K7 vs. Pentium III benchmarks 159
The Register has published some benchmarks which they got
from an engineer who works at ACER. Personally I would not count on
those numbers because: 1. the motherboard is just a sample and not a final
product, and 2. The OS is Win2K Beta 3 WinHEC APR 99 release. What do you think?
Totally Unreliable (Score:1)
They're only being repeated in the register because the register has apparently got something against AMD (they're actually talking about suing AMD elsewhere on the site - just go to their front pages, and follow a few of their other AMD links)
The register isn't usually a hugely reliable source anyway. Out of the UK sites, Need To Know is much better.
Re:Pentium III XEON (Score:1)
DON'T believe The Register -
a) it's never been particularly reliable
b) these benchmarks are complete crap that a student in thailand just wrote off the top of his head ( he'd not an ACER employee, just goes aroung calling himself AcerManPS ) They're completely unreliable and unsubstantiated.
c) the register are only printing it because they've been fighting with AMD lately -just check out their other AMD stories ( such as the one about the register suing AMD)
Results of both machines basically the same (Score:2)
> CPUMark99
> - K7@600MHz 68.4 Mark
> - Pentium III@600MHz 70.1 Mark
> FPUWinMark (CPU Floating Point Performance does
> - K7@600MHz 2,819 Mark
> - Pentium III@600MHz 3,104 Mark
(1 - 70.1/68.4) * 100 ~= 2.49%
(1 - 3104/2819) * 100 ~= 10.1%
2.49% It's a benchmark. Benchmarks don't measure
real world performance. 2.49% difference is
10.1% That is a little more, but once again, it
is just a laboratory benchmark. Plus, the bus
speed on the K6 is signicantly lower.
Trusted Sites (Score:2)
Lesson: Don't trust the Register unless you write for them.
K7 good enough? Motorola should buy AMD. (Score:3)
Having said that, AMD has a real uphill struggle on it's hands. They are ramping up the K7 on their 0.25um process while Intel is just moving to its 0.18um process for the P-III and P-III Xeon. And it's not just any old 0.18um process, according to a Register article I can't find right now and another recent article on comp.arch [dejanews.com] it has a lot of stuff that makes it more like a 0.13um process in some ways.
AMD really need to break into the high end on x86, otherwise Intel can keep killing them by pressing them into the sub-$100 space where they can't make any money. I wouldn't mind a K7-500 for under $100 though :-).
I will never understand why Motorola doesn't buy up the x86 part of AMD. AMD is cheap right now, they have a very good x86 design in the K7 and Motorola has the fabs. Are Motorola just going to leave the x86 market to Intel? Are they going to keep betting on the PowerPC to take off? Again and again, AMD has had a good design only to be outspent and outmanaged on the fab front. Motorola has the fab experience, they just need something with a high profit margin to build in them. Take a look at the Intel bottom line, there's money to be made in that business.
By the way: Interesting to see how crippled the x87 architecture really is. This is said to be a similar implementation technology to the Alpha 21264 (done by some of the same people if I recall correctly), yet the floating point performance of the 21264 in its current 600MHz 0.35um process totally smokes current high end x86s including, it seems, the K7 at 0.25um.
Erik Corry, who can't remember his password
It's a fake benchmark perpetrated by one AcermanPS (Score:5)
He claimed to be working for Acer in Singapore but his IP address comes from Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand.
He is the same guy who, a few months ago, claimed that he can overclock Celeron 300A to 600 MHz using only a fan. When pressed, for details, he defaulted with no proof whatsoever.
What I think (Score:1)
I wonder if AMD is planning on moving the L2 on-chip and upping the L1L2 speed. That would be nice. DRAM sucks, it's way to slow.
What I really want to know is where they got those G400's and when they will become available. And how well they work under X. :-)
Re:I like AMD's cache architecture (Score:1)
The main reason why the K6-[123] had poor FPU performance was that the FPU unit wasn't pipelined. So while if you had to do one FPU instruction every once in a while, it was pretty fast (faster than chugging through the entire Intel pipeline) if you had to do a bunch of FPU calculations, it started going really slow, as it could only work on one at a time. Now the K7 has multiple FPU pipelines, so a whole bunch of floating-point instructions can be going all at once. Which lets it keep up with the P-II/III.
