CamelMan wrote to us with an interesting
story over at CNN. The Internet Engineering Task Force is apparently on a fast track to get the Common Name Resolution Protocol into place as early as next year. It will be, however, mostly aimed at intranets, and not at the Internet writ large.
Dumb Question (Score:2)
I don't like it... (Score:1)
Re:Finally the chance to abolish WINS (Score:1)
Re:I don't like it either... (Score:1)
don't forget, if they try to port this to the web then they can designate another internic to control the sales of keywords. just like domain names.
completely unnecessary.
The article is already wrong -- blackslashes? (Score:1)
Either that, or the clueless reporter is getting computer-related stories wrong again, which wouldn't surprise me in today's media. Are there *any* reporters that get it right?
Re:I don't like it... (Score:1)
Or even just type "1996 budget report" into a search line on the site itself. I agree that this could be handled on the individual webpage, but it would admittedly be rather convenient to just type it into the URL line. But, as always, I suspect this will get hijacked, so that typing "The Foo Company" will only work as I'd like if the Foo company has paid all the right fees to all the right people... sigh
Re:I don't like it... (Score:1)
Re:The article is already wrong -- blackslashes? (Score:1)
Sounds like it would be for big ISP's too. (Score:2)
Rediculous (Score:1)
At any rate, abstraction by way of layers like these only obfuscate matters more - and the keep the end users from having any clue whats really going on. The reason help desks get so many calls isn't cause people are stupid
Re:The article is already wrong -- blackslashes? (Score:1)
Re:Finally the chance to abolish WINS (Score:2)
Who was the author? (Score:2)
I don't think that people have much trouble in using search engines... Why not just put a search engine on your intranet server and have the home page set to that server?
It solves the problem of finding the 1996 budget report without knowing the URL... and it doesn't involve replacing browsers, adding in new servers or anything particularly complicated...
Is this REALLY all that beneficial? (Score:2)
The article implies that a local/intranet registry will have to be maintained describing the mappings between human friendly names and URLs. So instead of remembering URLs, users will have to remember how the thing's registered in the local registry, quite possibly in a way that's not intuitive to them. A user might want the 1998 budget report and look for "1998 Budget Report," but the finance people might've registered the document in the local registry with a title that's only intuitive to them (e.g., "1998 Expenditures"?) and others in their field. A title that's intuitive to person A in discipline A might not be all that intuitive to person B in another discipline. Sounds like we'd be back at square one rather quickly.
There's a point at which we have to stop dumbing down computers and standards and start insisting on smarter users and smarter website maintainers (i.e., put a little thought into how documents and pages are organized). Perhaps we're reaching that point...
Re:The article is already wrong -- blackslashes? (Score:1)
Reality Check (Score:2)
This is aimed at Intranets. Why? Because this is, in short, a way to connect web requests with a bunch of resources listed in a directory server such as an LDAP server, Novell Directory Server or Micro~1 Active Directory (coming soon to foolish corporations everywhere). "Common Name" or CN, is a standard part of X.400(?)/X.500(?) naming schema which are used in such directories. If you look at the contents of an X.509 certificate, you'll see it as part of a "Distinguished Name" or DN. Something's DN should uniquely identify it. For example, here are some DN's:
CN="George Bush" OU="Ex-President" CO="United States of America"
The "Common Name" proposal also contains RDF [] schemas to describe and search for documents based on CN's and partial DN's. This might have some applicability to widely distributed, nonarchic systems such as the web. Of course, RDF is a cutting-edge application of XML which isn't even fully ratified, so don't hold your breath.
Re:Dumb Question (Score:1)
Re:I don't like it... (Score:1)
But more importantly, I disagree with your assesment of the use of domain names. I'd charge the popularity of is just as easy to remember as, if not more intuitive, but there seems to me that there's aa certain unsaid rule that if you need to go beyond the
Not to mention that document names have nothing to say about their heirarchy and context - URLs do if the site is structured properly. To pull the example off CNN, 1996 Budget Plan says nothing about the group, stage, and version of the document. At least a URL, and consequently knowing the directory stucture leading to the document enforces a certain amount of organization and context for the document. Common names simply add one more layer on which to maintain and organize, a thing we all know techies hate the worst.
