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OLS Wrap-up 42

The Ottawa Linux Symposium has come and gone. It was a superb, very technical, conference that was also a great social event. Dana has put up her pictures, and the lovely Alix has put up hers. Last but not least, Alan Cox has put up his large collection. Finally, I've included my report below.


My OLS trip would not have been possible without the support of the following people: Christopher Beard, Phil Schwan, Mike Shaver, and Andrew Hutton. I owe all of them a big thank you.


My story begins on Thursday. I was scheduled to catch a 2:50PM flight out of Dulles Airport (IAD). That way, I would have been able to make it to Ottawa in time for The Puffin Night Out, a nice party which I managed to catch the tail end of anyway (after taking a flight later that evening). Customs was a tad on the scary side, but then again, I am 16 and was all alone.


I arrived at the hotel a little bit after 8, so that I would have time to register. Registration went very smooth, and in no time, I had my conference bag, complete with conference shirt, proceedings, etc. And yes, my badge really did say "Slashdot Wanker". Things like that happen when you know the conference organizers :)

I first headed off to Nat's talk. We chatted for a few minutes before he started, and I was introduced to his very beautiful girlfriend Rhett. Nat gave a very technical talk about the GNOME mailer. The GNOME mailer is going to attempt to be "not your mother's mail client". Instead of being folder based like traditional mail clients (filtered messages are placed in a folder which is tightly associated with a specific file on disk), it will be a query-based client. Messages can be sorted based on traditional criteria, but also things like keywords. This becomes a complicated thing after you realize that messages can do things like fit multiple criteria. The example given was a thread about gazelles: if I want to find all messages that are related to gazelles, I can do a search, but I might miss "me too" and other similar messages. Nat says that Bertrand Guiheneuf has done a lot of good work on the back-end ("Camel", which happens to be closely modeled after the JavaMail API), and that the front-end will come soon.

The other important point of Nat's talk was the fact that it will make heavy use of Bonobo for the front-end. The mailer will use Bonobo components (similar in concept to JavaBeans or COM objects) to do things like display text, vCards, HTML, in-line images, etc. It also will use a mail composition component, so that with proper hooks, even emacs could be used to author messages. The program will also be written in a scripting language, so that hackers and possibly even end-users can easily customize it - some may wish to not see certain buttons if they never use them, or may want to customize the behavior of a delete button when building an idiot-proof mail client.

After a short break, I headed back to the same room so that I could attend Phil Schwan's interesting InterMezzo talk. InterMezzo is a distributed filesystem that was initially intended to replace Coda. Coda is 500,000 lines of C and the internals are only well known to not even a handful of people on the planet. By contrast, InterMezzo is about 2500 lines of C and 5000 lines of Perl ("don't worry, no one liners here").

InterMezzo is a distributed filesystem, but it is not at all like NFS. With InterMezzo, there is very little difference between the client and the server. InterMezzo features the following: data resides in a native filesystem (ext2, most likely), the clients should exploit existing filesystems and should implement a cache at the kernel level, objects should have meta-data suitable for disconnected operation (so that unlike NFS, I can simply unplug my laptop, run off to wherever, and not need an internet connection to do my hackery), use TCP and other existing protocols for things like synchronization and security (rsync, ssh, SSL). Version .002 (which is actually quite functional!) was released about 2 weeks ago. They encourage people to test it.

After Phil's talk, it was time for lunch. A medium-sized mob of us went to the Hard Rock cafe, a 5 minute walk. This was my first time in a Hard Rock, and it seemed nice enough. I was finally introduced to Steve (from VA Linux Systems), and we chatted for awhile after drooling at his laptop (Sony VAIO 505TR - mine should arrive tomorrow :) Actually, I owe him a thank you...

We all headed back a few minutes late, but I still managed to catch most of Miguel's talk about Bonobo. Miguel says that Bonobo is essentially finished - Nat spent last week documenting it, and that a tarball will be released soon. Miguel used several pictures to show the role that CORBA/ORBit play in GNOME. He also showed off Glade, "even though it has nothing to do with Bonobo". Glade is very cool because it allows the UI of a program to be customized at run-time rather than compile time. It does this by using an XML file to store the location of widgets, etc. I'd encourage anyone who hasn't to look at it.