I'd like an alpha, except I hear Mozilla has big problems with the 64-bit architecture. That, and x86 chips are so darn cheap.
Re:I like AMD's cache architecture (Score:1)
Have things changed a lot since then?
Windows 2000 licence? (Score:3)
Not that surprising (Score:1)
For crying out loud, haven't you PC guys been eating the same dog meat for ten years? Even if it's terrific don't you get a little sick of the lack of variety? Especially now that billions of dollars have been spent to work out _all_ the big wins in the designs so there is nothing left but piddly little gains at phenomenal cost.
More than ever I'm happy I've been using PPC- now that's something I'd like to keep available, in all its 32 register, general purpose vector (128 bit) processing unit, 1 meg of cache glory. What do you think would happen if the industry put the same amount of energy behind that as it does behind x86? Yeah- it'd zip right past x86 and you'd be buying PII-like daughtercard things with _sixteen_ or _thirty-two_ PPCs all on the same die- and you'd have to run Linux (or Solaris or something) because NT or MacOS don't _scale_ to that extent yet!
Instead most people want to eat the same dog food over and over, even when they have to _replace_ their RAM, their MB etc anyway (you'd think that would tip them off).
Linux runs _quite_ nicely on PPC and you don't have to give money to Apple directly to do it- homebuild something, buy older powermacs used (top of the line ones from a couple years back) and get ones that can be upgraded to G3 simply and easily (i.e. most of them, by now). That or wait around forever for somebody to make PC PPC mobos while _you_ keep eating old dog food because you don't see anybody making new recipes, which they won't as long as you and everybody else are still gobbling up the old dog food as fast as they can make it.
I hope PPC (or Alpha, or *fill in blank*) _does_ end up stomping all over x86. But if it does not, I don't regret for a second that I was willing to try it and see. I _like_ the way my PPCs work. I was able to get some frags on q3test against G3 guys and I only have a 200Mhz 604e on a slow bus! (unsupported, and running the Mesa libs) PPC is _so_ underestimated. (ok, end rant. phew.)
Intel's Marketing (Score:1)
Promoting poorly-designed sites with more fluff than content for their own financial well-being... .
That AMD doesn't do that sort of thing (and doesn't have Intel's deceptive advertising) is among the reasons I favor them.
AGFUD (Score:1)
I'll believe it when I believe it. When I see some benchmarks on non-sample, commercially-available hardware, using an operating system that ISN'T vaporware, then I'll start paying attention. This is beyond FUD -- it's AGFUD. (AG meaning "Axe Grinding")
Re:Are these really THAT far fetched? (Score:1)
Re:I agree this benchmark is suspect (Score:1)
I agree that the K6-III gets a real boost from its onchip L2, but remember that the K7 has 128Kb of L1, and this should be enough to compensate the "slow" half speed L2.
For the FPU, you're right, I should not draw conclusions from the tech docs, but the K7's FPU is something AMD seems really proud of
If theese numbers are true, I really wonder why AMD hired all theese Alpha designers, and what they've been doing for the past 2 years
Oh, another "weird" thing is that the tested K7 is supposed to run its L2 at 1/3 core speed. I thought that AMD demonstrated both 500Mhz and 600Mhz K7s with half speed cache (but I may be wrong)
Looks like FUD (Score:5)
Ok, so a K7 is slower at WinStone than a P3 at the same frequency ?? This would be VERY SURPRISING given that even the K6-III WS scores are significantly higher than a P3 at same clock speed. This would mean that the K7 is outperformed by a K6-III and I just can't belive this.