Re:I don't like it... (Score:1)
Re:Finally the chance to abolish WINS (Score:1)
Speaking as someone who uses SMB over TCP/IP from Windows 95, Windows NT, FreeBSD, and most commonly, Linux. As near as I can tell, there are no WINS servers on our network (95 machines are set to use DNS, NT machines have blank WINS entries), but everything works fine.
Multiple names (Score:1)
think about search engines (Score:1)
The Macintosh has its "sherlock" system right now, which lets you use the same UI to access a bunch of different search engines. Similarly, there's a way to provide an interface to Netscape so that typing in "? searchterm1 searchterm2" instead of a URL will work (the Google site describes how to configure Netscape to use Google for this). I'm sure there's something similar for Internet Explorer
A standardized interface for this sort of thing that all search engines and client software could agree upon would be a *very* good thing.
You could even end up with a hierarchical search engine -- if a site has a "robots" file that prevents it from being externally indexed, but *also* provides this unified interface, then some searches could transparently be forwarded to the site's own engine (eg. I could do a search on slashdot and get included up-to-date hits on freshmeat and linxutoday). This should do wonders for outdated links.
Re:Reality Check (Score:1)
If your point is that corperations are pushing it into their intranets cause it was quite the buzzword for awhile, I'll agree. It does make storing vast amounts of hierachial data very fast, but so does
Re:The article is already wrong -- blackslashes? (Score:1)
"Smart" browsing... (Score:1)
Seems more useful to build a quick site search. If you are looking for a 1996 Budget Report, there are bound to be a bunch of them on any decent sized company's intranet (i.e., one for each department, etc) so a CN solution could be painful ("Budget Report for 1996 for the Marketing Department" --oops, no, it's "Marketing Department 1996 Budget Report"...) but a site search would give you a whole set of choices right off. And it's a damn sight easier, too, than having to name all of your documents in every way that you think someone might try to access them...
Re:The article is already wrong -- blackslashes? (Score:1)
3.2.1 General Syntax
URIs in HTTP can be represented in absolute form or relative to some
known base URI, depending upon the context of their use. The two
forms are differentiated by the fact that absolute URIs always begin
with a scheme name followed by a colon.
URI = ( absoluteURI | relativeURI ) [ "#" fragment ]
absoluteURI = scheme ":" *( uchar | reserved )
relativeURI = net_path | abs_path | rel_path
net_path = "//" net_loc [ abs_path ]
abs_path = "/" rel_path
rel_path = [ path ] [ ";" params ] [ "?" query ]
path = fsegment *( "/" segment )
fsegment = 1*pchar
segment = *pchar
params = param *( ";" param )
param = *( pchar | "/" )
scheme = 1*( ALPHA | DIGIT | "+" | "-" | "." )
net_loc = *( pchar | ";" | "?" )
query = *( uchar | reserved )
fragment = *( uchar | reserved )
pchar = uchar | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+"
uchar = unreserved | escape
unreserved = ALPHA | DIGIT | safe | extra | national
escape = "%" HEX HEX
reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+"
extra = "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ","
safe = "$" | "-" | "_" | "."
unsafe = CTL | SP | | "#" | "%" | "<" | ">"
national = <any OCTET excluding ALPHA, DIGIT,
reserved, extra, safe, and unsafe>
I'd say they fall under national
Re:Finally the chance to abolish WINS (Score:1)
Now does anyone know how to make dhcpd under linux tell windows machines where the wins server is?
My guess is it's something like
option wins {}
Size Matters (Score:1)
Let's say you're PricewaterhouseCoopers. You are the the recent merger of two huge companies that are over a century old. You have 150,000 people worldwide who need documents on everything from tax incentives in Botswana to OS/400 vulnerabilities. Even if you could organize all the data available in the firm, you'd never know when somebody who specializes in electronic banking might suddenly need to know about the Japanese fishing industry. File system? "Properly organized web site?" As if!
I've pointed it out before, but little of the slashdot readership has experience with enterprises on this scale, so I'm just offering some perspective from someone who does.