After Miguel was done rambling, I walked over to the IA-64 talk, given by Stephane Eranian of HP labs. Stephane told us that HP Labs has been working on porting Linux to Merced for well over a year. They have been using a simulator because there is no Merced hardware available yet. He explained neat things they did with the simulator, as well as some of the features of the chip.

Because IA-64 is based on EPIC, it requires the compiler to lots and lots of work, especially to take advantage of the chip's advanced features, such as predication and control speculation. Compiler authors also must be aware of "rotating registers", Not-A-Thing registers, and various other things that were enough to give me a headache just thinking about them.

The good news is that Linux already runs, and runs quite well on the simulator. HP Labs was behind the porting of the kernel, and CERN ported libc. By the time the chips come out, Linux will be running on them, and very likely with SMP support. Because the development environment is finished, they are now working on trying to get large apps like emacs and X to run.

This was the last talk of the day, which meant it was time for everyone to board the bus to go to the Phoenix Multiplayer Gaming Facility. PMGF was a large place with booths for people to play huge games of Half-Life, Quake 2, Need For Speed, etc. It was the first time I'd played Half-Life, and I did quite well - I managed to actually win a round. But it got boring after a little while, so I was very happy to see Ryan Tilder and Mike Shaver show up to rescue Alan, Jes, myself and others. We all headed off to a nice restaurant called The Arrow and the Loon. We chatted for a few hours, and everyone had interesting stories to tell (especially Mike, but I don't think he wants me to go into the whole Vaseline incident...) Oh, and the waitress had quite an attitude, too ("I'll have a fuzzy navel" "What sort of fruit are you?", "Here you go, princess"). I sort of have to feel sorry for Zach...


I decided to go in a bit late on Saturday, so the first talk I went to was Zach's "Ninja Adventures in the Stratosphere" talk. Zach used some novel techniques and emphasized performance over portability to get some extremely fast servers. He explained what was right and what was wrong about his approaches. Basically, threading can be quite a pain in the ass. On a related note, I'm packaging hftpd for Debian, so there should be a package uploaded soon.

Next was lunch. We ate in the mall (it was connected to the hotel) at an interesting place. When you went in, you were given a ticket and then you could go to any of the little special booths and pick from whatever they had, and marked it on your card. I sat across from Arjan (khttpd guy) and David Huggins-Daines. We had an interesting chat about telco monopolies and high-speed internet links. Luckily, I only was a few feet from the table when I remembered my card. It's a good thing, too, since I didn't have $100...

After lunch was the much hyped FreeS/WAN talk (I believe there were a handful of CSA agents and maybe even an NSA person or two). It wasn't what I expected, but was still enjoyable nonetheless. The audience seemed to enjoy the "Analogy to Sex" chart. See, when you have no authentication and no encryption, that is like having sex with a stranger in public.

Finally, it was time for the last talk before the keynote. Mike Shaver and Mike Ang from Mozilla talked about the internals of the code, discussing everything from portability issues to the way Mozilla is capable of presenting and aggregating data. Topics covered included XPCOM, XPFE, XUL, DOM, etc. I found it interesting that in the future, through XUL, JavaScript will be able to manipulate the layout of the browser.

Then it was time for Alan's keynote. The presentation started with Gavriel State from Corel introducing Alan, but he took the opportunity to dispel myths about WINE. I probably turned bright red when the slide "Don't Believe Everything You Read On Slashdot" came up. I saw Ryan start looking for me as soon as he saw it. Everyone around me told me I should stand up and take a bow while everyone clapped, but I think I blew my chance (I'm only modest at all the wrong times ;)

Alan's talk was quite fascinating after everyone got over the laughter from the bluescreen he took a picture of on the departures screen at Heathrow. Alan discussed traditional proprietary software development models and free software development methodologies, and then compared them to each other. He discussed some of Brooks' lessons (and his law) from MMM (The Mythical Man Month). Brooks' law states that adding more programmers to a late project only makes it later. GNOME is a perfect counterexample. It started small and was going incredibly fast when it had over 200 people (as of Saturday, there were 319 CVS accounts). He also said that regardless of whether or not they officially have titles, there usually is a small set of core developers. He stressed that the way programmers communicate with each other is a key reason for free software working so well. In the proprietary software world, programmers must go through a management hierarchy instead of directly communicating with each other.