Let's compare the CPUs die sizes also :
K6-III : 91 sqmm
Pee!!! : about 120 sqmm
K7 : about 185 sqmm
K6-III 91 sqmm includes 64Kb L1 and 256Kb L2, K7 just have 128Kb L1 on die
So, if you got my point, the K7 is more than double the silicon size of the K6, so what do you think they put in
Another strange thing is that the K7 system uses and AMD chipset and DRDRAM. ALI is one of the supposed K7 chipset manufacturers
The FPU numbers are quite funny too
I won't trust any benchmark numbers unless they come from a reliable source, and the register, obviously, is not one (but we already knew it
Smells bad (Score:3)
Re:K7 good enough? Motorola should buy AMD. (Score:1)
To get its hand on a good x86 design
Last year AMD had sale of something like 2.5 billion dollars. Last _quarter_, Motorola had sales of 7.2 billion. And Intel? 7.1 billion last quarter.
Precisely. AMD is too small to be taking on Intel. Motorola could take the K7 design and run with it.
The rumour mill has Compaq buying AMD. I think they need to be bought by someone who knows how to run a fab and who won't be in competition with AMD's customers.
x86 is a dying technology
Merced is rumoured to be a flop, McKinley is rumoured to be late, Alpha is still not taking off. Sure x86 is dying, but it has been for years and that hasn't stopped Intel making a fortune on it. Remember, Windows 2000 is either going to be W98/DOS-based or late or both, so where does that leave non-x86 designs for the mainstream? Some years off.
The PowerPC 750 is a damn fine chip.
I'm sure it is, and Motorola should keep building it, but its not where the volume is, and that's not going to change. And while they are doing OK, they don't have any sort of performance lead over the `dying' x86 chips: According to The CPU Info Centre [berkeley.edu] they get maximally 17.6 SPECint95s at 400MHz in Motorola's 0.22um process, while Intel is well into the twenties [spec.org] at 0.25um (I think).
Re:There is now way these are true. (Score:1)
Are you counting back generations form the 8080?
8080 -> 8086 -> 80186 -> 80286 -> 80386 -> 80486 -> Pentium -> Pentium Pro -> Pentium II -> Pentium III
But even then before that was a 4040, or was it a 4004, I don't recall.
Re:The benchmarks are fake (Score:1)
i think you should go back and read the article!
i meant that it says both 133 and 200mhz as the fsb for the K7 system. which is not quite right: 200mhz ev6 bus is plausible. 133mhz SDRAM is plausible - but it says RDRAM@600Mhz!!
would an acer engineer make those kind of mistakes? sounds like a kiddy who pulled jargon of various sites.
get an alpha (Score:1)
You can get a motherboard with onboard uw scsi, ethernet and 2MB L3 cache for the price of a high-end P11 board.
That's 533MHz, 8+8KB L1 cache@cpu clock, 96KB L2 @cpu clock and 2MB L3 @66mhz - and beats the pants off *any* intel chip at floating point. All at the same price, maybe less, than the latest intel stuff.
better still - it'll clock to 600, maybe even 667.
anybody considering doing 3d rendering should get an alpha rather than intel.
Re:get an alpha (Score:1)
Have a look on www.alphalinux.org, there's links to vendors like dginc, who can probably put a nice system together for about $1500.
The benchmarks are fake (Score:3)
Look at it: it talks about USB2.0 (not ratified).
600MHz rdram doesn't exist.
one minute it says 133mhz fsb, next it says 200mhz.
it's a fake.
Re:The benchmarks are fake (Score:2)
And there doesn't seem to be any sort of inconsistancy with the FSB rates. They're exactly what every media story has mentioned for the associated chips, 200mhz for the K7 and 133 for the PIII.
Go back and reread the article.
I like AMD's cache architecture (Score:1)
Didn't K6-3 have on-chip L2? If they did it there, they'll likely do it to K7. IIRC, that was the move that made AMD start benching faster than PIII (but not Xeon) for non-FP stuff. A K6-3 would still make a bloody nice webserver, and K7 can do SMP, right?
I'm impressed that (if the tests are true, no way of telling) AMD finally has a machine that appears to be able to keep up w/Intel in FP performance. 3DNow! aside (since it's only used in a few specific applications, and Intel has their own SSE), the old K6 core was pretty pathetic in the FP department, about 40% slower than an equivalently clocked PentiumMMX.
