to make voting slightly awkward so that people take it seriously and only vote if they believe that the outcome matters.
Re:It won't work. (Score:2)
Computer voting?? (Score:1)
On a more serious note, I think that (if it'd be secure) internet voting would be a great thing, more and more people tend not to vote because they're busy, don't have time, weren't in the neighbourhood, whatever excuses.
With internet voting, you can vote whenever you want, and wherever you want, as long as there's an internet connection.
This honestly scares the hell out of me... (Score:1)
I would honestly be more comfortable with people being able to telephone in their votes, where a living breathing person was responsable for cataloging the votes. Yes, people are prone to mistakes, but people are alot less likely to have a security hole in them exploited (Yes, this is a debatable fact).
Re:A good thing. (Score:1)
Biometrics are also not a reasonable solution unless you have strong crypto to back them up; and since you need strong crypto anyway, why bother with the biometrics? It just adds expense.
But I do rather like the idea of having at least some kind of hardware-secure token...
The appropriate balance of cost vs. security might best be met using smartcards or iButtons or the like, one for each voter, with a passphrase required to unlock the key stored therein. Those who don't have a card reader on their PC would be required to go to a polling station.
There should be a password required as well: not a secure passphrase, just a simple but very confidential password... and, most importantly, a "duress" password as well.
I think the whole idea just falls down unless there is some equivalent of a duress password.
If the duress password is given, the voter should probably be allowed to correct the vote by doing it again (when not under duress) using the correct password. Or not, depending on just how paranoid you are.
Of course, whether internet voting, implemented in a secure way, would actually be more convenient than the current system... I'm not sure. It'd be easier to count, anyway.
A slight digression re callbacks:
I take it you don't remember how easy it was to defeat BBS call-back systems.
90% of them could be defeated by just staying on the line, playing back your own recording of a dial tone, waiting for the call-back modem to dial, and then having your modem answer. Those that used a different line to call-back, one could dial in to that line at just the right time and achieve a similar effect.
Even if the call-back system is smart enough to foil that method... there is always call-forwarding. To make call-back secure, you'd have to get the cooperation of the phone company.
Real Problem (Score:1)
That's all I can come up at this moment but I'd be interested in other ideas. Post your ideas as a reply to this post, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to hear them.
Re:Why Interenet Voting Is Bad (Score:1)
Great, then we can institute an IQ test before people qualify to vote. After that, let's make sure every voter can do 100 push-ups before they can vote! We've got to make sure they REALLY want to vote!!!
Vote fraud isn't just from the outside. (Score:2)
only be used by one organization.
How do you propose to defend against corruption in that organization?
Vote counting must not just be honest. It must be seen to be honest.
Hrm... (Score:2)
I don't think we're ready to vote people into office using this one yet, folks... I'd hesitate to use it in less serious cases like re-zoning for an Exxon station on the corner, either.
Reducing apathy (Score:4)
As well, we could vote on many more small issues. The government could always "put an issue to the people" and not inconvenience us.
Re:Reducing apathy (Score:2)
Re:Easier voting is bad. I disagree. (Score:2)
Now, I read what you said about the bad part of easier voting, and I disagree with you. It seems that your main beef is that easier voting has made it easier to cheat. Well, that's true. But so far nobody's implemented the process correctly.
Using ID cards? What a joke. Easily forged by teenagers.
Signatures? Also a joke. Easily forged by teenagers.
An easy voting process implemented with a secure cryptographically based protocol would not be trivial to break. Voting would be easier, and more difficult to defraud.
Easy secure voting would preserve the election as an accurate model of a civil war, which you presented to us.
Re:Internet Voting is *good* (Score:2)
*** Candidate Deathmatch ***
- VP Al Gore, who's stiffness inhibits dodging (when he's not doing the Macarena), but comes equipped with the Chaingun of Connections...
- Ex-Sen. Bill Bradley, who may be able to blind Gore with his Spotlight; who can toss a grenade for 3 points over his shoulder...
- Gov. Bush, who's both encumbered and armed with huge bags of money, and used to get occasional boosts from a mysterious powder...
- Sen. McCain, who's got experience, a shotgun and a meeeeeean temper,
- Steve Forbes, who's got a penchant for flattening his opponents and folding them into postcards,
- Gov. Ventura, who's ALWAYS got the 'Beserk' power-up,
- Pat Buchanan, who's got intrinsic fireproofing and can isolate himself from the world at will, and, finally,
- Donald Trump, who's fortunes seem to vary as much as those of his patrons...
*** ding!
Assign IP addresses at birth? (Score:3)
I supposed this would be workable once the security aspects (spoofing, etc.) have been addressed. It'd be a problem for our household since our net access only allows a single IP address assigned via DHCP. If we all got IP addresses assigned at birth then we'd all have a unique ID that could be used for things like voting, email, IP telephony, etc.
But, on the other hand, that pretty much does away with Anonymous Cowards, doesn't it? The personal privacy freaks would excrete masonry if this happened.
Maybe not so good (Score:2)
On the other hand, if we had adequate security measures in place (e.g. digital signatures generated with personally-registered smart cards, the kind of thing that would suffice for official ID), these issues should not be problematic. We just don't have the infrastructure to do this yet.
Re:Great (Score:3)
Re:Assign IP addresses at birth? (Score:2)