After the Alan finished and the prizes were given away and a short "presentation" by the president of was finished, everyone headed to the Hard Rock for free food and beer (the beer was only free for 2 hours, due to the fact that they were figuring 5 drinks/person/hour). I left the Hard Rock early and headed down to meet Federico for a movie. Four of us (Federico, Ulf, Mark Steele, and myself) all went to go see "Lola Rennt", aka "Run Lola Run", a very cool German film. I'd explain more, but it's beyond the scope of this report and the IMDB has enough to get you started. Highly recommended.

After the movie, I headed over to the Vineyard and met Alex deVries, Zach, Mike, et al. We headed over to meet Jes and some others at a local pub(ish place). Had a nice chat with Matthew Wilcox, and finally met Mike Shaver's fiancee, Tyla. Went back and finally turned off the lights for sleep at about 2:30am


I had to miss dim sum at 11 since my plane left for Toronto at 6:45am. I met Federico, Jonathan Blandford, and Miguel at the hotel a little after five (ugh!). We ate a small breakfast and then went to the airport. We left Miguel in Ottawa, but Federico, Jonathan, and I all went to Toronto on the same flight. Jonathan was kind enough to help me with some customs forms, and also told me about the root of "aware-of-vacuity", his machine's name at Red Hat.

We then went our separate ways and I flew back to BWI on a small, ~50 passenger Dash 8. All in all, it was a most wonderful and amazing conference. I eagerly await next year's.

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OLS Wrap-up

Comments Filter:
  • Thgat sounded fun - does anyone know of any shows to be held in Europe this or next year. I'd seriously like to go - see what is happening in person rather than just look at pics and read third party reports. Oh - Do I have to put First Post or is that for sad geeks? I am a sad geek? OK First Post.
  • by linuxci ( 3530 ) on Monday August 16, 1999 @05:46AM (#1744547)
    You can't beat Alan Cox's pic from the airport on his return from Ottawa:

    One reason not to use NT in public places ;)

  • What's sad is.. that's NOT NT.

    That's Windows 9x.

  • Well the UKUUG have a Linux event each year:
    Linux '99 was in June and we plan to hold an event next year. Linux 2000 will be a much bigger event. However everyone at Linux '99 had a great time.

  • Never mind. I wasn't reading the BSoD (not that I could tell a Win9x one from a WinNT one), but running Win9x in this situation, even MS wouldn't approve of that!

    It's a bad image for the customer to see. Someone who has never seen a computer wouldn't know what that message was on the flight info screens.

    People who know better just laugh!
  • MMMMOooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

  • Even!
  • As someone who works *right* next door, I'd say Zak got off easy...
  • I can't believe I didn't know this was going on. And I live in Ottawa! I think I need to get my head out of my butt...

  • Wasn't The Hurd named after RMS's gf(now ex) Alix for a time? Might this be the mysterious Alix? ;)
  • Wow, I've been to quite a few conferences before (though none of them Linux ones), this one blew them all away big time. Where's the registration form for next year? ;)
  • Hmm, could you elaborate on that? What gave you that impression? I didn't hear anything about KDE
    while I was there...

  • I live in Ottawa too.
    HOW COULD YOU HAVE MISSED IT??? There were posters EVERYWHERE!!!
  • I was surprised there wasn't a typically extravegant Mike Cowpland display. In fact, I didn't even see him there.
  • Members of the Canadian Standards Association were there? Gee I thought all they did was tell me whether my toaster or hockey helmet was safe to use. Considering its in the same sentence as the NSA, I believe you probably mean CSIS, the Canadian Security and Intellegence Service. Considering the nature of the conference, perhaps the Communications Security Establishment (the Canadian version of MI6 - I'm not sure of the name but its something like that), a really secret (their HQ is down by the Airport near Hunt Club Rd) wing of the Canadian (ahem) intellegence system. If I remember my days at Carleton and the people they were trying to recruit back then, whoever you thought was CSIS/CSE/NSA probably was a marketting guy from Corel...the real spooks wouldn't need to be in the room in person to get the poop....
  • Ahh, sorry, I read your comment backwards. (As in "too much KDE") (Which is why I was confused)