But if K7 can keep up
I guess we're all being stupid. If we want fast computers we should abandon this 20 year old mickey mouse architecture and go buy Alphas. Mmmm, Alphas.
I don't think HD matters (Score:1)
Of course, I'd still like to verify this m'self. How about a K7, AMD?
I agree this benchmark is suspect (Score:1)
- Die size: this is an early K7 built on the
- The k6-3 has L2 on chip, a significant speed boost for non-FP stuff. I imagine AMD will hurry up and add this to the next run of K7's.
- Don't draw any conclusions from white papers on FPU design. Benchmarks are benchmarks. I wouldn't trust anything written about those FPUs, there's just no way to tell what weird stuff will affect performance (e.g. PPro core is fast, but very easy to stall. Result --- some poorly-compiled programs get lousy performance)
Register is NOT suing, read the article (Score:1)
Try reading the article you're recommending, Should The Register sue AMD? [theregister.co.uk] Despite the title that caused you to make an unwarranted leap to a foregone conclusion, they're NOT suing. The title is partly tongue in cheek, and partly asking for opinions from readers, but the key part of the article says "...So we're inclinded not to be litigious."
An American lawyer is quoted in the article as offering to represent The Register, and recommended that they make certain demands before they offer to refrain from suing...but it's not the Register that said that.
Yet another example of why you should read stories (and read them reasonably carefully) before jumping to conclusions.
(But yes, it's obvious the benchmarks are fakes, as you say; as to the reliability of the Register, I don't know their track record overall, and I don't read them regularly, but I've noticed a number of articles over time that were in fact accurate and did seem to be the one of the first sources to break new news, so I wouldn't discount them out of hand, either.)
PIII = No privacy (Score:1)
PIII Xeon (Score:1)
Anyway if these are right (and, IMO, they're not) then everything you've been told about the FPU of the K7 is wrong. Right?
The Register is not a good source for much. I am not familiar with the benchmark program, but believe time will show this to be baloney.
Re:im poor....--not fud (Score:1)
that would be cool, until you hit 4, when linux's smp hits the wall, i haven't heard when linux is supposed to do 16 well, though i doubt i'll get that many processors any time soon...really, how many people do you know with 16way smp boards?
Re:WTF is up with you bashing Acer? (Score:1)
Re:Results of both machines basically the same (Score:1)
Are these really THAT far fetched? (Score:1)
If you take a look at chip pricing today. You will see that the AMD K6-III is currently more expensive than the PentiumII-450 (by about $39) and even the PentiumIII-450 (by about $25). What makes anyone think that when the K7 comes out it will be so much cheaper than Intel offerings. Companies are in business to make a profit. AMD is a company. Therefore, and this goes especially for AMD, getting profit it the bottom line. AMD has been losing money because of trying to sell their processors to cheap. A company can only do this for so long. When the Premium K7 comes out its also going to come out with a Premium price tag. Just like the Intel chips. So please, don't continue to think that the K7 will be a cheap chip. Performance has its price.
Taking the also very naive idea that Intel cant build a better chip than AMD is also idiotic. While in my eyes the K7 currently appears to be a better processor than the CURRENT PentiumIIIs. What makes anyone think that Intel cant do better than them? When prototype samples of the K7 are out, who do you think some of the first people to have their hands on the specimens are? I guarantee you Intel techs are some of those people. Intel knows what AMD is up to long before you and I do. And is it really that far fetched that there could be a pro-Intel guy working for AMD? Or vice-versa? Welcome to corporate America where _Everyone_ has their price (Except Linus Torvalds apparently.
We can crown a processor as king these days, but not for very long. And in all actuality its impossible to say who makes a better chip. AMD may bring out its K7, but in the fairly long time they have been designing this chip, who knows what Intel, Motorola, IBM and even 'lil Cyrix have come up with. One company may squeeze ahead for a while, but another one may squeeze by and take the lead from them. It will be interesting to see as the months (and years) go by who will come out on top. Who knows, maybe a few years from now we will all be running Linux on Cyrix chips. Hey, It could happen to Cyrix, did YOU think 3 years ago that AMD would pose such a threat to Intel's happy little camp?