The purpose of the Common Name Resolution Protocol (Score:2)
I think that this protocol would lead to sloppier web site design. Yes, I've looked for information before and wound up on a page with alpha(-numeric-)bet soup for a URL, but if the site (inter- or intra- net) was organized better it wouldn't have to be like that. If you needed an annual report, it would be great if you could just go to the company's website and find it in two clicks, or just go right to It seems that whenever I'm trying to look for something that I think is fairly straightforward on a website, I have to jump through multiple hoops to find it.
great, mail to John Smith would go to how many people?Re:Finally the chance to abolish WINS (Score:1)
WINS never should have existed in the first place. I don't want another naming service to mess with at all - on our UNIX boxes we have NIS host resolution off and it uses just DNS, if MS would make their stuff a bit more flexable the same could be true for the PC world. For the most part every modern platform can talk DNS. Any new protocal that comes out will have to be added to existing sytems - I don't want to mess with doing this. This whole name resolution nightmare was created by MS, make them change to fix it not the rest of us.
Speculation (Score:1)
Presumably, as a sys admin, you have a web server running. Along comes your boss to tell you to implement the common name protocal. Here we go:
1. You set up some sort of Directory Server. This will store the mapping and define the category schema's of your intranet's store of documents. Depnding on how logical your file systems schema's is, your directory schema might be very similar.
2. You add entries to your directory server - one for every document you wish to be accessible by common names. Good thing about this: your entry names can contain spaces
3. Browsers, once they support it, will allow you to configure a directory server to point at (Netscape already does, for use with your address book).
4. Browsers will have functionality such that when you type in a document name, it searches said directory server, beginning at a particular root, for said entry. Results are returned, I suppose
5. You have do cocurrently maintain your filesystem in synch with your directory server, or alternatively, develop a tool which allows some sort of method to 'check in' a document to your intranet that handles the moving of the file to the proepr location on the file system and additionaly adds an entry to the directory structure reflecting its location in your document hierarchy.
6. Your end users only have to remember document names, not full paths, but they will get different results based on search roots. (Ie
Keep in mind this is a speculation of how it will be implemented. I have lots of directory server experience, but as of yet I have yet to see it implemented as a layer beween a brower and a file structure.
Hope this helps - it's not exactly a search engine, and it does end up in more work for the sys admin, as far as I'm concerned. And as always, I never suggest that I'm always right.
Perhaps a blessing for other languages? (Score:1)
So I say - go Common Name Resolution Protocol!
Security? (Score:1)
"What is now proved was once only imagin'd"
incredibly moronic (Score:1)
"For example, typing in the word "Apple" might bring up Apple Computer's Web site or information about growing apples, depending on the context of the request. "
Of course, I also note that the quote says "depending on the context of the request," but isn't that delving, still, into the realm of some sort of pseudo-AI, high-tech search engine? Is this necessary? Are we having soo many problems finding web pages? Or is it some attempt to make us think we're being "more efficient" (re: lazy) while really making us work more? Hmmmm.......
I think it's a waste of time, money, effort, and the lives of the members of the task/action team...and I personally don't like it one bit (could ya tell?)
Re:Size Matters (Score:1)
I have experience in enterprises of large scale
However, I'll step back a little on my position on the basis that lots of companies
Re:incredibly moronic (Score:1)
Re:Security? (Score:1)
There are a variety of different security restrictions you can impose on an entry that allows various actions depdning on who is doing the query.
Re:I don't like it... (Score:1)
OTOH, the real problem is that end users want to be able to type what they want in plain English (or the badly spelled, ungrammatical, punctuation- and capitalization-free crud that passes for end user English) and get exactly what they want, even if they aren't sure what they want and couldn't express it if they were. Just because you can reference a document as "1996 budget report" doesn't mean your pointy-haired boss isn't going to type "bugdet report 96".
DHCP and WINS (Score:2)
Re:The purpose of the Common Name Resolution Proto (Score:1)
It would probably work for something as boeings manual system (they probably have something like that) but you would basically have to do maintenance on both your server and client systems if youn would want to store something else.