    You're right about that. Why don't you e-mail Andrew Hutton and suggest that he invite a KDE speaker for next year? (his address is on the OLS web site)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    At the FreeS/WAN talk I think you meant there were a few CSE people not CSA people. CSE == Communication Security Establishment (of Canada). Infact there were at least 7 of us. And don't forget the US Navy guy. You couldn't miss him, as he was in uniform.
  • by dave0 ( 6471 )
    CSIS and CSE still actively recruit at Carleton, and are very obvious -- they don't send spooks, they send HR people.

    There were several CSIS/CSE/DoD techie types at OLS, but only one or two mentioned it on their name tags, and were studiously avoided by the paranoid attendees.


  • I have no idea. I knew about LinuxWorld and I read all the articles on /. etc, etc. I've been going through all the archives to see what I missed!

    Man oh man I need coffee.

  • Check out [] when the site comes back up.

  • by Carey ( 2195 )
    It was actually quite ridiculous, especially standing in line at registration and having people passing down this wild rumor - "Did you hear there's guys from CSE here..." kidding :-)

    I fail to see why anyone in the Linux community (who publish everything including their diaries and photo albums on the web and in their mailing lists) is worried about talking to a bunch of people who happen to be employed by CSE, most of whom probably do the same things on a daily basis that everyone else at the OLS does - like write code. Duh.

    IMHO, if I were you I'd be much more worried about guys from Microsoft and the ZD/PC/Pro-MS press corps in the audience then a bunch of stupid excitement about people there from the government.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Uhhhh, I hate it when people say that OS software defies Brook's Law. It doesn't, for several reasons.

    Brook's Law states "adding more people to a late software project will only make it later". The first problem here is that Brook's law implies commercial software, how can OS software be late? There is no schedule.

    Secondly, Brook's reasoning for why this is the case is due to the complexity of communication and the time required for new people to get up to speed. (both in the time they are unproductive, and the time required for another "productive" developer to help them) Since OS software projects are so geographically diverse, the communication channels are already complex to begin with. As a result, communication about the project takes place in open forums such as mailing lists, newsgroups, etc. This means that historical information about design decisions within the project is readily available to anyone. If they are interested, all the means of bringing themselves up to speed is already available, and requires no extra time spent on the part of the experienced developers. Because these "newbies" will not slow the experienced developers down, they can continue at their normal pace, and anything a "newbie" can contribute is just gravy.

    To get to my point, OS software doesn't disprove Brook's law, it circumvents it. ~AC
  • This Alix is a bit young for RMS anyway.
  • Has it maybe occured to you that if you want conferences like ALS/OLS/LWCE etc to cover KDE you need to have KDE developers submitt papers on what they are doing with KDE? I would have loved to see some KDE talks at ALS, but we didn't get any submissions from them.

    VP of the Atlanta Linux Showcase []
    3rd Annual Atlanta Linux Showcase []

  • I saw the same thing in Las Vegas last December.

    Yet another reason why
  • In a tennis tournament.
  • I saw a blue screen in Las Vegas too...big light sign in front of my hotel. I'll go find the picture and get it online...
  • He was at the Hardrock cafe on the last night.. standing by the door... I talked to him for a few minutes on my way out...
  • You'd expect better from Heathrow being one of the worlds largest airports. Does anyone know if it happens often at Heathrow or did it just decide to put on a special display for one of the biggest names in the Linux world?
  • It never happened that way at the UKUUG Linux conference in England. As I assisted in organising it I may be a bit biased but I liked our single track approach to the conference because if their was a talk you didn't want to attend there were always people to talk to. A very friendly and interesting event.

    As for recording the talks I think that is a good idea although video as well as audio would be better.

If I want your opinion, I'll ask you to fill out the necessary form.