These may actully be GOOD benchmarks for AMD... (Score:1)
Somone above did the math and found it was only 2% slower in one test, and 10% in the other. If AMD price their chip 25% less than intels, then with two CPU's of the same price, you still come out ahead, even with floating point (floating point performance is what has kept me with intel cpus up until now, so no I'm not an AMD zealot, just noting some math
Has anybody told AMD? (Score:1)
Re:I like AMD's cache architecture (Score:1)
Re:RDRAM on a PIII? (Score:1)
Re:Pentium III XEON (Score:1)
Re:Pentium III XEON (Score:1)
Re:WTF is up with you bashing Acer? (Score:1)
If it were my cdrom, I would be proud of it
The P3-600's use a 133 Bus. (Score:1)
Looks like a Hoax (Score:1)
It appears that more bits have been found out about the source of these "Acer" benchmarks. Found this posted on the forum: "This is a fake benchmark perpetrated by a guy who called himself AcermanPS. He lurks around at a Thai webboard called www.pantip.com at tech-exchange section. He claimed to be working for Acer in Singapore but his IP address comes from Kasetsart University in
Bangkok, Thailand. He is the same guy who, a few months ago, claimed that he can overclock Celeron 300A to 600 MHz using only a fan. When pressed, for details, he defaulted with no proof whatsoever."
There is now way these are true. (Score:2)
PIII: ppro w/mmx w/sse and slower cache (6th gen)
Even if the K7 sucked (probably won't) it would outperfrom the Pxxx at the same clock speed by at least 20%. The Register isn't exactly a reliable news source.
Re:I like AMD's cache architecture (Score:2)
If I recall the presentatino sheets correctly, the K7's L2 cache is a _backside_ cache and can be clocked at whatever speed they decide to ship it as. The front-side cache is an L3 cache.
WTF is up with you bashing Acer? (Score:1)
Check Tom's hardware... he rates one of their boards as being the most stable socket 7 board out there [tomshardware.com]. I've personally purchased three dozen computers based on Acer AP53, AP58, and AX59Pro motheboards for my customers over the past two years, and I've had no complaints at all. Most of these systems run NT Workstation 24/7 and get rebooted once a week at the most.
I ran Debian on a used AP53 with a Cyrix 166 and went two months without a reboot.
Don't knock hardware you don't have any experience with. Acer makes fine stuff.
yup. (Re:K7 good enough? Motorola should buy AMD. (Score:1)
Motorola is in a very good position to buy AMD (which is in a very bad position). It makes a lot of sense for a variaty of reasons. also IBM should consider buying AMD.
it's interesting that AMD's stock is so low that ARM has nearly the same market cap as AMD. this is funny since ARM has no FABs.
come to think about the FABs that AMD have alone are worth more then their current market cap.
check out my music [mp3.com]
you might actually like it.
SUPPOSE it's all true... (Score:1)
This would mean that aside from FPU, the K7 is roughly the performance levels of a K6 with an improved FPU (which is enough to throw considerable doubt on on the numbers, but is tangentical to my point).
This would mean that AMD has sacrificed more in the name of clockability that I had believed (recent reports from Sanders seem to indicate that MHz is king again and that's AMD's primary goal). In this case, AMD had best ramp the clock speeds up into the stratosphere quickly -- something they'll need to do even if the numbers are completely bogus.
Another possibility: is this benchmark first and foremost a L2 cache speed test?
Re:Apparently you people don't understand (Score:1)
Re:Pentium III XEON (Score:1)
That is the *NOT* the P3, but Intel Coppermine! (Score:1)
It will trail the K7 by 3 months to market.
The Coppermine is like the Celeron only with TWICE the L2 cache and the P3 instruction set (with SSE).
I think AMD will do MUCH BETTER once SLDRAM is on the market (i.e. the latency of DRDRAM just sux!).