I'm not sure yet what the common name resolution protocol exactly (the article was a bit vague on that and I don't feel like doing a search on the matter) is but I suspect it has something to do with organizing URL's into directories. Thus keywords have a context/directory specific meaning. If I'm in the directory
New Spin on Bookmarks? (Score:1)
I fear that this standard could eliminate a degree of freedom on the client side. If I use the pharase "emacs how-to" in the new system proposed, I have to rely on the fact that the person that created the database has selected the best emacs how-to source. I don't know that I would trust a stranger's expertise over mine in this area. Lord only knows the commercial abuse that could arise from this. I think sombody mentioned this in a previous post about a rouge ISP.
IMHO It seems at best this new idea eliminates at most one mouse click for those to lazy to do their own research.
Another thing... (Score:1)
1. As many people have pointed out, the CN has to be typed exactly. So if someone said "marketing budget 96" or something then they wouldn't find it. Perhaps URLs, by making people remember the string exactly, actually make things easier to find.
2. In a well-designed heirarchy, nobody should have to remember a web address/CN anyway.
YES!!!!!!!!! (Score:1)
Somebody moderate that comment up. And everybody heed this fellow's advice.
seeding the database. (Score:1)
What about dots and dashes? (Score:2)
For end users, the standard means no longer having to remember or type in a series of dots, dashes and backslashes in order to find the information they need.
Umm, is it just me, or is a "series of dots and dashes" completely meaningless?
It sounds like the author has confused morse code and HTTP... I've never seen any url that looked like\.-..-\..-\\-....--.-...
I think this is a good thing (Score:1)
I think directories are better than url's for one reason: URL are tied to physical locations and directories are not. For instance my email address (don't flame please) is tied to Yahoo. If for whatever reason I would want to change provider, I would have to notify everybody I know not to use that address anymore. The same applies to documents. I don't give a flying fuck on which server company X has stored document Y, I just want to access it quickly.
The way I see it company X would store it's document Y somewhere and link one or more keywords in one or more directories to its location (i.e.
By using a local server access can be controlled. By linking the local server into another server (again under a directory), a global directory system can be created.
This also makes searching a lot easier. Unlike with domain names, it would be no problem for each individual to have a unique branch in this global directory tree (for instance
me too... (Score:1)
Exactly my fear. Imagine I have a site that deals with apples and pears. Do I have to register with someone so that people can find me? Will I have to outbid Apple Computers? Will I get sued for being referenced as "apple"? Who the hell is going to find MY site by looking up "apples and pears". I'm sure someone else has the same sick fascinations as I.
As far as intranets go, you should have enough control over internal documents that navigation to them shouldn't be that difficult. On big sites, an internal search engine works fine as well.
Sometimes I thinks these standards bodies just want to give O'Reilly another book to sell.
Re:Multiple names (Score:1)
Joe Rabinoff
It already exists (Score:1)
Seriously, who ever types in URLs these days? I don't. They are all generated by Altavista searchs, following links, saved bookmarks. I don't think I am unusual in this either.
This common-name proposal seems to be Yet Another One of those marketing schemes designed to raise money without providing value in return.
Re:Is this REALLY all that beneficial? (Score:1)
that's the promise of technology, isn't it -- letting it make our lives easier? how in the world can "" be considered better than "yadda from whatever"
see my point? no matter how logically the sites are organized (and i'm all for that), the jargon still gets in the way.
Re:Why abandon URLs? (Score:1)
They're rarely used 'properly' and that's because 'proper URL' are no standard. Basically you're saying: if people don't behave badly there's no problem. Well people behave badly so there is a problem.
URNs? (Score:1)
Re:incredibly moronic (Score:1)
Contexts are parameters that are sent along with
the Common-name (read as "unstructured string").
One such context is locale (us/ga/atlanta).
Re:Who was the author? (Score:1)
Re:Reality Check (Score:1)
1) CNRP is not based on LDAP. The fact that the DIT uses the term CN is really just an acronym
conflict. CNRP isn't based on LDAP or X.500 at all. One particular reason is that CNRP deals only in flat spaces. I.e. common-names are meant to be unstructured flat strings.
2) it is aimed at the Internet in general but, like DNS, it can and should be used at each organizational level to allow for the existence of local names. We fully expect global CNRP services to be offered by the likes of RealNames, AOL, etc.