RDRAM does exist; spec for 700MHz is already out (Score:1)
Just so there's no confusion, Direct Rambus [rambus.com] DRAM (RDRAM) is a completely different memory architecture from the stuff in a regular PC. That's why the speeds are orders of magnitude faster
die size.. (Score:1)
Yes, and no. I'm not too sure on the dates. At the moment (I think, unless this is a one off chip...which I'd doubt) the K7 is .25u, but will be .18u when AMD get their collective sh_t together.
Re:Odd... (Score:1)
Proof! (Score:1)
K7-600 vs PIII-600
all peripherals identical
rebrane niftymark 3000 (integer operation test, MMX register not included)
- PIII: 3.6
- K7: 1,953,234
rebrane FPUmark 3000 (FPU operation test, 3DNOW register not included)
- PIII: 0.5
- K7: 5,230,193,294
As you can see, these results clearly and conclusively show the superiority of the K7 over the Pentium III. I hope this puts an end to this Register nonsense once and for all!
-- neil
Re:I don't think HD matters (Score:1)
I don't think so (Score:1)
Hard Drives (Score:1)
something smells here (Score:2)
Either way, if these are true I am really dissapointed. I was planning on replacing this machine with a dual K7 system just about as soon as the chips and boards came out. Also if these are true it could spell the end to that small thorn in Intel's side known as AMD, and that would be a real shame. It might just be an american thing about rooting for the underdog, but damn if i didn't want the K7 to come out and just wipe the floor with intel and its crappy PIII adds. (how in god's name does your processor make the internet faster? someone want to explain that one to me?)
If AMD goes down the only real competition I can see Intel meeting is the DEC Alpha.(sorry Compaq, in my heart it will always be a dec) Once everyone realizes that they are going to need to move everything to epic, both on the development side, porting to epic, and on the consumer side, buying all new apps, people might really consider the alpha because atleast in Linux as of now its distributions are stable, its compilers and libraries are getting more and more mature, and no matter what it will be more mature and more stable than merced, just because it will have been around a lot longer. But I digress.
Someone please prove these benchmarks are crap...besides the fact that they came from acer
I would hate to see AMD go down now, getting so close but not quite knocking intel down.
Possible sources of error (Score:2)
1. Win 2k beta 3? why in gods name would you try and pass any type of reputable benchmark off on an operating system that isn't done yet.
2. Acer computers...need anyone say any more about that?
3. Intel FUD, acer, being a crappy company that makes crappy computers is just fine with being used as a toy for Intel's PR department. The last time I checked I didn't know acer made anything with an AMD chip in it, but I could be very wrong, I've been building my own machines for a while and don't stop to look at the specs on acer's most recent POS at compusa or wherever they sell them.
4. Timing, last I heard the K7 wasn't in final production yet so its also a beta chip.
Beta OS, beta chip, crappy company, looks like a load of BS to me.
Cheap Computers make more money???? (Score:1)
Ihaven't been impressed by the reliability of (Score:1)
AMD has quite a nice little religion forming (Score:1)
Nothing against them, I wish them the best and I think competition is good but why should anyone believe that these benchmarks are incorrect? (why should they believe them?) The K7 has impressive sounding specs but I've never known a chip company to underestimate their product's performance. Intel has never exaclty sat on their butts while a competitors made something amazing either, it sounds like the K7 and the P3 are about the same, as I would expect it.
I'm guessing that the K7 will perform on par with Intel's best and it's cost will also be on par with Intel's.
Re:Try reading! (Score:1)
Re:There is now way these are true. (Score:1)
4040/4004 we will call 0th gen
8080, 8086, 80186 are all 1st gen
80286 is second gen
80386 is 3rd gen
80486 is 4th gen
Pentium is 5th gen
Pentium Pro is 6th gen
Pentium II is 6th gen (PPro with slow cache and MMX)
Pentium II Xeon is 6th gen (P2 with fast cache)
Pentium III is 6th gen (P2 with SSE)
Pentium III Xeon is 6th gen (P3 with fast cache)
intel have not released a new architecture since the PPro god knows how long ago. The K7 is 7th gen.
Pretty good denouncement of this FUD (Score:5)
> I'm a hardware research engineer from Acer Inc. (Singapore)
Do we have any proof of this? No.
> K7 test machines CPU K7 600MHz (FSB 200MHz x 3.0) 600MHz 128KB L1 Cache
> 2-way associative 200MHz 512KB L2 Cache 4-way associative EV6 BUS
> Controller L2 Cache Speed 1/3 FSB
Everyone on this message board has mentioned this part spec dozens of times, this could easily be expected.
>RAM TI Direct RDRAM 256MB at 600MHz
I believe Intel RDRAM spec is twin concurrent 16bit busses at 800mhz, not 600mhz. This would support the claims of 3.2GB/sec and multiples thereof with interleaving. Also, Sony has speced their PSX2 as having an 800mhz RDRAM bus. Nintendo RDRAM runs at 433mhz. I don't know of anyone making 600mhz rdram because nobody apparently intends to use it. I believe this is fake.
> Matrox Millennium G400MAX 32MB SGRAM 360MHz RAMDAC Resolution 1600x1200 32
> Bpp 85Hz
The card's been announced, everyone who read the press release saw it and full specs.
> Harddisk IBM Ultra3 SCSI 6ms 10.0 GB
Nobody makes a SCSI HD in 10.0GB. They're all multiples of 2.255GB. 4.55, 9.1, 18.2, 36.4 are all currently shipping capacities. I don't believe IBM has shown a U3W prototype yet, only Quantum has that I'm aware of. Also, there is no controller listed in this spec, and I haven't yet seen any manufacturer talking about and upcoming U3W controller for anytime this year. Not believable.
> Mainboard AMD Sample Chipset
> Northbridge AMD Irongate AGP4X SouthBridge AMD Cobra ATA66 USB 2.0
Chip names but no numbers. I believe the names were on AMD presentations or discussed at comp shows or shown on roadmaps. We obviously expect AGP 4x. Intel has not even finalized the USB 2.0 spec yet, so support for this in an already existing chipset is nonsense.
> OS-Windows 2000 Beta 3 WinHEC April 99 Release
Nobody in their right mind would run benchmark comparisons on a beta OS.
> P-III test machines CPU Pentium III Coppermine 600MHz (FSB 133MHzx4.5)
> 600MHz 32KB L1 Cache 4-way associative 600MHz 256KB L2 Cache on-die 4-way
> associative
We all expect this part eventually. Nothing new in the specs for it.
> Mainboard Intel Sample Chipset Northbridge
> FW82820 AGP4X Southbridge FW82801AA ATA66 USB 2.0
Chip numbers for this can probably be easily extrapolated from current intel partnumbers. We've been hearing for weeks about delays in the "intel 820" chipset. We know it will support agp4x and ata66 (not that anyone cares about ata66). I'm very confident it will NOT support USB 2.0 as intel has announced that will be coming up for early 2000.
> WinBench99 Version 1.1 ( 5 times measure ) CPUMark99 (CPU Integer
> Performance Not include MMX register) - K7@600MHz 68.4 Mark - Pentium
> III@600MHz 70.1 Mark
This is quite likely made up. The scores on the PIII which could be considered a "known" are way off from projections from standard clocks and results from overclocked systems. Sorry, this is most likely numbers drawn out of a hat and adjusted to make the K7 look bad.
> FPUWinMark( CPU Floating Point Performance Not Include
> MMX,SSE,3DNow!,FSTORE Extendtion register ) - K7@600MHz 2,819 Mark -
> Pentium III@600MHz 3,104 Mark
Again, probably random numbers.
Now I have to ask, how many people on here would not know where to find the press releases, product roadmaps, and rumored info to construct this kind of sham? The accuracy of the description is the only thing that makes it believable to any of us. The more you actually know about this upcoming hardware, the easier it is to fake, because you can get the audience's confidence with known facts and then slip the lies in at the end.