Re:think about search engines (Score:1)
There is also one feature of this that differentiates it from general search engines: intent. I.e. if I search for "1996 Budget" in Altavista or any search engine I'm going to get not only the documemt I wanted but also any document that also mentions it. CNRP would only return the document that was specficially meant to be bound with that common-name.
no RFC, no Internet Standard (Score:1)
Re:Perhaps a blessing for other languages? (Score:1)
to be ironed out but CNRP itself won't really care since those are server side issues.
Re:Security? (Score:1)
Re:It already exists (Score:1)
Re:URNs? (Score:1)
URNs, URLs, and common-names all occupy different niches within an over all structure of Internet naming and addressing.
Re:no RFC, no Internet Standard (Score:1)
Comments from one of the authors (Score:1)
1) This isn't LDAP and isn't related to X.500 (regarldess of the two using the term 'common-name').
2) CNRP based names are unstructured, flat (probably Unicode) strings. I.e. no-hierarchy. You can put slashes in the names but they won't mean anything to the protocol.
3) A given name can be accompanied by one or more 'contexts'. A context qualifies the name by giving the query some kind of scope. Two examples of
common contexts are locale (give me names that are valid only for this geographic region) and topic (give me names that are related to computing as opposed to agriculture).
4) CNRP names are not unique. This means that two entities can both use the same name (assuming you aren't using trademarks and then that just an issue for courts to decide). I.e. remember the '' thing? Well in that case both the kid and the cartoon character can have the same common-name of 'pokey'. Both would appear as a result if the provided contexts also matched.
5) You can get involved! The intent is that this should be an IETF working group (that's still pending). If you want to get involved then join the mailing list and do so. You can find the list archive and subscription details at:
One more thing (Score:1)
than likely not the intended user base. In much the same was that backbone router people tend to think about and use IP addresses more than they do domain-names, URLs will probably be used by us geeks more often than not.
When you think of who might get the most use out of CNRP think about your grandmother, your parents or your boss.
Re:incredibly moronic (Score:1)
Thanks for the correction
Re:Reality Check (Score:1)
Re:I don't like it... (Score:1)
It's just like the online columnists that say "Linux is not ready for the desktop, because it's not idiot-proof enough for the end-users." If Linux has to be dumbed down that much to become 'standard,' then it's probably best that it never does. I kinda like it as it is right now.
stack. the off
Re:It already exists (Score:1)
> "1996 Budget Report" and I ask Altavista I'm
> going to get everything that even mentions it.
And how is the CNRP better? Someone pays to get a CNRP name attached to their `1996 budget report' URL, what is the likelihood that the returned report is the one that you wanted to retrieve? Damn poor, IMHO. Even when restricted to a company/intranet, which department's 1996 report should be returned? I'd rather not have a CNRP mechanism silently winnowing down my choices, thank you.
As far as the Intranet angle goes, the Intranet administrator has the option of setting up a private search engine database, utilizing any of the search engine database building software that is available, some of it GPLed. This would enable you, the user, to search for all 1996 reports restricted to just your Intranet, thereby automatically ignoring those 1996 reports out on the WWW. It's just too easy.
Clearly, the proposers of CNRP are either clueless about what can be done today, or they are pushing something slimy.
Re:It already exists (Score:1)
post was from me....bad formatting and all...
Re:Site searches (Score:1)
One of the main points of the goals draft is that there is no such thing as a "private namespace". I.e. RealNames may provide a CNRP service that contains tradenames but that doesn't mean they end up 'owning' those tradenames. They own their database but that's it. Anyone else can come along and setup a similar database if they have the data to put in it.
People are Dumb (Score:1)
This is a Pipe Dream (Score:1)
"The Common Name standard could eventually be integrated with e-mail standards to allow end users to send messages without knowing the recipient's e-mail address."
Are you kidding? So, if I write an email message for my friend, then just type "Jason Smith" in the Common Name address field, it'll automatically figure out which Jason Smith will receive it? This sounds like just one more namespace that will quickly fill up and become even more confusing than http's for the regular public.
Why don't they fast-track IPv6 so I can get my own friggin IP addresses??