Re:PIII Xeon (Score:1)
Re:something smells here (Score:1)
I think it has the ability to suck harder on your phone line than most other processors can.
Smells like a sock monkey (Score:1)
Yes, give this one some time. I think we'll see these figures become more realistic. I don't think AMD will disappoint us on price, either.
Another ß Windows 2K? Hmm. We're not even internally supporting Office 2K until June, which is ready to ship AFIAK.
Benchmarks? (Score:1)
I wouldn't trust Acer. (Score:1)
Re:get an alpha (Score:1)
a while back I got a quote fo $1,400 for PC164UX2 and 533CPU, but There is some way to get this for 5-600 ill do do it.
Re:There is now way these are true. (Score:1)
1st Gen: 8086/8088/80186/80188
2nd Gen: 80286
3rd Gen: 80386[DX|SX]
4th Gen: 80486[DX|SX|DX2|DX4]
5th Gen: Pentium / Pentium MMX
6th Gen: Pentium Pro / Pentium II / Pentium III
Note that the Pentium Pro thru the Pentium III all share the same basic core, with the PII adding MMX and the PIII adding SIMD instructions to it.
Calling the K7 a seventh generation CPU would mean that it has a new basic microarchitecture after that of the PPro (which it does)
Re:something smells here (Score:2)
Re:I like AMD's cache architecture (Score:1)
Actually IBM would be a better choice for a buyer (Score:1)
r4d1c4L d00d! (Score:1)
Sounds more like an Acer engineer fell asleep at his keyboard and had some kind of hardware-based wetdream.
TravelMate indeed!
Re:The benchmarks are fake (Score:1)
Re:Divide That By Price (Score:1)
Re:I would like to explain how a CPU makes intern. (Score:1)
forgot to login .
Can u use an alpha on a pentium motherboard (Score:1)
Re:Proof! (Score:1)
looks like you've got even more proof than that other guy... hehehe
10.1 GB (Score:1)
I think I'm confused... (Score:1)
P.S. I wonder if AMD will put fun little IDs in their chips like Intel.
The Problems with Benchmarks (Score:1)
Well isn't this just *nice*. All scientific and wonderful. There's a problem, though, scientific studies are built on their ability to be *reproduced*. These results are not reproducable. No one has these systems. Furthermore the author has denied us even the oppertunity to contact him in order to find out what conditions the tests were undertaken as.
People, think back a week ago to the Mindspring-Microsoft scandal. That was a well-published, well-documented study claiming that Microsoft was better than Linux. And you know something? It was hogwash. All of it.
Benchmarks can just be affected *to* many ways for me to have much faith in well-documented tests. I *certainly* am not going to take the word of an anonymous test, no matter what he's waving about. Sorry, but I'll wait for the first real tests and take this as FUD.
--Virtual Adept
That's an IDE (Score:1)
I too have a 10.1 GB _IDE_ Deskstar by IBM.
They never said there were no hard drives that were 10 GB. They said no _SCSI_ hard drives at 10GB:
Harddisk IBM Ultra3 SCSI 6ms 10.0 GB
And yours isn't an Ultra3 SCSI is it?
If it is, let me know where you got it so I can get one.
Re:Are these really THAT far fetched? (Score:1)
Re:K7 good enough? Motorola should buy AMD. (Score:1)
x86 is a dying technology. Compaq knows it. Sun knows it. Motorola knows it. SGI should have known it.
Why should Motorola purchase AMD and saddle itself with a potential liability. Don't get me wrong, I really like AMD. I own 2 AMD boxes myself. But I think it would be a mistake for Motorola to enter this market. The PowerPC 750 is a damn fine chip. With LinuxPPC picking up speed and OpenStep 5.3 (err....MacOS X Server) running on the PPC750, I think Motorola is making the right decision in bidding their time.
Anytime you hear the Motorola is dropping the PowerPC, you can be sure that it is Intel FUD, pure and simple. Don't forget that Motorola virtually owns the embedded market and is making buckets of money that way.